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July 18, 1975 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1975-07-18

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Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY y Friday, July 18,1975

TV In the
ton~ght International
6:00 2 4 7 11 13 News NAHA, Okinawa - Japa
9 Bewitched--Comedy BW prince and princess were na
20 It Takes a Thief- sed by gasoline bombs dur
2 B News-smith/ strations expressing Okinaw.
Reasoner tent with mainland Japan. In
30 lectrc Company rival radical groups clashe
30 4 13 NBC News-Smith/ turning from separate rallies
Reasoner airport. They had been pro
9 I Dream of Jeannie- prince's visit to Okinawa. F
11 CBS News-Walter tween about 800 persons lef
Cronkite and 43 injured. 300 were ar
24 Partridge Family-Comedy attack on the members of
30 The Naiona zoo
5 Jeanne Wolf With family occurred at the island
-Interview -mortal.
700 2 CBS News-Walter r
4 7 News The Agriculture Departmen
9 Beverly ilyihlies BW another U.S.-Soviet wheat des
13 What's M Line?and there were rumors of ad
20 To Tell the Truth es of millions of tons of grain
24 Mod Sqad-Crime Drama action would involve only a
50 Hogan's Heroes-Comedy
7:30 2 13 Truth or Consequences tion of the expected 1975 Am
4 Bollywood suares vest, and government officia
7 Let's Make a Deal
9 Room 222 would not cause any sharp
11 Hollywood Snares food prices. The sales drew s
20 Voyage to the Bottom of farm groups and scatteredo
the Se-Adventure BW
30 Jeanne Wolf With... Congress.
50 Bogan's Heroes-Comedy Loca
5 Evening Editon with ~
Martin Agrnsky
S2Mstruiton BROCKTON, Mass. - A di
"The Wicked Dreams of Paula
4 13 Sanford and Son 9 CBC News-Lloyd Robertson
7 24 Movie-Drama 20 Deaf Hear
"Trouble Comes to Town" - 50 Dealer's Choice--Game
9 Pie and Whistle-Variety 57 Lilas, Yoga and You
11 Kopykats -Instruction
30 56 57 Washinton Week 11:20 9 News
In Review 11:30 2 Movie-Crime Drama
50 Mcv Griffin "The Century Turns."
8:30 4 13 Chico and the Man 4 11 News
-Coment 7 24 Wide World Special
9 Dunt B eAeThe Second Annual Unofficial
20 Daniel Bone-Adventure Miss Las Vegas Showgirl Pa-
30 56 57 Wall Street Week geant.
-Louis Rskeyser 13 Johnny Carson
:S 4 us Baseal Glenn Campbell is a sched-
9 k FNews uled guest. Ed McMahon (90
13 Rockford Files-Crime mn.)
Drama 20 Manna
30 57 Masterpiece Theatre 30 Janaki-Exercise
5 Detroit Bock Journal 50 Movie-Drama BW
9:30 2 Movie-Crime Drama The Grapes of Wrath."
7 24 Pilot Film-Comedy (1 "0)
"The Orphan and the 5 5 ABC News-Smith/
Dude." Raoe
9 Sports Scene Reasoner
20 700 Club 12:00 4 Johnny Carson
50 Dinah! Joined in progress. For de-
56 Off the Record tails, see 11:30 PM. Ch. 13.
10:00 7 24 Get Christie Love!- (60 min.)
Crime Drama 9 Movie-Science Fiction
9 Down Home Country- "The War of the Worlds"
Variety 11 Movie-Drama
13 Policewoman-Crime "KRIl a Dragon" (1967)
Drama 1:00 4 13 Midnight Special
30 Movie-Drama BW 7 Don Kirshner's Reck Con-
"Summer Interlude." (Swed- cert
.ish 150) - 24 Don Kishner's Rock Con
56 Minnesota orchestra at cen
Orchestra Hall 1:30 2 Movie-Drama BW
57 Heo, Dal-Documentary "The House Across the Bay."
1:00 2 7 13 24 News 100)
TONIGHT thru July 26
in repertory with
Tickets available at Mendelssohn Box Office
Monday-Friday 12:30-5:00

Tickets also available at Hudson's ;
Performance Dovs 12:30-5:00 and 6:00-8:00
*Recommended for mature audiences

. T

news today..
judge has ruled that the crime of pro-' tionary 1
stitution can be committed by men. Tbe problems
crown decision resulted in the acquital of Fred- ternative
owly mis- erick Doane after a 70-minute trial. The He not
g demon- i1-year-old defendant was the first man lower th
s' discon- muown to stand trial for prostitution in leges an
okyo, two Maassachusetts. The defense argued that Even wit
while re- Doane should be released since the law Universit
ear Tokyo under which the charges were brought 500 milli
sting the uses feminine pronouns. Prosecution wit- needs if
hting be- nesses testified that Doane had offered before th
one dead massages and "anything the . customers tier this
sted. The want." board ra
the royal
war me- A Ft. Campbell soldier was pulled from LANSI
a blazing car early yesterday at the end day defe
of a two-state chase through Kentucky legalized
confirmed and Tennessee involving military police uled a se
yesterday vehicles. Daniel Cloutier of Pinconning, gislationi
tional sal- Mich. was returned to Clarksville, Tenn., would all
the trans- to face charges of robbery, auto theft and es in the
nall frac- assault. vote with
ican har- 20 opposir
say they State for next'
crease in
port from MARQUETTE - The Northern Michi-
postion in gan University (NMU) Board of Control
voted yesterday to increase tuition and It willl
fees to $1.50 per credit hour - a boost in the 90
of about 6 per cent. The increase will ternoon t
raise tuition and fees to $20.50 per credit partly Il
rict court hour. President John Jamrich said "infla- will conti

pressures and the ,state's fiscal
sleft the University with no sl-
ed that NMU still ranks in the
ird among state-supported col-
d universities in tuition costs.
h the increase, Jamrich said, the
y will find itself between $400-
on short of meeting essential
the current funding level now
e legislature goes through. Ear-
year NMU raised room and
tes about 4 per cent.
NG - The State Senate yester-
ated a bill which would have
teacher strikes but it resched-
cond vote on the long-stalled l,
next week. The measure, which
ow a three-week delay of class-
e fall, fell short on a roll call
17 senators supporting it and
ng it. A second vote is scheduled
be hot today with temperatures
's. Things might cool off if af-
hundershowers materialize. The
oudy skies and warm weather
inue through the weekend.


Fruehauf executives guilty
in $12 million tax scandal

DETROIT (UPI) - Fruehauf
Corp., the world's largest build-
er of truck trailers and contain-
ers, and its two chief officers,
were found guilty yesterday of
conspiring to cheat the govern-
ment of $12.3 million in taxes.
The company said it will ap-
peal the ruling handed down in
U.S. District Court in Detroit
and expects "to prevail."
JUDGE Thomas Thornton said
Fruehauf, its chairman, William
Grace, and its president, Robert
Rowan, were guilty of conspir-
acy to evade excise taxes over
a 10-year period starting in late
Federal attorneys indicated
Fruehauf could be liable for up
to $60 million in back taxes, pen-
alties and interest payments.
The maximum criminal pen-
alty for each of the defendants
is a $10,000 fine and five years
in jail. Thornton said a pre-
sentence report would be made
prior to the sentencing.
THE DECISION came nearly
five years after a federal grand
jury handed down the zonspir-

acy indictment in 1970, charging
Fruehauf and its officers with
engaging in an elaborate fraud-
ulent-scheme to understate the
Manufacturer's Excise Tax
owed the federal government
from Oct. 1, 1956 through Dec.
31, 1965.
This, the government said,
was done through a. complex
pricing and accounting proced-
ure that included a fake whole-
sale price structure and non-
existent extra service charges
to wholesalers.
During the 41 consecutive
quarters covered by the fed-
eral investigation, the govern-
ment said, the company should
have paid more than $108 mil-
lion in excise taxes. In fact, the
government said, the excise tax-
es totaled $95.9 million.
hauf's board of directors said
the board believes Thorton's de-
cision was "erroneous" because
proof introduced by the govern-

ment during the trial "totally
failed to establish facts neces-
sary to the government's case "
The spokesman said Fruehauf
obtained and followed advice of
legal counsel in planning and
carrying out its treatment of
taxes but "very few cases or
published rulings exist to ex-
plain the law."
Volume LXXXV, No. 44-S
Friday, July 18, 1975
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Published d a 1y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: $1 0by carrier t(ampus area);
$11 locai maii, (Michigan and Ohio);
$12 non-iocal mal (other states and
summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier
(campus area); $6.50 local mail
(Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non-
local mail (other states and foreign).

no teasing,
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