Wednesday, July 23, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Wednesd|ay, July23,|195|THE|MIC'I.. DAL Pag T-e 'Jaws' eats up big local film crowds By DAVID WHITING Here, as in every other city throughout the nation this summer, thousands of people are waiting anxiously outside movie houses-not thinking about relief from the heat and the theater's cool insides-but wondering about the gore they are about to see and the horror they expect to experience. If you don't know what movie these scare-hungry hordes are waiting to see, you have been, no doubt, spending the past few months in upper Siberia. THE FILM, of course, is this year's smash-hit thriller, Jaws. Mark Worden, former manager of the State Theater where the film is locally showing, stated last week, "This is a block-buster picture-it is doing better than the Sting which ran for 13 weeks - . . It has set a record. No movie has come even close to it" "Jaws, he said, "is doing 50 per cent better than any other movie we've ever run." Worden's claims are not idle boasting. Lines for Jaws consistently stretch a block, and on weekend nights con- tinues around the corner and down another block. WHILE - the waiting crowds have not proved unruly, their numbers sometimes have created problems for ticket- takers when the fans pour through to squeeze the conces- sion counter. Getting popcorn on a Wednesday afternoon, when the theater drops its regular $2.50 ticket price to a buck, seems See ADVENTURE, Page 7 SINCE THE FILM "Jaws" hit Ann Arbor, lines like this have been an every day occurence at the State Theatre. The thriller, a major topic of conversation for several weeks, has report- edly made some people wary of swimming in the local lakes. Students organize fight against fall tuition hike By BILL TURQUE petitions protesting the hike. longed manner," Hunter con- The Committee to Fight the Much of the evening's discus- tended. Tuition Hike held a disjointed sign, attended by about 35 peo- SGC member Mary Hulick and and inconclusive first meeting ple, grew from a basic philo- others countered that the com- last night, characterized by sophical conflict between SYl' mittee should start by dealing ideological squabbling and a 'nd RSB representatives as to exclusively with the six per cent substantial lack of hard infor- the basic focus of the commit- hike, leaving the door open for mation about last week's fee tee's efforts. SYL supporter other issues if and when the increase. . Frank Hunter argued the com- movement gathers steam. The committee - an ad hoc mittee should address itself to coalition of student groups op- the broader political implica- WhIle Hulick admitted after posed to the six per cent tui- tions of the fee hike by incor- the meeting that she agreed in tion boost approved by the parating demands of no pro- principle of the SYL position, Board of Regents last week _-gram cathacks or layoffs of un- she told the commsittee "a six included representatives from ionized University employes into per cent hike isn't going to ap- the Student Organizing Commit- the group's stance. pear very large, but it is totally tee (SOC); the Revolutionary Hunter said the cotmittee's unfair-any atotaunt is outrage- Student's Brigade (RSB), the plans were "doomed to failure" ous." Graduate Employes Organiza- withoiut the support of the Uni- tion (GEO), and the Spartacus rersity's wage earners. THE COMMITTEE seemed to Youth League (SYL). be arguing in a factual vazitim. 7 }? t r r 1 { t l "STUDENTS don't have the THEY HAVE to date collected ower by themselves to hurt the approxitnately 800 signatures on University in a serious or pro- students embittered over faR tuition increase By TIM SCHICK Friday's d e c i s i o n by the Board of Regents to raise tui- tion six per cent has left many students with embittered atti- tudes towards the University. However, incoming freshper- sons, while unhappy with the in- crease, appear unwilling to back a tuition strike. "I WISH they would have told us before this," said Doug Franke, a freshman attending orientation at Markley residence hall. "I would have gone to Michigan State." But he admitted reluctance to commit himself to support a tui- tion strike, "This is my first Year," he said, This opinion was echoed by another freshman, Bill Mischel. "I know a lot of people who got screwed over by strikes in high school." HOWEVER, not all freshper- sons are willing to sit back while tuition goes up. "I might sup- port a strike," said Tom Eis. "This school has a. reputation for making you pay the most for the least" Eis emphasized, "The tuition hike is a pain in the ass, what are they doing for the people on financial aid?" Long time students, while equally disappointed, were more receptive to the idea of a tuition strike though most took a wait- and-see stance. "IF THERE were a clear set of objectives which I felt -ad a good chance of being accepted, I wouild (support a strike), ' said Bob Montgomery, a fifth-year undergraduate. "I would not support one just because they raised my tuition." He explained, "The tuition h i k e prolongs dissatisfaction withtthe University. In an in- stitution like thin, the bureac- racy will, just gobble up most of the money." See 'U', Page 7 Acting SGC President David Mitchell, who chaired the meet- ing, said he had not yet re- ceived information about the University's financial s t a t u s promised the committee at last we-k's Regents' meeting. The request, made to Rienard Kennedy, vice president for state relations, included data on alternatives to the .tuition hike and a breakdown of the 1975-76 general operating fund, Possible tactics, such as a mass rally at the September Regents' meeting and a tuition strike, were given brief incon- clusive discussion. The commit- tee resolved only to meet next Tuesday with additional infor- mation on tuition hikes at cther schools and attempt to obtan support from other campus or- ganizations and 1 a c a I labor unions. COMMITTEE member Irving Freeman said after the meeting he thought the basic issues were "getting too bogged :down in ideological garbage," but felt the group still had some future potential. "I think we'll get something going," Freeman said. Mitchell said he felt -the in- itial meeting was successful, "considering that there are not very many people in town." Daily Photo by KtN IN. Douglas Beltz, from the Ann Arbor Hypnosis Center, demon- strates the six levels of hypnosis. 80 per cent -of those sus- ceptible reach the medium range while the other 20 per cent go into the deeper levels, according to Beltz. Hy pnosis: Expensive By TRUDY GAYER For $25 per hour session, the Ann Arbor Hypnosis Center claims it will help a client lose weight, study better, stop smoking, or cure almost any other habit one wishes to get rid of. By heightening one's state of suggestability, center director Douglas Beltz stated he has helped 70 per cent of his clients lose weight, 61 per cent stop smoking, and 75-80 per cent study better. THERE ARE two methods of achieving hypnosis. One is by means of heightening one's emotional level and the other by relax- ing the patient who then -"goes into a hypnoidal state where one is more suggestible to what I say," according to Beltz. "I have people sit Back in the chair; I talk about relaxation, the conscious mind slows down, and the subconscious mind be- comes open to suggestion so that c A' ideas can help them," ex- plained Beltz. "Hypnosis is regressive," said Beltz, explaining that one be- comes "very relaxed, stops thinking logically or analytically, and believes what is told to them." It is analogous to when one is a child, he points out, "Young children don't have a logical mind and are open to suggestion from people who are important to them." See HYPNOSIS, Page 7