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July 25, 1975 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1975-07-25

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The Michigan Daily
Edited and managed by Students at the
University of Michigan
Friday, July 25, 1975
News Phone: 764-0552
The master of pretense
FTER AN EXTENDED dry spell, reports are once
again popping up in the nation's newspapers con-
cerning two situations which owe their notoriously lofty
statures in large part to the meticulous efforts of our
illustrious Secretary of State Kissinger: U.S. arm sales
to the Middle East and covert U.S. activities in Latin
Prominently mentioned in yesterday's account of
Richard Nixon's frenzied attempts to thwart Salvador
Allende Gossens rise to power in Chile was Mr. Kissinger's
firsthand knowledge of a plot to supply anti-Marxist
Chilean subversives with weapons and tear gas grenades.
Though the report suggests Kissinger felt the plot
should be halted at the time, it also discloses that he
was privy to a secret discussion headed by Nixon of plans
to eliminate Allende, a discussion which completely and
illegally bypassed the proscribed procedure for initiating
CIA activities-that is, through the so-called "Forty
Committee." What is significant here isn't that the Nixon
huddle might have put the agency to a more important
use than the forty committee-Kissinger controlled that
particular body-but that the Secretary had direct evi-
dence of an immoral and illegal attempt of the President
an the life of another national leader, and chose to do
nothing about it at the time.
T IS FROM this historical perspective that one begins
to understand the paradoxical approach of the U.S.
toward Middle East politics.
Why, so many ask, does the Secretary shuttle so
furiously across the Mideast sands in the name of peace,
if all the while he approves massive U.S. armaments
shipments to virtually every antagonist party in the con-
flict, thus upping the chance of a devastating outbreak
of violence in that war-torn global powder keg? Why
indeed. Perhaps this question wouldn't seem so puzzling
if we could fathom how it was that a Nobel Peace Prize
winner could stomach an accessory role in a depraved
scenario, which dictated the ultimate downfall of a
popular national leader in a country that was certain to.
suffer at the hands of a fascist regime after his demise.
For your next trick, Henry, save it.

New light on the CIA

(Second of two parts)
also conviced fl'at the Ma-
nila "Manchtrian Candid te"
cr se was connerted to the .'.F
assassination. On Mardi 2, 1967
a man namer 5t in Angel Cas-
tillo was detained by the PH;Ilip-
pine National Bnreau of Investi-
gation after he had contacted
left-wing Huk guerrillas. Ques-
tioned under truth serum and
hypnosis, Castillo blurted out a
tale of having been taken to a
building in Dallas, Texas, the
day Kennedy was shot, handed
a rifle assembled from compon-
ents hidden in a bowling hag,
and instructed to fire ata man
in an open car sitting next to a
lady. The signal to fire would be
given by mirror flashes.
The story caused a brief sen-
sation at the time. The Manila
Times bannered: " 'JFK Plot-
ter' in Manila!" Wire service
dispatches to the United States
said Castillo was a "Cuban-
trained Communistagent' who
hadn't shot because he heard
that a man named Joe "had al-
ready shot the man in the open
car. The story was so implaus-
ible that it quickly died.
NOT LONG AGO the hynotist
who conducted the interrogation
of Castillo for the Philippine au-
thorities, arrived in this country
under the name Vincente R.
Sanchez. When Popkin took a
lookat his reports, his eyes
The reports termed Castillo
a "zombie" - a hypnoprogram-
THE ABILITY OF landlords
and management companies
to regulate and restrict the lives
of their tenants has long been
one of the most institutionalized
asnects of the landlord-tenant re-
lationship. In recent years, the
trend has been in the opposite
direction, with tenants gaining
more legal protection, and, con-
currently, demanding greater
rights to control certain aspects
of their tenancy, such as the
right to redecorate their own
apartments or houses, to live
with whom they please, and to
keep pets.
However, landlords are still
able to exercise a great deal of
control over their tenants.
As a group, they are able to
determine where a tenant will
live, for example. The major
management companies now re-
quire a prospective tenant to
fill out an application for hous-
ing that includes such infor-
mation as former landlords,
banks used, credit references,
and names and addresses of

med robot.
Sanchez extracted Castillo's
rambling story over a period of
weeks. Castillo, then 29, was in-
ducted around 1960 into a "Spe-
cial Operations Group" which
afforded him paramilitary train-
ing. In 1961 he participated in
the Bay of Pigs invasion, as a
pilot for the CIA. Thereafter he
infiltrated a double-agent net-
work, posing as a communist in
Venezuela and liquidating a
communist agent in Mexico.
"In talking about the
JFK assassination, Ca-
stillo was able to de-
scribe in some detail
the room from which
he was to shoot."
In talking about the JFK as-
sassination, Castilloth despite
some disjointed phrases - was
nevertheless able tordescribe in
some detail the room from.
which he was to shoot, and how
his control agent ordered, "They
got him already. Let's get out
of here." After the rifle was dis-
assembled andtstuffed in the
bowling bag, he was hustled in-
to the car which had brought
him to the building. It stopped
twice within blocks to pick up
sther men.
IN 1967, according to Sanchez,
Castillo was programmed to as-
sassinate Philippine President
Ferdinand Marcos after openly

associating with the leftist Huks
-which would implicate them in
the assassination. Popkin points
out that this is a similar ploy
to the one Nagell attributed to
the anti-Castro Cubans' use of
Until recently the Castillo epi-
sode might have seemed a logi-
cal impossibility. But the re-
lease of the Rockefeller Report,
with its revelations about secret
CIA projects to induce behavior
modification in unsuspecting
subjects, make the possibility of
a "Manchurian Candidate"
more than mere fantasy. (In
the Robert Kennedy assassina-
lion, Dr. Bernard Diamond, who
examined Sirhan Sirhan for the
defense, testified that he believ-
ed Sirhan was hypnotized at the
time of the shooting).
Although the current where-
abouts of Castillo is unknown,
the Sanchez reports contain the
names of six persons who sup-
posedly ran his network, includ-
ing the "control officer' and a
woman who hypnotized him.
Popkin's own investigations
have shown that these people do
THROUGH Popkin their stor-
ies have now been passed on
to the Attorney General and the
Church Committee.
William T u r n e r is the
author of a book on the
CIA'srs e c r e t war against
Castro, and a writer for the
Pacific News Service. Copy-
right, PNS, 1975.

tenants blacklisted

parents, who are sometimes ex-
pected to co-sign the lease.
These applications permit the
management company to dis-
cover, before agreeing to rent an
apartment, if the tenant has any
history of activism, such as de-
manding repairs or withholding
The cooperation among land-
lords in furnishing each other
with information is tantamount
to keeping an informal black-
list. During periods of tenant
activism, such as the 1969 Ann
Arbor Rent Strike, the black-
list is more than informal; it is
widely employed both in an at-
tempt to discriminate against
the activists and to keep other
tenants docile.
housing is further restricted by
discrimination on the basis of
marital status, sex, sexual pref-
erence, race, educational sta-
tus, income, and number of
children or pets. Numerous
tenants have felt fortunate be-
cause they have been able to
"get away" with keeping a dog

in their apartment. Even in
their own homes, tenants are
forced to feel as if they live in
a hotel, albeit one with very
poor service.
Tenants are told where and
how to live by people who are
interested in them only as a
source of revenue. This condi-
tion exists primarily because
tenants have not organized to
defend their rights. Instead, ev-
ery election day they put their
faith in one politician or anoth-
er who promises to do some-
thing to correct the situation,
and every election day they are
disappointed. Tenants can no
longer afford to wait for their
"representatives" to take ac-
tion. They must learn to repre-
sent themselves, to take con-
trol of their own living rooms
as a first step towards control-
ling their own lives.
Steve Downs and L a r r y
Cooperman are members of
the Ann Arbor Tenants

Twe 6pi~iC OF '6-.

Letters to The Daily

Joan Little
To the Daily:
irresponsible editorial on the
Joan Little trial which appeared
in the July 16 Daily. Whether
Little is guilty or innocent of
murder in the death of her
alleged rapist is for the jury,
not some editorial writer to de-
cide. The, issue is whether her
actions were lawful self-defense,
not that she is black and female
and he was white and male.
Sometimes equally irrespon-
sible editorial writers demand
the conviction of criminal de-
fendants. Then it is called pre-

judicial p r e - t r i a 1 publicity.
Whether you call for the con-
viction of an unpopular defend-
ant or the acquittal of a fash-
ionable one, itsis lynchmob psy-
chology, and has no place in
any newspaper.
-Richard S. Kanter
July 21
ghost writer
To the Daily:
found numerous letters to the
Editor published in the Daily so
preposterous as to make me be-
lieve that they were surely fic-
titious. In the July 23 letters, I
see one signed by the infamous

and w h o I1 y fictitious "Inez
Pilk." Ms. Pilk, in whose name
events such as receptions in the
League garden and conference
speeches were foisted on the
University community by a
tongue-in-cheek D a iI y staff
about fifteen years ago, seems
to be as indestructible as Till
Eulenspiegel-and her pranks
as merry.
My point is, however, that it
is now clear that the Daily's
letters column carries no war-
ranty of authenticity. What a
relief! We can now read these
pieces as the fiction they un-
doubtedly are.
-John W. Reed

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