Te M-cigodeAtly Vol. LXXXV, No. 5--S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, May 13, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Pr sden seiz U.oSsIp ---President blasts 'act of piracy' WASHINGTON (P)-- A Cambodian gunboat yes- terday fired at and seized an unarmed U.S. merchant ship which its owners said was carry- ing military and commercial cargo. President Ford called it "an act of piracy." White House Press Secretary Ron Nessen, who announced the seizure of the U.S. merchant ship Mayaguez, said the failure to release the vessel "would have the most serious consequences.' That diplomatically tough language is used only in situations considered extremely grave and carrying the possibility of military action. NESSEN SAID the Mayaguez and its crew of 39 were seized 60 miles off the coast of Cambodia, about eight miles from a small rock island ap- parently claimed by both Cambodia and Vietnam. The vessel's owners, the Sea-Land Corp. of Menlo Park, N.J., said the ship was 85 miles from shore. Nessen later announced that a Panamanian ship was stopped by Cambodia in the same area May 7 or 8, but apparently has been allowed to leave and reportedly is en route to Thailand. The Sea-Land Corp. said the company did not know the nature of the military cargo aboard the vessel. "At the most it would just be small arms," said a spokesperson . . . "We're just a container operation so there could be no heavy military equipment." The company said the ship was en route from Hong Kong to Thailand. President Ford, meanwhile, met with the Na- tional Security Council to discuss the seizure and the State Department said diplomatic efforts were under way for the return of the vessel. The Burlington, Vt., Free-Press quoted Sen. Robert Stafford (R-Vt.) as saying China was be- ing used as a third-country channel to help free the ship. China is one of three countries with direct contact with the new Cambodian govern- ment. "We are taking immediate steps to obtain the prompt release of the ship," said State Depart- See CAMBODIA, Page 9 Ford Javits Senate unit OK's refugee WASHINGTON (A) - The Senate Foreign Relations Committee approv- ed a $405 million authorization yester- day for relief and resettlement of South Vietnamese and Cambodian re- fugees. Chairman John Sparkman (D-Ala.), said the legislation, similar to that being considered by the House to- morrow, will be ready for Senate ac- tion today. SPARKMAN said the committee vote, following a morning hearing, was 13-0. Senate Majority Leader Council over ne~ aid plan Mike Mansfield abstained. The senator said Mansfield wanted more information on any remaining funds from various aid authorizations previously made for South Vietnam. Sparkman said the bill so closely resembles the one approved by the House Judiciary Committee that it may be possible to avoid sending the legislation to a time-consuming House- Senate conference. If that is the case, the bill could be before President Ford for his signature by the end of the week. w'rangles w budget By DAVID WHITING ity Council held its third lengthy, but final, meeting last night to hash out a >osed $18 million belt-tightening budget this fiscal year with council members ling City Hall department heads over tested allotments. :ayor Albert Wheeler announced yester- that he expects council's final decision y 27 on City Administartor Sylvester ray's proposed budget. [OWEVER, all three political parties are ply divided on budget priorities and, h no party holding more than five votes the 11-member council, a stalemate is he air. like imost resolutions passed by coun- which require a bare majority of six s, seven votes are needed to amend the inistrator's proposed budget. If council See COUNCIL, Page 9 Street-corner still life A Victorian lampost stands sentinel over a typically dreary Ann Arbor morning. A lone pigeon soars up to the building eaves in search of a choice resting perch. Wheeler