Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILN Saturday, July 26, 1975. ..eToTEMCIA AL~ audy uy2,17 -TV ton'qht 6:30 4 13 NBC News-Tom Brokaw 7 24 ABC News-Ted Koppel 11 CBS News-Dan-Rather 30 Basically Rebellion -Documentary" 57 Jean Shepherd's America 7:00 2 CBS News-Dan Rather 4 Profiles in Black 7 Detroit-Discussion 9 Pollce Surgeon-Crime Drama 11 Bee Haw 13 54 Lawrence Welk 24 Last of the Wild 30 Animal Survival Kit 56 57 Firing Line--Buckley 7:30 2 425.000 Pyransld 4 Masquerade Party 7 Treasure Tunt 9 Out and About 24 Let's Make a Deal 2:00 2 11 All in the Family 4 13 Movie-Western "Nevada Smith" 7 24 Keep on Truckin' -Comedy 9 All Around the Circle -Variety 20 Nanny and the Professor 30 56 57 Philadelphia Folk Festival 50 That Good Ole Nashville "Music 8:30 2 11 The Jetersons-Comedy 9 Billy Liar-Comedy 20 Public Policy Forums 50 Nicht Gallery 9:00 2 11 Mary Tyler Moore 7 24 Democratic National Telethon 9 Barbara Frum-Interview 30 56 57 Bonnie Raitt and Paul Butterfield-Music 50 Perry Mason BW 9:30 2 Bob Newhart 4 13 Movie-Crime Drama e"They Only Come Out at Nieht." 11 Eleven at Large 20 Temple Baptist Church 10:00 2 11 Moses the Lawgiver -Drama 9 On the Evidence-Drama 20 700 Club 30 57 Tim Weisberg: Jazz- Rock 50 Lou Gordon 56 Movie-Comedy BW "A Lesson in Love" (Swedish, 1953) 10:30 30 57 Boarding House-Music 11:00 2 4 7 11 13 News S CBC News-George Finstad 24 ABC News 30 Janaki-Exercise 11:15 7 ABC News 9 A Look Back 24 On the Issue 11:30 2 Movie-Western "Who Killed the Mysterious Mr. Foster?" (1971) 4 Weekend-Report 7 24 Democratic National Telethon Continues 9Movie-Mystery "The Phantom of Soho.,, (German; 1963) A mysterious killer, clad in black, terror- izes London's Soho district.- 11 Movie-Drama "A Dandy in Aspic." tpn-llsh: 16) Complex spy thriller about a Soviet agent (Laur- ence Earver) caught between the East and West. 13 Movie-Thrller "The Brides of Dracula." (En- glish: 19609 Entertaining - hash of vampire lore with dashes of Freud and Ten- nese Williams, 20 Rieht On-Music 50 Movie-Thriller BW "The Beast with Five Fine- ers." (1946) A Grand Guig- nolish tale of a murdered vic- tim's severed hand seeking revenge. 1:00 4 13 News 1:30 2 Movie-Thriller BW "Voodoo Man." (1944) Ter- rible trio (Bela Lugosl, George Zuco, John Carra- dine) kidnaps lovelies to make zombies of them. 11 News 2:30 7 24 Democratic National Telethon Continues THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXV, No. 50-S Saturday, July 26, 1975 Is cedited and masnoged by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan 48106. Published d ai l y Tuesday through Sunday morning during the Univer- sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription cafes: $10 by cacciec (campus oaea); 011 scsi mail (Michigan and Ohio); 012 non-local mail (other states and foreign). Summer session published Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus area);$ 6.50 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non- local mail (other states and foreign). Turks assume control (Continued from Page 11 under which the installations were set up, were no longer valid. Turkey had called for negotia- tions over the arms embargo last month and had given the United States a one-month deadline before the bases would be placed on an unclarified "temporary status," but ac- tion was postponed until after the 1H0t15e vote, PRESIDENT FORD sent a telegram to Ankara immediate- lv after the House vote asking the government not to close the bases, and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger telephoned Prime Minister Suleiman De- ,mirel urging "restraint." Demirel had said that "the scope and the. limits of the American decision" would de- termine the Turkish attitude. It is generally believed here that much milder action would have been taken against the Ameri- can bases in case of a favor- able House vote. miliary The bill rejected by the House called for the delivery of $185 million worth of weapons to Turkey. Part of the sum had already been paid by Tur- key. K I S S I N G E R, at a Wash- ington news conference, called the House vote "a tragic evolu- tion" and an unfortunate deci- sion for Turkey and Greece and for prospects for a settlement on Cyprus. Ford had led a high-powered campaign to resume some of the arms deliveries. Imme- diately after the vote, Ford said the House action "can only do the most serious and.irrepara- ble damage to the vital national security interest of the United- bases Karamursel south of Istanbul, Sinop on the Black Sea coast and Pirinclik in the southeast. INFORMED sources say Pir- inclik has a unique capacity for gathering intelligence from the Soviet Union. The rest of the installations form a network of radar lis- tening stations. They are known to be at Iz- mir on the Agean coast, Gemlik beside the Marmara Sea, Mala- tya and Erzurum in the east, Samsun on the Black Sea, Geli- bolu on the Dardanelles, three near Ankara, one each at Ba- likesir and Askihesir in the northwest, and two at Adana near Incirlik. St ins. be but sid Th te DAILY OFFICIA l yggg;- :::;:g;gp;i:3gg~ g i:g.. : -u a - ic Day Calendar Bicycle Club: 40-60 mile ride, meet Diag, 9 am. WUOM: From the Midway-Har- old B. Gores, "You Have To Be Taught," 10 am; "Marie Lanza: TheTurbulent Tears," part 2, 1 pm. Michigan Rep '75: Wilson's The Hot L Baltimore, Mendelssohn, 8 pm. RC Summer Theatre: The Jani- tors, E. Quad Aud., 8 pm. Sunday, July 27 Day Calendar Di Bi Pe 1:3 to: dio Ar 3, r "^ ca pn ALFRED HITCHCQCK'S 1936 ates." A complete list of the U. S. tallations was not available cause of security directives t only four bases were con- dered to be major facilities. iey are Incirlik and three 1n- lligence gathering units at (continsed fro Page 1) ;::3:-:::-::::::;:::::'c:::;:::::.:: ; sc::::::::::":2::: r.. Stafford, Slayton and Brand BULLETIN donned oxygen masks, but :tti:g::1"'"'%:f.: ::*:":,:f,: y;:V :;;;::g Brand passed out for about a minute after the spacecraft was Bicycle Club: 40-60 mile ride, meet on the water. He was revived ag, s am. after his mask was adjusted and WUOM: States of the Union- the flow of oxygen assured. centennial series: featured state, nnsylvania, 1 pm. The astronauts told shipboard Graduate Outing: Hiking and/or doctors of the gas problem after imming, meet Rackham N. Entry, they left their spacecraft and 10 pm. the men were immediately sent RC Summer Theatre: The Jani~ to bed in the ship's sick bay. rs, E. Quad Aud., 8 pm. Monday, July 28 THE astronauts complained WUOM: M. Felheim, "The Tradi- of chest pains yesterday morn- n of the New in America: The ing when they took deep breaths. 'ts," 10:10 am. They also coughed. SACUA: Meeting, 4079 Admin., 2 Officials at the Johnson Space A-V Ctr.: Mind, body films, Aud. Center in Houston said they MLB, 7 prn. were not positive of the type of Her-Self Meeting: 225 E. Liberty, gas, described as "brownish music School: Carol Jikling, yellow" which invaded the space rillonneur, Burton Tower, 7-8 cabin as it dropped toward the ocean to end the joint mission - - - - with the Soviet Union. Dr. Glynn Lunney, technical director of the Apollo mission, C.said "We haven't ruled anything OPTOMETRIST out and we have to keep an open mind." Full Contact Lens Service BUT DOCTORS said that Visual Examinations whatever the type of gas, the treatmenj would be the same 548 CHURCH ST. because the first requirement is 663-2476 to reduce respiratory inflai- mation. MICHIGAN REPERTORY'75 AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TOMORROW thru Julv 25 THE HOT L BALTIMORE in repertory with THE RIVALS TONIGHT thru July 26 PERFORMANCE TIME 8:00 Tickets available at Mendelssohn Box Office 763-1085 Mondav-Fridav 12:30-5:00 Performance Dovs 12:30-5:00 and 6:00-8:00 Tickets also available at Hudson's *Recommended for mature audiences NEXT WEEK: Shaw's CANDIDA