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August 01, 1975 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1975-08-01

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Page Ten


Friday, August 1, I1975

Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, August 1, 1975

Hoffa reported

(Conatned from Page 3)
Detective Robert Bloom said
there was no sign of struggle.
Bloom said Hoffa's "car was
there and he wasn't."
SINCE HIS release from fed-
eral prison, Hoffa has sought to
regain his lofty union position,
but he is barred from union ac-
tivities by a provision in the
clemency decree granted by
Fighting the union ban in the
courts, Heffa has been embroil-
ed for more than a year in a
dispute with the current union
Reports of Hoffa's disappear-
ance came in the wake of a re-
cent bombing of a car belong-
Full Contact Lens Service
Visual Examinations

ing to Richard Fitzsimmons,
vice president of Teamster Lo-
cal 299 in Detroit.
HOFFA SAID afterwards that
he believed he knew who was
responsible for the explosion,
but he declined to identify the
Some union observers blamed
the bombing on a rift between
pro- and anti-Hoffa forces in the
Detroit local. Richard Fitzsim-
mons is the son of Teamsters
International President Frank
Fitzsimmons, Hoifa's handpick-
ed successor who is now his bit-
ter rival.
Nixon's clemency proclama-
tion freed Hoffa after the ex-
union leader had served only
four-and-one-half years of his
sentence. But Nixon banned
Hoffa from union activities un-
til 1980 in what Hoffa claimed
was a political deal with Frank
Fitzsimmons. Fitzsimmons, up
for re-election in 1976, says he
had nothing to do with the
clemency decree.
LEONARD Boudin, Hoffa's at-
torney in his court fight to re-
gain power in the Teamsters,

said he had no knowledge of
Hoffa's disappearance.
"It's an absolutely dreadful
thing, I hope he has not been
kidnaped, I hope he has not
been injured," Boudin said in
New York.
The lawyer would not specu-
late on why Hofa might be
missing, but he added, "The
controversy inside the Team-
sters speaks for itself, but I'm
not ready to make any charges."
POLICE said Hoffa's car was
found in a shopping center park-
ing lot adjacent to the Machus
Red Fox Restaurant. Restaurant
manager John Miller said Hoffa
did not visit the establishment
anytime Wednesday.
Hal DeLong, a longtime Hoffa
friend, said: "It's not uncom-
mon for union officials to meet
someone, park, leave their car
and be gone for several days."
DeLong, a spokesman for
Teamsters Local 299 where
Hoffa began his meteoric rise to
unon power, said Hoffa "can't
have any part of union activi-
ties, but let's face it, he's close
friends with many people."

Counselling center to
finance new projects
through HEW grant

(Coninued from Page 3)
In addition to the funds it re-
cently received from OYD, Oz-
one House is presently operat-
ing on a grant from the Na-
tional Institute of Mental
Health (NIME). The $3,000 NI-
MH grant, which runs out
September 30, was the first
federal funding Ozone House
The inflow of federal monies
is the result of Title II of
the 1974 Juvenile Protection
Act which requires HEW to
grant $5 million to runaway
programs annually.
A C C 0 R D I N G to Wanda
Stitt of OYD, $900,001 was used
to finance research and statis-
tical surveys.
In addition to HEW's legal
obligation to fund runaway pro-

CIDULD . .... E

grams, Mike Slezark, former
coordinator of Ozone House,
feels there has been a change
in HEW's attitudes towards op-
erations like Ozone House.
"Ozone House represents a
counter culture alternative so-
cial services group" said Slez-
ack. "At first, in the late 60's
and early 70's, HEW was down
on pars-professional groups."
However( Slezack said people
now realize that alternative so-
cial services are actually more
effective than professional
ones because of their non-au-
thoritarian attitude and abilty
to relate better to young peo-
Brezhnev calls
for reduction
in arms
(Continued from Page 9)
ed," the secretary told a news
N E V E R T H E L E S S,
the secretary went on, "It is
our impression that the situa-
tion is recoverable. That us,
the bases can be substantially
restored if the House reverses
Kissinger was referring to ac-
tion by the House of Represen-
tatives last week to continue
the embargo against arms aid
to Turkey because of Tur-
key's use of American military
equipment to invade Cyprus a
year ago.
Kissinger was asked what he
understood Demirel to mean
by saying after breakfast with
Ford that the shutdown of the
bases - including some that
did ultrasensitive spying on the
Soviet Union - was ordered
"for the time being," indicat-
ing the closings may only be
"I don't believe there was a
significant change in the situ-
ation," Kissinger responded.
The independent Republic of
Texas, 390,144 square miles,
was admitted to the union as a
state in 1845.
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