Tuesday, July 29, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five U.S. balance of trade PUlS up $17 billion WASHINGTON (AP) - A sur- turnaround from estimates prising 26 per cent decline in made six months ago that the oil imports during June helped nation could have a trade de- give the United States a trade ficit in 1975 equal to last year's surplus of $1.7 billion, the big- deficit of more than $2.3 billion. gest monthly surplus in the na- "I don't know if anyone can tion's history, the Commerce explain why oil imports are so Department said yesterday. low this year," said one ana- Oi imports in June totaled lyst, who did not want to be 118.2 million barrels, the lowest quoted by name. level of imports in at least 18 Oil imports during the first months the Department said. six months of this year were The value of imported oil was about 145 million barrels below slightly more than $1.4 billion the total for the final six the lowest in 17 months. months for 1974. G O V E R N M E N T trade COMMERCE Secretary Rog- analysts said they now believe ers Morton said President the nation could end up with a Ford's two dollar-a-barrel tar- trade surplus as high as $7 bil- iff on imported oil "appears to lion this year. That was a big be working" in holding down oil Newest McDonad 's opens wit a bash in June imports, but trade analysts said that could be only a partial explanation. Other explanations, he said, include a reduction in demand for petroleum because of the nation's recession. A third rea- son might be that oil importers have previously built up big in- ventories and decided to reduce they said. "I don't think people ought to jump to any conclusion that oil imports are going to get progressively better," one ana- lyst said. "THESE figures could bounce right back the month ahead." Morton said in a statement there was nothing in the June trade figures "to indicate any major change in our basic po- sition of dependence on foreign produced petroleum." In other economic news Mon- day the Labor Department re- ported the first increase in pro- ductivity in the private econ- omy since last year. THE department said output per hour of all persons in the economy went up by two per cent during the second quarter of the year. Productivity had not increased since the second quarter of 1974. The department said there was a four-tenths of a per cent drop in total output during the quarter, but hours worked de- clined even more, 2.3 per cent desulting in an increase in pro- ductivity, or output per hour. In a separate report, mean- while, the Labor Department said all measures of strike ac- tivity during the first half of 1975 were lower than the levels recorded in 1974. (Continued from Page 3) plans to eat at the Land of the Golden Arches "as seldom as possible." "I HATE mustard," he con- tinued, s i p p i n g champagne w h i c h high - heeled, evening- gowned waitresses constantly refilled. "They put mustard'on all their hamburgers. They make no accommodation," he added, complaining that one must wait "about 10 minutes" if one wishes to Have It Their Way. One of the waitresses, a vet- eran of three years at McDon- aid's Stadium Blvd. outlet, laud- ed the whole "attitude" at her new place of employment. "This is just more exciting," exclaim- ed Martha Lowry. "It'll be a challenge." Although the ceremony was supposed to be open .only to those with invitations, at least a half-dozen curious passersby crashed the party. Some of the invited guests, however, could be excused for not attending- Mayor Wheeler and the City Council were all invited, but the celebration began just as they sat down for their regular week- ly meeting. Perfect catch Sophie, a black Labrador retriever, makes a perfect catch yesterday of a frisbee thrown by her master, Bill Palmer, of Birmingham, Ala. Sophie competed in a dog frisbee-catching contest in Anniston, Ala. Bullard proposes new grass law Report shows little 'U' progress towards affirmative action goals (Continued from Page 3) 'co-sponsors." Bullard envisions (Contlnued from Page 1) made estimates of how many positions they would fill in the next few years, and how many women and minorities they would be able to hire. According to the report, six LSA departments did not meet their 1973-74 projections for wo- men or minorities. They were history, political science, phys- ics, psychology, journalism, and the Residential College. The last three departments listed show no appointment activity at all for 1973-74. ELEVEN other departments are listed as having not set af- firmative action goals for 73-74, including b o t a n y, classical studies, computer and computer sciences, economics, germanic language and literature, history of art, English language insti- tute, Near Eastern languages and literature, slavic languages and literature, speech com- munication and theatre, and statistics. Similarly, the last six departments in this list, show no activity at all for the period the report covers. The report acknowledges that "presumably when a goal is not established, it reflected a de- termination by the unit that minorities either were not avail- able in the work force or were already being utilized propor- tionate to their availability." The report adds, however, that the "lack of a deficiency may not apply in all instances." Four departments: physics, zoology (now merged with bot- any to form the department of biological sciences), political science, and economics, were singled out in the report as hav- ing interviewed a particularly low number of minority candi- dates in proportion to their availability. The economics de- partment filled four appoint- ments, interviewing only one of 86 minority candidates, and neither of the two non-minority women applicants. The physics department made five total ap- pointments to their instructional staff, interviewing none of the 66 minority applicants, and 15 of 556 non-minority males, and none of the eight women who applied. THE DEPARTMENT of polit- ical science, in which Dr. Var- ner is an assistant professor, filled nine positions, while inter- viewing three of 58 minority candidates, 21 of 295 non-minor- ity males, and two of 37 non- minority women. Zoology is list- ed in the report as having made, four. appointments without in- terviewing any of the 24 minor- ity candidates. - Economics department Chair- man Harold Shapiro said he has "absolutely no idea" what the data in the report means. "I know what our policy is which is to hire as many women and minorities as is consistent with our budget," he explained. .Shapiro, who was not chair- map when the original affirma- tive action projections were made, said the number of min- ority applicants in the report for his department (86) seemed inaccurate. Shapiro said he thinks economics has made a good faith affirmative action effort. "IF YOU TAKE into account the percentage of time we have spent on it, I would say so," he said. "We haven't had much success yet, but someday we will." A spokesperson for the Af- firmative Action Office said the information in the report is com- piled solely from appointment activity records supplied by the various departments,,and indi= cated that the report can only be incorrect if the information provided was either incorrect or incomplete. Prof. Daniel Sinclair, chair- man of the physics department, called some of the data in the report "a pretty ridiculous piece of numerology." "WHEN THEY talk about minorities they generally mean blacks," he said. Sinclair explained virtually all of the 66 minority applicants in physics were Orientals, and said there are practically no black people coming into the field. He added that the de- partment's minority projection was not met because one assist- ant professor, George Wong, was scheduled to start in the fall of 1974 but cancelled out. Sinclair concluded that "the remedy is there, but it is a long range one, convincing minori- ties that science is something worth working at and wanting to go into." cases, giving them more time long some 20 Democrats for other matters, when the bill comes up for a vote, thus neigt iku According to state polce sta- at least ten Republicans to tistics, out of the 16,785 drug clear the fifty six mark needed arrests in 1973, 69.2 per cent for approval in the House. were for marijuana possession. Although many conservatives In 1974 there were 18,563 drug "personally" are in favor of arrests of which 72.5 per cent the reform, they will not active were for marijuana possession, ly support the bill, according to a 10.6 per cent increase in one Bullard. The support must not year. Out of the 1974 offenders, only come from students and only 18.4 per cent were prose- other basically liberal groups cuted. Of these, less than 9.6 but from the middle class as per cent were for possession, well, said Bollard. the rest for "marijuana use," a plea bargaining term used to It was on March 23, 1775, that sn pen posses- Patrick Henry made his fa- mous declaration "Give me lib- At the same time arrests for erty or give me death." the sale of marijuana were up only .9 per cent. "THE MAJOR problem fac- ing the bill now," Bullard said, Daily Classifieds "is the lack of conservative .1byTOM WOLFE Wolfe's scintillating portrait of modern art's dependence on the literary guru- :ritics. $5.95 Spec. 25% DISCOUNT 303 S. STATE Sun. 12-9; Mon-Sat. 9-10