Friday, Jul 8, 1975 T HE MICHIGAN DALY Page ~ t tree CityDems behind on rent control By DAVID WHITING I He said, "I've been working on it (the ity Council Democrats are behind committee) and getting a list together," schedule in getting a rent control or- VU Ie 333 Ml lull 151a p. rI but added that he had not finished lay- dinance on the books - a political vow ing -out "what we want the committee made during last April's elections. city residents last April. they fell short of by one vote. However, to do . . . I have it in my head but it's However, recently-elected Democratic Wheeler made it clear that he hoped the Democrats have not submitted any not for publication." Mayor Albert Wheeler Wednesday re- Councilwoman Kathy Kozachenko (HRP- motion to Council on the matter since The mayor defended his delay in stated a promise made last spring to in- Second Ward) would support the Demo- Wheeler was sworn' in as mayor two- choosing the committee, "I'm not gonna stitute rent control in the city, "I said crats' voter registration ordinance next and-a-half months ago. do some half-assed operation cause I would have something done by Sept. 1 week. The first step toward putting a rent somebody's breathing down my neck," . There will be an ordinance." BUT KOZACHENKO, who was unavail- control ordinance on the books, accord- he said. able for comment yesterday, has a his- ing to city Democrats, is having Coun- ALTHOUGH he has to work on the REFERRING to another campaign tory of refusing to compromise with the cil agree on a committee which would make-up of the rent control task force, promise, Wheeler announced Wednesday, Democrats - who likely changed the first study rental problems in Ann Ar- Wheeler outlined the group: "There will "We're (Democrats) putting a door-to- HRP proposal. bor and then submit a proposed reso- be about two people specifically repre- door voter registration proposal before Democratic Council hopefuls vowed lution on the issue to Council. senting landlord interest . . . one or two Council Monday which we think we've last March that they would pass some YET WHEELER, while promising from the Tenant's Union . . . at least got six votes for." version of a rent control ordinance by Wednesday to have a "committee before one student, and . .. we would want to A similar voter registration ballot is- a variety of dates ranging from July 1 the end of July," still has not specifical- get Republicans, HRP and Democratic sue, sponsored by the Human Rights to sometime in the fall - provided that ly determined what the make-up and points of view." Party (HRP), was narrowly defeated by they had a majoity on Council, which task, of the group will be. See CITY, Page 6 Ford speaks ' to U interns 3 in Washington By STEVE SELBST Special To The Daily WASHINGTON - President G e r a 1d lord, a former captain of the Univer- tv's football team, met briefly yester- I y with a delegation of summer in- trns from the University, and not sr- prisiigly, stpoke about his abiding af- fItion for the Wntierines. After nentii iyhis deep regard for tie University, the President told the pit odd students I guess we have one thin in coirin. We staiire i omoen feel- i n boit f versity's most visible amiiinits rl d i he had been awakened in the mid tIe if the night ist i N24oveer nVd- iotck is bear the iresruli-s it the I Iih ih the Bitcheyes. Fir Ihad been etiting wi mci~e - ad-rs at the time, wich ipre C'venI ii fris:im aitting, he said. lHe leii word witt ites ti be r'used "witt ga. nw tir hbad'" aOn as the icrte iias- AP Phot kiowv. "Unfortitnatety they brought the rid tiewss, the chief executive remindedWa in t whr lie groap. Alter disciasitig to tball, the lresidenit A lROW 01' YOUNG hula lionpers aswait their turns to twviri their hoops in 1he Manhattan borough champioisship. The Isanc-bed into a defense of fits trade, first and second finishers in the Ibree-hOUr competition for contestants wvhose ages range fronm 3 to IS take their hips and See PRESIDENT, Page 7 hoops to the state finals in Wh ite Plains, Newv York, next Tue sday.- CIA intercepted mail between U.S., U.S.S.R. WASHINGTON i-Contrary to assurances, the Central Intelligence Agency has indefinitely retained pieces of mailr intercepted between the Soviet Union and the United States, the U.S. Postal Service revealed yesterday. Postmaster General Benjamin Bailar said that CIA Direc-" tor William Colby had turned over to him 110 opened letters} and postcards which had been intercepted by the agency in 1972. BAILER, WHO said he had been distressed to learn of the CIA's previously disclosed 20-year mail surveillance program, wrote Colby that "the revelation that mail was removed from the international mail stream, opened, nd retained indefinitely, is doubly 'disturbing." A statement by the Postal Service said that "previously the CIA had claimed that all such intercepted and opened mail had been copied and returned to the mails. The Rockefeller Commission, which conducted an extensive investigation of the CIA mail program, gave no indication that it had found any evidence of mail being retained by the CIA. The commission also said the program, which ended in February, 1973, was unlawful since U.S. statutes specifically forbid opening the mail. The Postal Service said the intercepted mail had been surrendered to the Justice Department in resonse to a search warrant and "is being held pending possible legal action against those responsible for opening and detaining it." Housing Office drops plan to cutback food rebate program- By ELAINE FLETCHER University Housing Director John Feldkamp yesterday re- versed plans for cutbacks in the dormitory meal rebate program and ieft open the possibility of retaining the East Quad snack bar, which was once targeted for shutdown. The actions followed strong student-faculty protest at yes- terday's Board of Regents meet- ing over planned budget-cutting measures in dorm services. FELDKAMP said last night that students who benefitted from meal rebates this, past year "will benefit from it this year, au students who are new to the University and legitimate- ly need rebates will receive them. "I don't make a distinction be- tween group and personal rea- sons of conscience," he added. The housing director had stat- ed last month that "We aren't set to accept the individual faiths" for meal rebates. The announcement, part of a new interpretation of the dorm meal rebate policy, would have cut the number of rebates for rea- sons of conscience from the 400 last year to less than 100 this fall. HOWEVER, Feldkamp yester- day revised those estimates and said "a decline in the number of rebates can only come as a written change in the (rebate) policy." He added that such a change would take place this year. "My -main objective for this year is only that there isn't an increase in terms of the cost of the program," Feldkamp said. Irving Freeman, a member of Housing's Cost Reduction Com- mittee, urged the Regents to abandon the revised meal re- bate option which would have allowed only students who are members of established reli- gious groups to request 70 per cent meal rebates because of dietary restrictions. "IT WOULD automatically ex- clude anyone whose submitted diet is vegetarian or organic, protested Freeman. "In effect he is saying that some types of beliefs are acceptabletreasons of conscience while others are not." "But no one, not Mr. Feld- kamp, not even you (Regents) can legislate conscience," he concluded. Another objection to the serv- ice cuts came from Residential College counselor and program coordinator Ed Egnatios, who called Feldkamp's planned shut- down of the East Quad snack bar an erosion on the "Residen- tial College ideal of integrated living and learning experiences. "THIS HAS been referred to as a snack bar." Egnatios said. "To talk aboutrit just as a snack bar is to not understand its function," he added, citing the numerous conferences, concerts, plays and poetry readings often See NO, Page 10