Vol. LXXXV, No. 46-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 22, 1975 Ten Cents Eight Pages U Ford vtosbill t contrlolprices THIS DUTCH SOLDIER exemplifies the relaxed policies of Holland's unionize army. There is no saluting, no reveille, no weekend barracks duly-none of 0I usual pomp ad circumstance. Court sets guidelines for 'U' tuit'ion rebates By OP) and UPI WASHINGTON - President Ford won snother round yesterdsy in his battle with Congress over energy policy, veto- ing a measure that would have rolled hack the price of new U.S. oil and main- tained thse correot price for old oil. The President urged Congress to ap- prove his plan for the gradual removal of all price controls on domestic oil pro- duction, warning that failutre to approve his plan would load to skyrocketing prices io this country. PRESS SECRETARY. Ron Nessen an- nounced Ford's decision to reporters at the White House. He said Ford and his energy advisors helieved the hill would increase U.S. reliance on foreign oil im- ports. The President's energy advisers un- animously recommended the veto dttring a meeting Saturday. Repubhlican congressional leaders met with Ford earlier yesterday and some, in- cluding Hotuse GOP Leader John Rhodes, predicted Congress would reject the President's proposal to gradually decon- trol the price of "old" oil over a 30-month period. HUT RHODES held out the possibility Ford and Congress could .compromise. The hill vetoed by Ford yesterday gained final congressional approval Thursday. It would have continued Ford's authority to control the price of "old" oil through this year and roll hack the price of "new" oil to $11.28 a barrel. The current world market price is about $1325 a barrel. New oil is that which is produced from wells drilled since 1972. Old oil is that produced from wells in operation before 1973 and is currently controlled at $5.25 a barrel. FEDERAL price controls on oil will end Aug. 31 sinless new legislation is passed. An end to controls would mean the consumer would pay sharply higher prices on oil and gasoline. Ford's veto of the price rollback bill had been expected and congressional leaders were prepared to counter by dumping his proposal and then simply extending existing controls for six months while an energy program was thrashed out. But Ford made clear he wouldn't he part of that. "For too long, the nation has been without an energy policy, and I cannot approve a drift into greater en- ergy dependence," he said. HIS ACTION put the Republican Pres- ident and the Democratic-controlled Con- gress on a collision course on energy. Congress plans to recess Aug. 1 for a vacation to run through the month when, if nothing is done, all price controls wsuld vanish and prices would soar. Ford's aides estimated that if controls lapse, gasoline would rise 6 to 7 cents a gallon within a few months. The Presi- dent estimated that his gradual decon- trol plan would cause gas prices to rise by just as much hut not until 1978. Postal Workers accept contract;e stieaverted WASHINGTON O') - Postal workers won a three-year contract that will pro- vide scheduled raises totaling $1,500 over three years plus continued cost-of-living increases, postal sources said yesterday. By the third year of the contract, which covers about 60,000 workers, the addition- al cost to the Postal Service will be $90 million per year. THERE IS no way to calculate the value of the cost-of-living clause, how- ever. It provides, at six-month intervals. increases of one cent per hour for eacs 0.4 per cent of a point increase in the Consumer Price Index. In the two-year contract that expired at midnight, Sunday, the cost-of-living feature added $780 million to scheduled increases, or roughly $1,300 per year for the average postal worker. In terms of the effect on. postage rates, the Postal Service -could raise $1,800 mil- lion by increasing the first-class rate three cents. By JEFF RISTINE The University finally has a set of 14 guidelines to help determine who will receive refunds for tuition overpayments in 1972 and 1973. But the -court decision, which involves the residency status of more than 9,000 past and present stu- dents, may allow officials to add a few standards of their own. Even so, General Counsel to the Uni- versity Roderick Daane says he is not completely satisfied with the judgment. Some details of the refund issue remain unsettled and could end up back in court. THE CASE began more than two years ago when Washtenaw Circuit Court Judge William Ager, Jr., ruled unconstitutional a University requirement that students seeking in-state residency live six months in Michigan while not enrolled in school. At the same time, Ager said students who paid nonresident tuition between May, 1972 and May, 1973, could apply for a hearing at the University and demand a partial refund. Hut when Ager issued an opinion Thursday to settle a disagreement be- tween Daane and local attorney Arthur Carpenter, he said the 14 factors in his ruling "are not necessarily conclusive ...in determining whether a person is entitled to a refund." When asked if this clause would allowo See COURT, Page 5 DECISION DELAYED TO ALLOW FOR PUBLIC HEARING Council tables voter registration plan By ANN MARIE LIPINSKI Councilman Gerald Bell (R-Fifth Ward). "Well, 29,444 to-door voter registration proposal in April, Wheeler Followin inflamed debate, City Council unanimously people went to the polls in April in a democratic pro- pointed out that his resolution was not a carbon copy d last night to table for three weeks a resolution cess and 59 per cent of them said 'no' to door-to-door of the, measure that came before voters in the last ch oul hae etabishd dor-t-dor vterregs-voter registration. That's more votes than you were election. Th wuldhav esablshe a dor-o-dor ote reis- elected under. vote whic The resolutioni, submitted by D~emocratic Mayor At.- bert Wheeler, is the first of its kind' to come before Council since city voters killed a door-to-door charter amendment in the April elections. COUNCIL REPUBLICANS, who pushed for tabling of the resolution to allow for. a public hearing on the issue, spoke caustically against the measure because they said such action would. be in violation of the voters' wishes, "When you (Wheeler) first became mayor you said You wanted 'more citizen input into city affairs," said "They (Ann Arbor. citizens) have spoken on this-and clearly and resoundingly said no," Bell stated. SAYING THAT Wheeler's submission of the resolu- tion for Council's consideration was "the worse po- litical power play i've ever seen" Bell said he woutld act against such a motion "to preserve the integrity of the people." Defending his position Wheeler said his resolution was merely "an effort to create more opportunities for voting. It had no evil intent," Addressing the fact that voters had nixed a door- "WE'RE TALKING about two different measures," said Wheeler. "Folks didn't vote for or against a con- cept. They voted against a specific proposal." Councilman Robert Henry (N-Third Ward), before introducing his motion to table the resolutlon, reiterated Bell's compl'aints concerning the voters decision on the issue. "City voters have spoken to ihe issue of'door-to-door registration, and I think it's -presumptuous. of you (Wheeler) and presumptuous-of this Council to act on this," argued Henry. "'The citizens spoke 37,000 strong against it and to establish this would be to fly in the See VOTER, Page 7