Saturday, August 2, 1975
Page Nine
Saturday, August 2, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine
Ypsi gunman arraigned
Cyclists stop in City
in i '1VVa . / Vr (Cntinued from Page3
IE credited an Ypsilanti
(Continued from Page 81 mintister with persuading Vinson
- - tn drop a .32 calibre revolver
PERSONALad surrender to police. Rev.
PERSONALS. L. Roberson, who has coon-
IWRU La trit seett r.-.fealeit seted Vinson in the past, spent
roomma te tar tat]. 761-1246. 63F 802 several minutes talking to Vin-
00U CAN DEPEND upo is for son before the gunman surren-
attntatylsiln tiMondays. U-NI tyat dered to police.
fists at the Uioti ialtlt
Rsberson wass unavailable for
ANYrIME anyoe doess ht tie ado somnit last night.
ash h atoia aat I-'W at b
itt itP_. t,3 iia - ;,,,dtai thu Noah s-tid the motive for the
aiis stttottngttsd not been deter-
tmtted tsatt it twas the aesitlt tif
ttsa t A rT ass].,at ttt aorkiog sittsatiots"
Ta7 ! hriig it toch.E toftttt , -t
clinic after parking his car
near a -side entrance. In the of-
fice Vinson pulled a gun,
shooting and instantly killing
Walton. Ernerinea labor rela-
tions saupervisor sass also shot
at that time.
Vinsso left the second floor
clinic anod headed outt the
hbtildittg, shooting Seed, a vetnd-
ing comlpany empltoye who was
emerging frotm attelephone
'Pie tkvnit stnare l aistel in
ItiltttsitAstn Athar
tttntiteastromtoae 1)
their favorite state, and the
satins they took in the mayor's
pool in Spartan, Michigan.
AFTER their two day siesta
in Ann Arbor, the pack will
wheel itself through the east
to New York where they will
catch a plane to Lisbon Portu-
From Lisbon they will ped-
al throutgh Spaitn atd other
pats of Europe, North Africa,
tart of the Middle E attad
trill triad up their fifteen monoth
an lin oJap a,1laving fotrthe
U.S 1; 'ttnther 1, 1976.
I t ;is rvellers spesh a
aid f tet lagitoes acttd-
.. - I .h t .:1t11 a at
people learning each language.
ELLIS, who aerved in the
Peace Corps for two years,
shares his comspanions' confi-
dence that bicycling is the best
tray to see the world.
"Yott get tmore of a feeling
for it 01 a bicycle,' says Ellis.
The trip is coating each cy-
clist nearly $58011. For two
years they hare worked at car
washes, hake sales and hot dog
stttods rai-sing tte , tool0their
p-ar atddstprovide -ad
tatn 'ts es ~their rafits
to a 461ft tmtt
its _shtts prts rat.ld cot
It's a shatme that most of us .t
don't gel to sign our work.
Because we'd probably do it I
batter. Jut out of pride.
And that could mean better
produts and services
for everybody. So, even if you
don't have to sign your work,
do the kind of work you'd
be proud to put your name on.
America. It only works
as welt as we do.
TW, Nlont5*rem ,, on D.C. ~
In The
Ail111ud- 4t u"Wvtg
Latest Deadline In The State