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July 25, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-07-25

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXV, No. 49-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday; July 25, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

U.N. w'il keep
buffer force in
Sinai Peninsula,
By The Associated Press
The United Nations Security Council voted
13-0 last night to extend the mandate of the
U.N. buffer force in Sinai for another three
months, until Oct. 24.
The vote on the resolution extending the
life of the U.N. Emergency Force (UNEF)
positioned between Egyptians and Israeli
troops had been delayed by a dispute over
CHINA AND Iraq did not participate in
the vote, in -keeping with their usual prac-
tice on UNEF.
The Council action came less than six
hours before the midnight expiration of
the mandate, and was made possible by
a last-minute compromise reached between
the United States and Egypt.
The resolution text the Council members
and Egypt reached on privately Wednesday
night had the Council "expressing satis-
faction with" Egypt's eleventh-hour consent
Wednesday in responseyto an appeal made
by the Council two days earlier.
SUBSEQUENTLY, diplomats reported,
Egypt demanded the phrase "expressing
appreciation for" its consent, but the United
States held out against that. Israel was
against either one.
In Jerusalem, an Israeli government
source said Egypt had "accepted in general
terms" Israel's concept of a new Sinai
agreement but that a dispute remained
over the line to which Israel would with-
draw. The Egyptian Foreign Ministry said
it was "premature" to say there was broad

House kill
support f
WASHINGTON 0') - The House rejected President
Ford's effort to resume arms sales to Turkey yesterday
as opponents argued his plan would be submission to
After the 223 to 206 vote, Ford said= the decision "can
only do the most serious and irreparable damage to the
vital national security interests of the United States."
HE SAID IT will affect not only "normally excellent
relations" with Turkey and -its NATO alliance but also
U.S. efforts to reach a settlement between Greece and
Turkey over the Cyprus issue.
Ford had made a last-minute appeal in -a letter to the
House, pledging to seek a settlement of the Cyprus dis-
Opponents argued that Ford was submitting to "black-
mail" by not pressuring Turkey to reduce its occupation
forces on Cyprus in exchange for the arms sales. They
said he was worried about Turkish threats to close U.S.
bases in Turkey."
OTHERS SAID Turkey violated U.S. aid laws in its
invasion of Cyprus and that resuming arms aid would
set a dangerous precedent.
If passed, the bill would have permitted transfer of
$185 million in weapons Turkey had contracted for be-
fore Feb. 5. On that day, Congress cut off all U.S. nili-
tary aid to Turkey because of its invasion of Cyprus.
In effect, the bill would life Congress' embargo on cash
and credit weapons sales to Turkey but continue the ban
on grants of military aid.
IN HIS statement, Ford said he hoped the House would
"reconsider its failure to act. affirmatively."
But Rep. William Broomfield of Michigan, ranking Re-
publican on the 'House International Relations Commit-
tee, said he sees no other alternative for getting a com-
"The House has responded with its position," Broom-
field said, "but I think they've assumed a heavy burden
by making this foreign policy decision and preventing

s military
) Turke
the administration from negotiating."
APPLAUSE burst from the galleries and the floor as
the arms sale, which was being approved during most of
the -electronic vote, suddenly reversed in the final minute
and was rejected.
Rep. Ed Beard, (D-RI.), said, "I am delighted with
the vote and extremely happy Congress did not get into
a blackmail situation. I called this machine-gun diplom-
Rep. Stephen Solarz, (D-N.Y.), said the President had
won the 297 to 98 House vote last year largely with the
argument that the bases are needed to keep track of
Soviet weaponry.
'I'm extremely happy Congress did not
give into a blackmail situation. I call this
machine gun diplomacy.'
-Rep. Ed Beard (D-R..)
"IN SO FAR AS these bases give us the capability to
monitor present and possible future adherence to nuclear
arms agreement," Solarz said, "I believe it is critical to
maintain them."
Rep. Charles Whalen, Jr., (R-Ohio), who voted to cut
off the aid last year, told the House. "It's hard for a
politician to admit he made a mistake, but it's quite clear
that I did so."
Whalen said Congress' aid cutoff has failed to force
the Cyprus peace negotiations and instead has hardened
the Turks against the negotiations and could turn them
against the United States.
"It can very possibly turn them to the oil-rich Arab
nations for their financing," Whalen said, "and this
would cause further disequilibrium in the Middle East."
Apollo crew
lands safely
ABOARD USS NEW ORLEANS ()-Three astronauts
returned safely to earth yesterday after a voyage in
orbit with Soviet cosmonauts. The splashdown ended
the Apollo era of space exploration.
Astronauts Thomas Stafford, Vance Brand and Donald
"Deke" Slayton rode their Apollo craft through a long
blazing arc across Pacific skies and splashed down
safely at 5:20 p.m. EDT, 330 miles west of Pearl Har-
bor, Hawaii.
"EVERYTHING went great," Stafford said. "It was
a great ending to the Apollo project."
The astronauts' Apollo craft was lowered by crane
to the deck of the recovery ship where President Ford,
in a call from the White House, told, the spacemen
that their mission "adds a new dimension to interna-
tional cooperation and this is extremely important now
and in the days ahead.'
Thus ended a space voyage of international coopera-
tion, of new scientific exploration of the universe and
the finale to a pioneering age for the spacecraft system
which first carried man to the moon.
"IT WAS SO much fun the past nine days," said Slay-
ton, a man who waited 16 years for his first space
trip. "I hate to go back to work again."
Brand, another space rookie, told the shipboard
crowd: "I've wondered all these years what this day
would be like. It is a great feeling."
In their brief talk, President Ford called Slayton "an
old-timer in space" and the astronaut responded: "may-
be some day we can take you up there in the shuttle."
SOVIET LEADER Leonid Brehnev sent a telegram
of congratulations to Ford that said "the flight of the
See, APOLLO, Pages

CIA panel to call Kissinger
Chairman Frank Church of Idaho and John Tower of Texas answer questions at a press conference yes-
terday. They announced their Senate Intelligence Committee would issue an interim reporton alleged in-
volvement of the U.S. in assassination ploats and would soon call Secretary of State Kissinger as a wit-

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