CHINA ACCORD COLLAPSES U.S. stillscratching By MICHAEL CHINOY WASHINGTON, D.C.. J U L Y h 28 (PNS)-When President Ford' visits China this fall to farther normalize Sino-U.S. relations, the biggest hurdle he'll face is the growing American involve- ment in Taiwan. In 1972, President Nixon's his- toric trip to China was wtidely interpreted as a decisive break in traditional U.S. backing for - the Taiwan-based Chinese Na- tionalists (or Kuomintang-KMT). But over the last three years, Washington has not only main- tained full diplomatic ties with Taiwan - but dispatched top- ranking political envoys, in- creased arms sales, and en- couraged investment by major U.S. corporations. T h e s e developments have caused anxiety in Peking, where Chinese leaders fear an Ameri- can retreat from the Shanghai Communique signed by Presi- dent Nixon and Chinese Premier{ Chou En-lai in 1972. The Com- munique appeared to reverse .: nearly a quarter century of firm American support for the GMT's claim to be the legitimate gov- ernment of all China. The U.S. Nixon and Mao, an elusive pact: A Chinese Performing Art was expected to then disengage this spring included a song with the line, 'We are determine itself from Taiwan and move partment insisted that the song be dropped. The Chinese re towards full diplomatic relations - with the People's Republic. ever. U.S. arms sales have port ships, Washington has nearly doubled to $80 million, tended a $200 million milit BUT THREE years later, one- thanks to long-term low interest credit to enable NorthrupC quarter of the 8i-man Ameri- credits. While Taiwan has paid poration to assemble 100 F Taiwan, and U.iS . economic ties cash for several U.S. subma- jet fighters on the island. Th single-seat jets, each costing with the island are tighter than rines, destroyers and fleet sup- million, are designed to eon Taiwan AP Photo s Troupe scheduled to tour the U.S. d to liberate Taiwan.' The State De- fused and the trip was cancelled. ex- ary Cor- 5-E ese $2 nter The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Thursday, July 31, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 Gradl'y doors. a smash I IKE SMOKING, excessive drinking, and over-eating, studying in the Graduate Library may be injurious to your health. The new glass entrance doors to the Gradl'y have been responsible for a foot legion of stubbed toes, several knocks on intellectual nogens and keeping at least one person in stitches. As in much of modern architecture, the designers of these entrance doors gave aesthetics higher priority than practicality or basic safety. The doors are heavy, awk- ward and deceptively placed in the building in such a way as to cause spatial perception problems to entering library patrons, many of whom blithely misjudge the end of the door and the beginning of the glass wall, and stride con- fidently into the former. The library officials have done nothing to protect students from the dangerous.doors except place yellow plastic tape on the glass. It would be far too costly to redesign the building entrance, and besides, the architect maintains that it still looks nice (at least, once the samples of AB positive are cleaned off). UNCORRECTED, THIS hazardous situation promises to develop glassy-eyed stares and thick-headedness in new proportions on this campus. And even given the seasonal decrease in the number of sandalled feet and bare heads, the problem will in- crease in severity in the fall with the increase in the number of vulnerable craniums and toes passing through the portals of knowledge. The only recourse to entering students is to learn by painful experience to habitually use the back door, or rent a leader dog to guide them safely as far as the reference stacks. Returning students will find that they have been unknowingly enrolled in a school of hard knocks. The only advice available is that what you don't know, but ae trying to learn, can indeed hurt you. the MIG-17 and MIG-19 planes of China's Air Force. China sees both the long-term military aid programs and the slow pace of the American troop withdrawal as proof of continu- ing U.S. commitment to the 1954 U.S.-Taiwan Mutual De- fense Treaty. Designed at the height of the Cold War, the treaty c o m m i t s the United States to help the Chinese Na- tionalists in t h e i r struggle against a "common danger." ACCORDING to Senate Ma- jority Leader Mike Mansfield, who recently returned from his second trip to China, "the ob- vious intent of the Shanghai Communique anticipated o u r military disengagement f r o m Taiwan." The U.S. defense treaty with Taiwan, Mansfield said, "is properly seen as a relic of the past." Nonetheless, American offi- cials interviewed in Washington argued that with the recent American debacle in Southeast Asia, ending the treaty now could have serious repercus- sions. Washington's ability both to maintain its "commitments" and to protect a long-time ally could be questioned. This makes rapid disengagement from Tai- wan unlikely. According to one official, the issue is "on the back burner these days." U.S. trade with Taiwan-$3.7 'snback billion last year-is still well above that with China, and ris- ing. U.S.-China trade last year reached a little over $900 mil- lion. American investment on Taiwan has also expanded-with lord Motors and Union Carbid planning major new projects, the Export-Import Bank financ- in, the construction of two nu- clear power plants, Gulf and Amoco exploring for oil in the Taiwan S t r a i t s, and several American banks opening up new branches. WHAT MOST agitates China, however, are political moves by the U.S. that reaffirm its ties to the Nationalists. Since the Shanghai Commu- nique, the U.S. has appointed one of its most prestigious- and politically conservative - foreign service officers, Leon- ard Unger, as its ambassador to Taiwan, and has approved the opening of five new Taiwan consulates in Kansas City, At- lanta, Portland, G u a m and American Samoa. Then, last April, under pres- sure from conservative leaders like Senator Barry Goldwater, President Ford replaced Agri- culture Secretary Earl Butz with Vice President Rockefeller as head of the American delega- tion to the funeral of KMT lead- er Chiang Kai-shek. American officials argue that growing U.S. links with Taiwan reflect no retreat from the Shanghai Communique. "We've made it absolutely clear that we are going to proceed with the process of normalization of rela- tions with the People's Repub- lic," said one official. But-in direct contrast to general under- standings of that term-he add- ed that this meant primarily a broadening of exchanges and economic ties - not the estab- lishment of formal diplomatic relations. AT THE MOMENT, there ap- pears to be no clear consensus within the Ford Administration over how best to advance Wash- ington-Peking relations. The Chinese have warned many visiting Americans, in- cluding Mansfield and House leaders Carl Albert and John Rhodes, that any further pro- gress will hinge on substantive reduction in the U.S. commit- ment to Taiwan. To empha- size the point, a Chinese Per- forming Arts Troupe scheduled to tour the U.S. this spring in- cluded a song with the line, "We are determined to liberate Tai- wan." The State Department in- sisted that the song be dropped, bit the Chinese refused, and the trip was cancelled. Yet some U.S. officials argue that China needs the American relationship even more than the Americans need China-as lev- erage against the Sviet Union. Both countriesttherefore could easily accept the continuation of the present situation-with- out a major breakthrough on the Taiwan problem. The work of freelancer Michael Chinoy has appear- ed in the Nation, the Boston Republic and other publica- tions. He visited China in 1973, T a i w a n in 1974. Copyright, P a c i f i c News Service, 1975. Letters should be typed and limited to 400 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit letters for length and grammar. Contact your reps- Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), Rm 253, Old Senate Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep), Rm 353, Old Senate Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Rep. Marvin Esch (Rep), Rm. 412, Cannon Bldg., Capitol hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. NO Mf*rl HOW *YW SL"er.1..1 t02:l. 0b ' 1$e6g ..1