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July 22, 1975 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1975-07-22

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Tuesday, July 22; 1975


Tuesday, July 22, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

Soyuz crew: Back in the
SPACE CENTER, Houston (P) - The
Soyuz cosmonaists, partners in history's *ik~
first international space mission, blazed A o l tw m re d y
safely back to earth yesterday, pars-
chuting to a pinpoint landing on a flat, to cushion the landing, stirring up a' making radio reports.
featureless plain in their homeland. great quantity of dust. Mission Control reported they land
They left the Apollo astronauts behind just 6.2 miles from the intended landi
in space for two more days of explora- WITHIN 30 seconds a helicopter had point.
tion. landed beside the bell-sihaned Soyus and -,..


ALEXEI LEONOV and Valeri Kubasov
rode their spaceship, dangling under a
single red and white parachute to a
touchdown, or a "thumpdown" as news-
men here dubbed it, at 6:51 n.m. EDT.
For the first time, the world had a
televised look at the landing of a Soviet
spacecraft. TV cameras mounted in heli-
copters picked up the Soyuz as it des-
cended from the skies toward the plain
in south central Russia, about 300 miles
st of the Baikonur Cosmodrome, where
they were launched last Tuesday.
About eight feet above the surface,
small braking rockets fired downward

a team of rescue workers walked across
the plain towards 'the capsule.
Leonov and Kubasov had been in space
five days, 46 hours 31 minutes, had cir-
cled the globe 96 times and traveled
about two and one-half million miles.
Just two minutes after the landing,
Leonov and Kubasov stepped from the
spaceship in their white spacesuits and
both gave bearhugs to the rescue work-
ers and waved at cameramen.
DOCTORS at the scene reported both
were in "very good condition.' They
were surrounded by newsmen who could
be seen on television taking notes and

nauts were taken to a helicopter for
transport to a nearby medical facility.
THE LANDING contrasted with Amer-
ica's ocean landings, such as the Apollo
The astronauts, Thomas Stafford,
Vance Brand and Donald Slayton, are to
splashdown in the Pacific on Thursday.
The astronauts were still asleep at the
time of the Soyuz landing, with their
spaceship drifting along 135 miles above
the Pacific south of Japan.
A SHORT time later Houston mission

Page Three
control wakened them with the word of
the successful Soyuz landing.
"Very, very good, give them my best.
Glad everything went good," Command-
er Stafford said.
Leonov and Kubasov triggered their
braking rockets- above Ascension Island
in the Atlantic to slip out of orbit and
start an arcing, fiery descent that
crossed over Africa, the Black Sea and
Central Russia.
SOVIET television viewers saw their
first space landing when Soyuz 19 plum-
meted back to earth.
,A chorus of "nobs' and "saas" erupted
from a group of about tOO bystanders on
Gorky Street in central Moscow as they
watched the bell-shaped spacecraft with
its two crewmen come down to a bumpy
landing on earth.
The lunch-hour crowd was watching
television sets in the windows of a large
radio and television sales store.
City officials
hit 'U' stance

Ofln finances
Ciyofficials have expressed disap-
.e, Isoltment and inter over the Umver-
siysdecision not to increase payments
g to the city for sersvices including police
adfire protection.
The University announced Friday it
7 was denying a reqoest by city officials
C at the June Regents meeting for an in-
3 medate payment of $2.5 million for this
fiscal year to cover costs of services
provided by the city.
* THE UNIVERSITY said ii would con-
tnepaying $318,1111 for police protec-
E tion and $250,010 for fire department
services - the identical amount re-
-5 ,,,ceived by the city during the last fiscal
N n year.
ment of a jois committeeof three Re-
AP Photo gents and three Councilpersons was not
flatly rejected by the University. How-
High in the sky ever, the University said in Friday's
statement it "proposes that appropriate
These young fairgoers whirl high above the Dane County Junior Fair in Madison, Wisconsin. In their skybound swings U-M officials and' city staff members
they found a breeze to cool them oft from the 90 degiiee inferno below. See CITY, Page 5

PIRGIM calls for open access
to most state, local documents

A report issued yesterday by
the Public Interest Research
Group in Michigan (PIRGIM)
calls for new legislation guar-
anteeing "quick and easy ac-
cess" to most state and local
government records.
The 61-page report, entitled
"State Secrets," describes the
abuses of existing laws, and pro-
poses a Michigan version of the
federal government's Freedom
of Information Act, which pro-
vides restrictions Ogninst bu-
reaucratic secrecy.
"SECRETIVE bureaucrats, sn-
trained emplayes, vague stand-
ards, long delays, and arbitrary
denials . . . confront the citizen
who seeks access to government
records under Michigan's pres-
tnt laws," the report contends.
Legislation to fulfill the re-
port's recommendations is car-
rently in the draft stage, hut
shauld be ready for introduction
to the legislature' by October,
according to State Represents-

live Perry Bollard (D-Ann Ar-
"t's an attempt to create one
of the strongest Freedom ot In-
formation Acts in the nation,"
he added.
THlE. REPORT recounts ser-
erai incidents of unlawfutly
whthheld information, including:
-An Ann Arbor News report-
er whose access to Wsshteasv
sheriff's department's documents
was "lawlessly delayed . . . for
nine days" as .retaliation for
un-favorable stories.
-An attorney was forced to
"sanitized 'ioftsensitive docu-
ments which "were obviously
required . . . to be disclosed
upon request."
-A Detroit Free Press report-
er who was forced to seek thle
intervention of the State Attor-
ney General before her legal
right to examine inspection re-
ports of the Michigan Depart-
ment of Agriculture, wan estab-
-The Taylor Citizens for Bet-

ter Government w h.iceh was
charged $1 per page copyirg
costs for documents after the
group was successful in ovain-
tog criminal indictments against
city officinis on charges of
bribery, perjury, and misappro-
priation of city funds. Tatylor
Mayor Richard Marshall com-
mented, "They're disrupting the
processes of government."
As a result of studying toese
and other reports of sbuse of
freedom of information laws the
report calls for new legiatation
which would:
-make inter - departmental
memo public documents;
-imit costs of obtaining iocu-
ments to "the actual incremen-
tat cost of providing copies, in-
cluding reasonable labor costs;
-provide for the awarding of
damages to citizens when courts
rule '"that a public official has
acted capriciously in denying or
delaying access to records;" ansi
-require written explanations
from departments when docu-
noents are withheld from the

Gandhi nears approval
of emergency measures
NEW DELHI (A' - Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's government
won a preliminary test of strength yesterday as it sought Parlia-
ment's approval of her declaration of a natisnal emergency and
suspension ol civil liberties.
-Meeting for the first time since independence with its top
non-Communist opposition leaders in jail, both hoilses of Parlia-
ment voted overwhelmingly to suspend normal procedures and
expedite government business during its one-week session.
MRS. GANDHI'S Congress party demonstrated its traditional
strength, winning the procedural vote in the lower house 3tt to 76
and defeating opposition attempts to block a similar resolution in
the upper house 147 to 32.
The results were considered a prelude to the main vote ex-
pected Tuesday on the Government's resolution seeking Parlia-
ment's endorsement of emergency rule. The emergency was ori-
ginally declared on June 26 by a presidential order that heralded
the start of an unprecedented crackdown on the non-Communist-
Although she came to Parliament and listened to much of the
discussion, Mrs. Gandhi did not vote because she was barred by
the Supreme Court from doing so while appealing a lower court
verdict .that she violated election laws in winning her Parliament
seat in 1971.
OPPOSITION members uised the opening day of Parliament
to attack the engergency decree, the first time they have been able
to do so in an open forum.
However, correspondents were supposed to ignore their
speeches under censorship regulations which allowed only govern-
ment statements and cabinet members' speeches to be reported.

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