Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursdoy,July 17, 1975 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday,.JuIy VI, 1975 Daily Official Bulletin Thursday, July 17 Day Calendar WUOM: Rostropnvich, Russian cellist, recently appointed head of Nat'l Symphony Orchestra in Wash. D.C., at Nat'l Press Club, 10 ant. PendletonCtre.: "Open Hearth," Pendleton Ctr., 2nd fir., Union, Regents Meeting: 1 pm; "com- ments," 4 pm. A-V Ctr.: Children's films, Aud. 3. MLB, 7 pum. Michigan Rep '75: Sheridan's The Rivals, Mendelssohn, 8 pm. Music School: Jelinek-Gurt Duo, Ploelsiam And., 8 pm. Residential College Summer Thea- tre: The Janitors, musical comedy, E. Quad Aud., 8 pm. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXV. No. 43-S Thursday, July 17, 1975 Is edited and managed by stud~nts at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan 48186. Publishedda do Iiy Tesady through Sunday morning during the Univer- sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor Michigan 48104. Subscription rates: 810 by carrier (campus area); $11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); 112 non-local mail (other states and foreign). Summer session published Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus area); 6.00 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $6r50 non- local mail (other states and foreign). FDA to open examination of aerosols WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Food anrd Drug Administration yesterday opened an investiga- tion into thousands of aerosol spray products under its juris- diction in preparation for pos- sible crackdown should studies show such sprays are harming the earth's ozone layer. Saying it had concluded the matter warranted "immediate consideration," the agency pub- lished an order requiring all drug products using fluorocar- hon gases as propellants in the sprays to submit detailed in- gredient information. IT ASKED for, but did not re- quire, similar data from ccs- metic and food products using the same propellant, If research now going on shows that a significant reduc- tion in the ozone layer is like- ly to occur, the agency said; then "it must consider regula- tory action concerning s u c h products that are subject to the Federal Food, Drug and Cos- metic Act." Inthe news today . . Nationa of 40 witnesses. U.S. District Court Judge Ben Krentzman dismissed jurors for the day, in- WASHINGTON - The Exxon- Corp. s a i d :icating that the government will begin its yesterday it gave $46 - $51 million in secret rebuttal today as the 21-week-old trial entered contributions to Italian political parties for its final stages. 69 witnesses testified for the nine years ending in early 1972. Archie Monroe, prosecution diuring a 14-week period. Exxon controller, told Senate investigators the "Italian situation was a unique aberratioiV" RALEIGH, N.C. - Attorneys for J o a n Lit- in worldwide operations of the oil company. tie, a black woman accused of murdering a 'Exxon has run its business throughout the white jailer, unsuccessfully sought a mistrial world on the principal of compliance not only yesterday when prosecutors rejected another with local laws but with basic standards of black as a prospective juror. "I would like honesty and candor," Monroe declared at a the record toshow that the state is again using hearing before a subcommittee investigating the preemptory challenge (challenges f or multinational corporations. Chairman Frank which no reason need be given) to exclude Church (D-Idaho) said the disclosure of secret blacks," said lawyer Jerry Paul, "and I move payments fits a pattern established in other for a mistrial." Judge Hamilton Hobgood, ac- investigations. cused by Paul of favoring the prosecution, re- jected the request. Little, who faces a possible WASHINGTON - The Federal Trade Com- death sentence, has said the murdered jailer mission yesterday accused the Kroger Co. - attempted to rape her. the nation's third largest supermarket chain - of advertising products its stores do not State have in stock, and of charging consumers high- DETROIT - A federal judge from Ohio has er prices than listed in its ads. The com- -creed to hear the bribery-conspiracy c a s e pany, which operates 1,285 stores in 20 states, ainstthia tupremery- stice John said the FTC's information was based so s Michigan Sureme Court .Justice Jobs two-year-old survey involving many of its S arl.Rurinsosaic..natictCeurt smaller stores, some of which have since cbs- Jidge Carl Robin of Cincinnati will be desig- ed. The FTC said in its complaint that a "sig- nated later this week by the 6th Circuit Court nificant number" of Kroger stores checked did of Appeals to handle the Swainson case. The not have many of their advertised items avail- ,12 federal judges in Detroit earlier asked that able. The commission's accusation of false, a visiting judge take over the trial because sost of the local justices were associated with SKroger may have to take the matter for a Swainson on a personal or professional basis. hearing before an FTC administrative law judge. Weather e Today's weather should bring a much-wel- TAMPA, Fla. - The defense rested its case come repeat of yesterday's warm, mostly sun- yesterday in the bribery and conspiracy trial ny scene. High temperatures will be near 90, of former Sen. Edward Gurney and three co- the lows at night will dip to the 60's. Winds defendants, ending a month-long presentation will be from the south at about 15 mph. For - BargainH T HE D AILY C LASSIFIE DS make interesting reading n , / , 4 _-_._. ,. L; I f TV 6:0a 2 4 7 11 13 News 9 Bewitched-Comedy Bw 20 It Takes a Thief-Adventure 24 ABC News-Smith/ Reasoner 30 Electric Company 50 Untouchables 56 Dig It 57 Sesame Street 6:30 4 11 Baseball 7 ABC News-Smith/ Reasoner 9 I Dream of Jeannie- Comedy 13 NBC News-John chancellor 24 Mod Squad-Crime Drama 30 The Toledo Zoo 56 Antiques 7:00 3 CBS Ness-Waiter Cronkite 7 News 9 Beverly Hillillies H 13 What's My Line? 20 To Tell the Truth 30 56 Black Perspective on the News 50Hogan's Heroes-Comedy 57 The Electric Company 7:30 2 13 Truth or Consequences 7 Let's Make a Deal 9 Room 222 20 Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea-Adventure BW 24 Ohio Lottery Buckeye 300 30 Consumer Survival Kit -Report 50 Hogan's Herses-Camedy 56 Evening Edition with Martin Agronsky 57 Jean Shepherd's America 8:00 2 The Waltons 7 24 Barney Miller-Comedy 9 Funny Faem 13 Gladys Knight and the Pips - Variety 35 56 Evening at Pops 50 Meev Giffin 57 Freling Good 0:30 7 24 Texas Wheelers-Comedy S Ta Be Annaunced 20 Happy Though Married 57 Man Builds, Man Destroys -Documentary The effect of strip mining in maw CENTICORE BOOKSHOPS & Goes All Out Offering Multitudinous Bargains at Street Fair Time 4) These are just a few of the thousands and thousands of titles we will have on sale at both our stores, July 16-July 19. EVERY SALE BOOK MARKED t DOWN 50% TO 85%4 REG. NOW Vincent Van Gogh 42.50 22.98 Dracula 7.95 3.98 Portraits of i North American Indians 35.00 9.95' Japan 14.95 9.98 Ben Shahn 45.00 29.98 04 1 For street fair only we are also featurinq the world famed model of the ROLLS-ROYCE PHANTOM 11 SEDANCA COUPE, 1932 Q Come See a Fully Constructed Model at Our Maynard St. Store REDUCED FOR STREET FAIR FROM $200.00 to $169.95 Never before sold at this low price CENTICORE B ORSHOPS 336 MAYNARD 1229 SOUTH UNIVERSITY + ^ 0L J41i i.,G7c &i"r4y y' f & & ,i".c!T & i &fCi , ' . a c "l -a & - pa ,. different parts of the world is seen in this program (Re- peat) 9:110 2 11 Pilat-Comedy 4 13Movie-Crime DramnaBW Nrw York City's Spanish laar- iem is the setting for 'The Young Savages" 7 24 Streets of San Francisco 9 News 20 Wrestling 30 56 57 Space for Man? -Report Special: A scheduled two-hour report recaps developments in the Apollo-Soyuz mission 9:30 2 11 Pilot-Comedy 9 The Pallisers-Drama 50 Dinah! i0:00 2 11 Pilot-Comedy 724 Harry O-Crime Drama 10:30 2 11 Pilot-Comedy 9 Spotlight--interview 11:10 2 4 7 11 13 24 News 9 CBC News--Lloyd Robertson 20Hapyk Iunters-Religion 30 Janak-Escreise 50 Dealer's Choice-Game 56 Jean Shepherd's America 57 Ta Be Annnsunced 11: f0 9 News 11:30 2 Movie-Adventure 413rJohnnysCarson 7 24 Wide World Special It Movie-Drama "The Jerusalem File" 50 Movie-Drama "Hlo*d and Sand." (1941) sa 57 ABC News-Smith/ Reasoner Captioned for the hearing- impaired 12:00 9 Midnight-Laurier La Pierre 1:00 4 Tomorrow-Tom Snyder A tour of Los Angeles in- cludes a visit to a backgam- mon club in Beverly Hills. (Repeat 60 min.) 7 13 News 1:25 11 News 1:30 2 Movie-Drama - "The Jerusalem File." For de- tails, see 11:30 P. 3M. Ch. 3. ti hr.,.55 umia.) 2:00 4 News 3.25 2 Mayberry R.F.D. 3:55 News SHORT or LONG HAIRSTYLES TO PLEASE DASCOLA STYLISTS', ARBORLAND-97 1-9975 MAPLE VILLAGE-761-2733] E. LIBERTY-668-9329 E. UNIVERSITY-662-0354 FREE FLEA MARKET every SATURDAY 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Here's your chance to sell anything & everyAthins SELL, BUY OR TRADE for fret registration and additial info, cull 971}-0l38t r I .