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August 01, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-08-01

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXV, No. 54-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, August 1, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Brezhnev asks arms imits
Seeks European
troop cutbacks
HELSINKI, Finland (P) -- Soviet leader Leonid
4v Brezhnev called yesterday for a reduction of
° :. armaments in central Europe as the next step
in East-West detente but said the delicate pro-
cess must be based on noninterference in each
other's internal affairs.
At the same time, Turkey turned down Presi-
dent Ford's offer of $50 million in exchange for
the reopening of American bases, Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger announced.
THE 68-year-old general secretary of the So-
viet Communist party addressed 34 other leaders
of Europe and North America on the second day
of the European security conference, a pet Soviet
project for the past two decades.
1 _ The Soviet Union and its East European satel-
lites have billed the supersummit, the biggest
gathering of world leaders since the Congress of
Vienna in 1814-15, as a salvation for a continent
drenched with blood through centuries of war.
Brezhnev stressed this theme when he urged
the leaders to give high priority to a search for
"ways to reduce armed forces and armaments
in central Europe without diminishing the secur-
ity of anyone."
BUT HE cautioned that the whole process of
detente which helped bring the conference about
would be endangered if any of the nations rep-
resented here interfered in the internal affairs
of another.
Brezhnev said the noninterference clause is a
major pillar of the nonbinding statement of prin-
ciples the leaders are to sign Friday evening at
the end of the conference.
"No one should try to dictate to other peoples,
on the basis of foreign policy considerations of
one kind or another, the manner in which they
ought to manage their internal affairs," the So-
AP Photo viet leader said.
Straight to the horse's mouth IT IS only the people of each given state, and
no one else, that has the sovereign right to re-
Philadelphia mounted patrolman Angelo Mendez shares an ice cream treat with his horse, Realtor, in an solve its internal affairs and establish its inter-
effort to keep cool as high temperatures hit the area yesterday. nal laws. A different approach is a flimsy and
See BREZNV, Page9

Gunman kills 1, wounds
2 in Ypsilanti shooting
By TIM SCHICK HE WAS LISTED in serious condition late last
YPSILANTI-A gunman at the Ford Motor Co. night at University Hospital following emergency
parts plant here yesterday fatally shot the factory surgery.
physician and wounded two other persons, one Vinson forced two Ford employes to leave the
seriously, before he surrendered to police. building with him at gun point, but according to
lDr. Robert Walting was shot and killed; ap- several witnesses was finally talked into giving
parently as a result of a dispute over a workman's up by a minister employed in the plant's labor
uunpnsainin cisim. s-suuusi r u..... I . lf- - ,lr , relations division.

compensation claim. Alton Emermne, a ia or rei-
tions supervisor in the medical clinic was wound-
ed in the chest.
EMERINE was reported in fair condition fol-
lowing surgery in Ann Arbor's St. Joseph Hos-
As the gunman, identified by Ford officials as
James Vinson, fled from the building where he
seriously wounded Roland Seed, a vending coin-
pany employe.
Seed, a resident of Bay Village, Ohio, was using
a telephone near the administration building
lobby when he was shot in the head.

POLICE OFFERED few details of the arrest,
describing it only as "peaceful with no violence."
Assistant Police Chief Jim Moore said he did not
know the circumstances of the surrender.
However, he said the revolver, of undetermined
calibre, had been recovered and was undergoing
laboratory balistic and fingerprint tests.
Prosecutors are expected to charge Vinson with
murder and two counts of assault With intent to
commit murder at an arraignment scheduled
See MAN, Page 5

-Ypsilanti Press photo by John Barton
YPSILANTI Police Lt. Kenneth Holder (left) escorts shooting
suspect, Jummy Lee Vinson, 27, of Ypsilanti, after the fatal
shooting yesterday of the Ford company doctor and wounding
of two others.

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