Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'U' tuition hike expected today" Friday, July 18, 1975 Record number of cities show high unemployment (Continued from Page 1) say anything else would really be asking for trouble." The hike comes in the face of a state appropriations package falling almost $27 million below the University's original request last winter. ALTHOUGH the $109.8 milliojs state budget is still subject to formal approval by the state House, Fleming said he feels the figure will not be -sbject to significant changes in the House. He explained that the Board will tentatively approve the bill to- day, with minor adjustments at the September meeting. The Regents do not meet in August, and there are no plans for a special meeting auytime before September. Kennedy indicated yes-erdoy that the University may b in for additional budgetary blues if the state Senate does not ap- prove the controversial business privilege tax. That measure would provide nearly $180 mil- lion in desperately needed funds for the state treasury, some of which would be earmarked for the University. THE STATE budget's ap- proval is predicated upoa pass- age of the bill. Should the legis- lature adjourn for the summer without aperoving the measure, new cats would possibly result. If the bill doesn't pass everything woild be up for grabs," said Flemsing. Student ossition to the long- anticinated hike is already be- ginning to take shape. At yes- terday's sublic comments ses- sion, the Board heard from a representative of the Committee to Fight the Tuition Hike, an ad hoc coalition of studnit -roups. The committee claims to have collected nearly 800 signatures on a petition demanding no tui- tion increase. "WE'VE COME here to let you know that we wn't silently fade out of view as costs of get- ting an education make it im- possible to stay in school;" said Gale Summerfield of the Revo- lutionary Students' Brigade. The committee asked the Re- gents for "a complete financial penses, a list of alternatives to breakdown of University ex- a tuition hike, and a copy of the University budget for the com- ing year." MEANWHILE, at their mem- bership meeting last night, the Graduate Students Organization (GEO) passed a resolution en- dorsing the activities of the committee and "opposing any such attempts to make students shoulder the burden of the fi- nancial crisis of the state of Michigan." At yesterday afternoon's pub- lic session, the Regents heard a grim progress report from Af- firmative Action Program Di- rector Wellie Varner. Varner called the University's recent progress in hiring and promo- tion practices for minorities "basically negative." Varner said the major failure of the University's affirmative action efforts was in the area of faculty hiring. "THE MAJOR problem is the failure to hire in the faculty area," Varner said, calling fac- ulty positions "the path by which people move to other areas," such as deanships and departmental chairmanships. Varner added however that there has been "a modest in- provement" in the hiring and promotion levels for non-minor- ity women. "Women have received a pro- portion of promotions relative to their numbers on the staff," noted Varner. ANOTHER area of concern Varner brought to Regental at- tention was what she considered to be excessively high turn-over rate for minority employe sin various job classifications. She indicated that 64 per cent of the service and maintenance employes terminated d u r i n g their probationary periods were minorities. Varner sketched a discourag- ing picture of minority hiring in the various vice . presidential areas of the University. Only in the office of student services did minorities gain ground in professional and administrative positions. Varner added that business and financial depart- ments met its projections for both minorities and women, but that "a few departments are carrying the full burden." The political science profes- sor's most pointed words, hew- ever, remained for the lack of minority faculty hiring. "I FEEL very strongly that a university with the prestige and resources of this one has less of an excuse than some other schools not to have mare minorities on the faculty," Var- ner told the Regents. Varner proposed a rigorous mindrity grad student recruit- ing program to be incorporated into the University's affirria- tive action efforts. She further suggested that such a program might pool its resources with other large universities. "You have very few institu- tions training faculty for each other'" Varner said. "We'll never have women and mino.-i- ties coming into non-traditional fields by relying on conventional methods." VARNER'S reference to "con- ventional methods" was a swine at what she also called the "old boys network," meaning a sys- tem of hiring and promotion dependant on contacts, and fa- voritism among a relatively select group of schools. WASHINGTON W) - The La- bor Department reported yester- day that a record 129 of the na- tion's 150 major 'labor areas have substantial unemployment, buet the figures show majordif- ferences across the country. Officials in two high-unemploy- ment states, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, said the worst may be over in their areas, al- though they added that major improvement may be a long way off- THE UNEMPLOYMENT rate ranged from a low of 4.2 per cent in Houston, where the oil industry is booming, to 15.7 per cent in most of Rhode Island, where there have been major layoffs in the textile and con- struction industries. The nationwide jobless rate in June was 8.6 per cent, but di- rect comparisons with state fig- ures may be misleading, siste some state figures are not ad- justed for seasonal variations. Substantial unemployment, as defined by the Labor Depart- ment, means an area has a job- less rate of 6 per cent or mire, which is expected to conti sue over 6 per cent for two mascre months, or through July i Ithe No rebate (Continued from Page 3 held there. "The points he made are le- gitimate ones," Feldkamp said in response, "and I expect we can work soinething out. There's a lot of alternatives." The housing director left open the possibility of continuing support of the snack bar, say- U.S., Sovietst (continued from Page ; 'SOYUZ AND Aiolla are shaking hands," amsunce i happy Leonov. "Well dane T It was a god sho.'' When the astronauts .cse Xi i hatch to an airlock tonnel con- necting the two craft, however, Stafford reported "a burning smell . . . something like cor- dite . . . something like burnt glue." Cordite is used in saking gun- powder. latest report. The figures were compiled by the states in April AMONG areas with relatively low unemployment was Wash- ington, the nation's capital, where the over-all jobless rate was over 5.4 per cent. "The major employer is the federal government, and even though federal employment is not growing as fast as in the past, there have been no layoffs or massive shutdowns," s a i d William Clatanoff of the dis- trict's Department of M a n - power. He said low unemployment rates in the suburbs offset a 7.6. per cent jobless rate in the dis- trict itself, where the population is predominantly black. UNEMPLOYMENT is excep- tionally high in Massachusetts and Michigan, and also in Puer- to Rico. The worst rate was 20.8 per cent at Ponce, Puerto Rico. Three more areas added by the Labor Department to its unemployment list Thursdlay were Savannah, Ga., Louisvile, Ky., and Roanoke, Va. One area was removed - Madisn, Wis., where the unemployment rate dipped to 4.6 per cent. cutbacks ing that "the food subsidy of only $7,000 isn't that big that we couldnt sbsorb it." Feld- kamp had previously decided io close both the East Quad and Bursley snack bars, which have operated at a icdfic it for several ylears. unite in space MISSION Citrel ai d wtt iso great concera sta, ie truiblemn bitut .rdered ti'md tI c:ia the oxygen mask 'is .: ;. cattluen. The i'ssell, sail 'Stafftrd 'd base a tendeiscy to burn tilts eyes.' Mission Control said existIL concluded the smell could be coming from a small tursave in the docking module. The de vice is used for metal melitis experiments. 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