Friday, August 1, 1975 HOUSE TO VOTE NEXT MONTH THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Senate approves arms WASHINGTON (M-The Senate voted last night to "TURKEY IS AN American ally, and if she is weak- restore U.S. military aid to Turkey, but the House ened she simply becomes a weak ally," said Sparkman. showed little willingness to approve the action before But Sen. Adlai Stevenson (D-1l) said it is "about the August recess begins. time that one branch of the U.S. government makes By a vote of 47 to 46, the Senate agreed to a condi- clear the United States will not be pushed around by tional lifting of a six-month-old ban on arms aid to Turkey or anyone else and that this branch at least Turkey. will not be subject to such duress." Democratic Leader Thomas O'Neill (D-Mass.) told, THE VOTE came after the Ankara government re- the House late in the day he had no knowledge that jected an offer by President Ford earlier in the day to the House would take a final vote on the Turkey arms give the Turks $50 million in arms if Turkey would re- sales before leaving today. activate U.S. military bases there. Republican leaders kept the House in session late HOUSE RULES Committee Chairman Ray Madden into the night in hopes of considering the resumption of (D-Ind.) said he would not give the bill a rule clearing arms aid. Five Democratic efforts to adjourn were it for House action even if the Senate approved-and defeated but leaders said they saw little chance that said he was willing to bet the Senate would not. the House would pass the legislation before leaving to- Indicating another strong personal drive by Presi- day for a month-long vacation. dent Ford to get House approval of the Turkey arms Sen. John Sparkman (D-Ala.), chairman of the sale, the office of Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) said Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said military aid, Ford telephoned him from Helsinki in an effort to get which was cut off after Turkey invaded Cyprus, should his vote. be restored to repair badly strained U.S.-Turkish re- An aide said Ford told Rangel he wanted to assure lations. all House members who had voted against the arms for Turkey sale because of Turkey's production of opium poppies that Prime Minister Demeril had told the President he would "do whatever necessary" toleevent illicit opium trafficking. IN A FOLLOW-UP telegram, Ford told Rangel: "All nations of the world-friend and aversary alike-must recognize the illicit export of opium to this country is a threat to our national security. Secretary Kissinger and I intend to make sure that they do." The Senate voted 41 to 40 in May to resume the aid that was cut off Feb. S because U.S.-supplied weap- ons were used by Turkey in its invasion of Cyprus. The House voted 223 to 206 last Thursday against resumption of aid, throwing U.S.-Turkish relations into a crisis and launching a Turkish takeover of the 12 U.S. bases on its territory. Senate leaders won approval late Wednesday night of an agreement to limit debate on the Turkish aid proposal, which would permit shipment of the $185 million in weapons Turkey had contracted for before the cutoff. Ex-Teamsters Hoffa reported By AP and UPI DETROIT -- James Hoffa, whose stormy career in union politics took him to the presi- dency of the Teamsters Interna- tional and then to prison, was reported missing - and feared dead-by his family and asso- ciates last night. "I know the police suspect foul play." said L. Brooks Pat- terson, prosecutor for Oakland County, where Hoffa lives and where ie was reported missing after he failed to return home from a meeting with a reputed Mafia figure. "JIMMY has never stayed out this long before without report- ing in," Patterson said. Police officially refused to comment on reports that Hoffa was kidnaped-or murdered. But a formal missing persons report was filed in Bloomfield Town- ship near Detroit. Gov. William Milliken told newsmen during a Grand Rapids appearance last nightthat he understood that Hoffa disap- peared after planning a Wednes- day night meeting with Anthony "Tony Jack" Giacalone, who was named in a 1963 U.S. Sen- ate investigation of organized crime as a Detroit Mafia king- pin- MILLIKEN did not elaborate. "We just don't have anything to say, we're just waiting, hop- ig,' Hoffa's son, James Jr., said outside the Hoffa compound in nearby Lake Orion. In Washington, an FBI spokes- man claimed: "We have no evi- dence, no indication, no reason to believe that there was foul play , The FBI said it is not involved in the search for Hoff t. BUT BLIM00.fFIELD Township jolice 1.1. curt Grennier, who is directing the investigation, con- ceded, "You always have to con- sider fou play, considering Doffa's background." Es-en in the rough-and-tumble leader missing arena of Teamster union poli- tics, the last few years have been unusually violent in De- troit, with Hoffa and Fitzsim- mons partisans sharing power at Local 299. Local President Dave Johnson has been beaten, his boot blowno up, and his office windows shbt- tered by gunfire. A LOCAL. 299 trustee lost the sight in one eye after he S shotgunned a local organizer' home was firebombed, and a barn on the farm of a local of- ficer was burned to the ground. Both Hoffa and Fitzsimsmossn rose to power in Local 299. Jaines iddle Iloffa was last seen at 2 p m. Wednesday out- side the restaurant there hi: 1974 Pontiac was found, unso'k- ed and untsmpered with. See HOFFA, Page 10 FORMER TEAMSTERS President James Hoffa was reported missing by his family yesterday after his car was found in a restaurant parking lot. It was reported that Hoffa disappeared after making arrangements to meet with a Detroit Mafia leader. County jobless rate Ozone House will finance new programs Hy PAULINE LUBENS Ozone House, the city's coun- selling center for runaways, has acquired the funds for sev- eral new programs through a $65,780 grant received July 1 from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW). According to Harvey Saver, coordinator of the center, the new programs will include a long term counselling collective which would work on the fol- low-up projects volunteer work- ers cannot handle, the establish- ment of a small residence fir three or four youths under the care of two foster parents, and an evaluation system to give the center feedback on their ef- fectiveness and progress. THE FUNDS are part of a $4.1 million grant from HEW's Office of Youth Development (OYD) earmarked for run- away programs throughout the country. through' HEW grant The grant is on a 10 per cent "match money" basis, which requires Ozone House to raise $5,000-$6,000 to match 10 per cent of the Federal funds. Ozone House hopes to raise this match money through local private donations from such fund-raising events as their an- nual Walkathon or through a $5,000-$6,000 grant from the city. These funds must also be used to fill the part of their $80,000 budget for this year which the OYD grant does not meet. SAVER feels that the coun- selling collective can alleviate many of the follow-up problems inherent in Ozone House's vol- unteer nature. "One problem with a volun- teer agency," he said, "is you have a lot of turnover," which leaves a runaway's case up in the air. By setting up the collective and paying 12-14 half - time workers, Ozone House hopes to reduce the turnover rate and thus provide a more effective follow-up program. THE C O L L E C T I V E will also aid volunteers who have a complicated case and provide family and individual counseling. Saver expressed particular enthusiasm about setting up the small residence for runaways. "It's nice having someone around to give love and care," - Saver considers the foster care, which can only be given with permission of the par- ents, to be "a cooling-off per- iod'" THE MONEY from the OYD grant will fund foster care for these runaways whose parents either refuse to pay or who can not afford it. See COUNSELLING, Page 10 increases By TIM SCHICK Unemployment in Washtenaw County rose to 12.3 per cent in June following a three month decline in the jobless figure. But Michigan Employment Security Commission (MESC) figures indicate the county is fairing better than the state as a whole, which recorded a 15 per cent unemployment figure during the same period. The city ranked below both the state and the nation with only 8.4 per cent of its residents seeking employment. THIS MEANS that. currently 124,300 people are employed in the county, but 15,300 are still seeking work. However, the labor force has increased by 6,000 people in the past year. Howard Barricklow, a MESC official, said the rise in unem- ployment was likely due to stu- dents entering the summer job market. LAST February unemploy- ment reached an all time high when 15.7 per cent of the work force was unemployed. The fig- ures for March, April and May were 14.9, 14, and 10.6 per cent respectively. Unemployment in the city was recorded for the first time in May and was found to be 7.2 per cent. Despite the high figure, the county has not been hurt by high unemployment as bad as other parts of the state. DETROIT has been hit the hardest with an unemployment figure of 18.7 per cent in May- prior to the June surge of stu- dents into the job market. The city has not been as se- verely hurt by the recession "because it is less dependant on industry than the surround- ing areas," according to Bar- ricklow. SURPRISINGLY, Washtenaw County was relatively unaffect- ed by the recession until No- vember of last year. The cou n t y unemployment rate for all of last year was 6.5 per cent-almost half the aver- age for the first six months of this year. MESC officials said that no sign of the long-awaited "bot- toming out" has been reflected in the local unemployment rate, The figure for last month dou- bled from that of June 1974.