Tuesday, August 5, 1975
Page Three
Tuesday, August 5, 1975 THE MICHiGAN DAILY Page Three
Ford considers Yugoslav arms deal
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (R) - Presi-
dent Ford headed for home last night
after promising President Tito he will
personally consider a Yugoslav request
to buy American arms. Ford also re-
ceived a measure of encouragement from
the Communist leader for U.S. policies in
the Middle East.
President Tito bid goodbye to the visit-
ing U.S. chief executive in an elaborate
airport departure ceremony featuring an
inspection of honor guards and a 21-
cannon salute. The presidential jet then
took off for Washington with a one-hour
refueling stop at Mildenhall Air Force
Base, England.
FORD AND Tito made a joint appear-
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final conference and talked in terms of
a successful visit by Ford, who has
toured five European countries in 10
Ford reported he gave his host a
promise of "my very personal attention"
to a Yugoslav bid to purchase American
arms and spare parts.
This independent Communist country
received $695 million in U.S. arms under
a program terminated at Belgrade's re-
quest in 1957.
THE SOVIET Union is Yugoslavia's
chief arms supplier, but Belgrade is
now reportedly seeking surface-to-air
missiles a n d sophisticated electronic
equipment from the United States in
addition to jet trainers, trucks, ammuni-
tion and replacement parts.
White House Press Secretary Ron Nes-
sen said Ford pledged to "carefully and
thoroughly examine" an arms shopping
list the Yugoslavs have sent to Wash-
By some accounts, Secretary of De-
fense James Schlesinger is less than en-
thusiastic about some of the proposed
weapons deliveries. And Yugoslav offi-
cials reportedly feel the price tags on
some are too high and that the arms be-
ing talked about could be of higher
TITO SURPRISED American newsmen
by saying about the Middle East: "I
think that our views are quite identical,
especially after I heard what President
Ford said about the actions the United
States intends to take in the future."
The surprise stemmed largely from a
statement Tito made in toasting Ford
at a state dinner Sunday-that he favors
creation of an independent Palestinian
state. The United States, while saying
that any settlement must respect the
legitimate rights of the Palestinians, has
never endorsed the idea of creating a
separate state for them.
Nessen said he did not know exactly
what Tio meant but declared, "We are
encouraged that President Tito as a lead-
er of the nonaligned world, does have a
positive view" of American efforts to
achieve peace in the Middle East.
Asked what "future actions" - Ford
might have discussed with Tito, Nessen
insisted the President and his advisers
merely restated publicly-expressed U.S.
Medieval Festival:
Song, dance, drama
Street entertainment received
a boost last weekend as the
University's annual Medieval
Festival opened with a flurry
of old songs, morality plays and
an unscheduled wandering jug-
Performing at city parks
throughout the weekend, enter-
tainers from the Medieval and
Rennaisance Collegium, th e
School of Music and and Colleg-
ium Musicum revealed an en-
ticing sample of the talent
which will be on display at the
larger North Campus festival
next weekend.
And in the best 15th Century
tradition, passersby - perhaps
returning from Saturday mark-
et - put aside the tasks of the
day to watch Everyman, t h e
prodigal son, and Noah as they
feasted, "sinned" and t h e n
warned onlookers of the com-
ing judgment.
However the 20th Century
touch became evident as God
appeared clad in the person of
a fiery red-haired young wo-
man and Noah was depicted
battling with his oppressed and
rebellious wife, over the pos-
sibilities of a flood.
"I thought he was a good
guy," whispered one attentive
child as the not-so-holy man of
God collapsed' on the stage
while being chased by his wife's
AND THOUGH heavily spiced
with moralizing, the plays also
served to show just how much
Aun sin can be as one village
friar seduced women in his con-
fessional chambers, and the
prodigal son partied down in the
The crowd was clad in shorts
-not tunics, and station wagons
lurked behind a Medieval chor-
us of recorders, psaltry and
guitar, but the old time enter-
tainment held their attention un-
til the last bow was taken.
Then in true medieval style,
a wandering juggler cornered
departing crowd with crises of
"Ladies and Gentlemen, step
right over here for just one
WHILE A hat circled round
the audience Jay accompanied
his act with a steady flow of
conversation, on such subjects
as "How to Break into the High
Paying and Prestigious World
of Ball Juggling."
"It's no mean feat to keep
two balls going as long as
they're not too spaced out-or
you're too spaced out yourself,"
instructed Jay as he rushed
madly after two balls flung high
into the air.
Then complaining of juggler's
fatigue, Jay asked, "With your
permission, I will indulge in a
little repast," as he bit into an
apple,. caught two juggled balls
and tossed the apple into the air
"JUGGLING'S pretty medie-
val,and so I'm following the fair
around," explained Jay later
as the delighted onlookers load-
ed change into his hat.
While Medieval actors have
developed from wandering min-
strels into full-fledged university
professors, it appears that jug-
glers have also organized 20th
Century style.
"I think there's a convention
going on in Ohio," explained
Jay, "and I plan to attend."
God (Donna Nieto) helps Noah (James Moran) coax his wife (Katharyn Davies) anto the Ark by
giving her a taste of what's to come during the next 40 days and 40 nights. The "Play of Noah"
was performed last weekend as part of the Ann Arbor Medieval Festival.
U criticizes House billto alter
in-state admissions procedures
The University could be
compelled to admit a class com-
posed entirely of in-state stu-
dents if part of a state House
bill is strictly enforced.
According to several Univer-
sity officials, however, the sec-
tion of the House Higher Edu-
cation bill which requires the
University to accept all eligible
Michigan applicants before
considering any non-residents.
is unconstitutional and has lit-
tle chance of seriously affecting
University Roderick Daane says
the section, passed last week,
is unconstitutional under article
I, section S of the state consti-
tution which "confers on the
University and the Board of
Regents authority over Univer-
sity policy."
"They (the House) try it ev-
ery year," Daane added.
"There is a line of Michigan
cases over a period of 150 years
which have unwaveringly sup-
ported the University's author-
ity to determine who goes to
school here and who cannot."
Daane said enforcement of
the section would give the Uni-
versity a "parochial nature,"
Relations Richard Kennedy
echoed Daane's skepticism
about the section's validity and
added that there "are a lot of
subjective factors" involved in
interpreting the bill.
Kennedy suggested that the
admissions office could tighten
its requirements for in-state
students to a level that would
enable them to maintain accept-
ances at a certain number while
still adhering to the section's
According to Assistant Di-
rector of Undergraduate Ad-
missions, Pat Wilson, the Uni-
versity presently limits its ac-
ceptance of residents to 77 per
cent for the literary college
(LSA) and makes no differen-
tiation between in-state and
out - of - state applicants to
other schools.
Daane, the recent passage of
the section merely revives the
question of the University's au-
tonomy from state legislative
control - an issue which has
been battled in the courts for
Since an autonomy suit filed
by the University in conjunction
with Wayne State and Michigan
State is presently before the
State Supreme Court, Daane
says he feels there is no reason
to raise a new challenge.
The entire House Higher Edu-
cation bill will now go to a
joint House - Senate committee
where any differences must be
compromised before it is pre-
sented to the governor for final
Amendment .introduced to
protect Gandhi's power
NEW DELHI, India (P-India's Parliament moved quickly
yesterday toward approving retroactive amendments to the
election laws that could wipe out the legal threat to Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi's hold on power.
The legislation proposed by Gandhi's government would in-
validate the laws under which she was convicted of illegal cam-
paign practices before the Supreme Court begins considering
her appeal next Monday. She is also appealing the six-year-ban
on her holding elective office that resulted from the convictionn.
IT WAS NOT known, however, whether Socialist leader Raj
Narain, who brought the original campaign charges against Mrs.
Gandhi, would appeal the validity of the amendmennts themselves
to the high court.
With the lower house deserted except for a handful of mem-
bers of the ruling Congress party and a lone dissident, Law
Minister H.R. Gokhale won approval to introduce the legislation
and have the members debate and vote on it today.