, 19 .years o Good Humor: Jerry Poquette By BETH NISSEN "I'LL HAVE A toasted almond bar," said the girl, straddling a 10-speed and scrounging in her patched denim pocket for change. As he has for thirteen years, Jerry Poquette, the campus's best-known Good Humor man, reached into his freezer truck and instinctively withdrew the right ice cream bar, "They used to call me Speedy Jerry," said the 65-year-old ice cream pusher with a toothy grin. "I can reach in blindfolded and get anything. Jerry Poquette has been with Good Humor for nineteen years; all but six of those years he has stationed his-white truck in front of the LSA build- ing. "Most of my customers are students and work- ers in the office buildings," he said, "but I sell to little kids, too, and University officials, even dogs. Their owners buy them their favorite ice cream. "I sold ice cream to Red Grange when he was in town, and I used to sell to Cazzie Russell, Oliver Darden and Bill Bunten when they were playing ball. Cazzie liked the plain Good Humor bar and Oliver always bought a-toasted almond while Bill liked the chocolate eclair. I remember what folks buy." POQUETTE'S WORK YEAR begins April 1 and ends the first of October. "During the winter, I don't work," said Poquette, adjusting his Captain's hat. "I just have a lot of fun.I just eloped five years ago. I called my son up one night and said, 'Kid, you've got a new mother.' It was that fast. So my new wife and I play all winter and I work in the sin all summer. I've done pretty good, considering the amount of bad weather recently. I was selling ice cream with my overcoat on in April. But rain or shine, no matter what, I get out the truck and start selling ice cream when April comes. And peonle say to me 'Where have you been? I've been waiting for you to show up."' Poquette halted the conversation to quickly ex- change a handful of chocolate eclairs for quarters and dimes. "I sell the best bar in the country, bar none," he declared. He waited for the semi-circle of waiting customers to stop groaning over the word-play. "You've got to work a little pun to have a little fun," he shrugged. "I FIGURE I'M entitled to an Honorary degree at the University after all these years," said Po- quette, squinting through plastic-frame sunglasses and rapidly handing out chocolate bars, popsicles and ice cream cups. "Maybe a degree in Psychol- ogy. I meet and talk to students from all over the world and they tell me all kinds of things." Poquette hasn't noticed much change in students in thirteen years. "Maybe the kids are getting smarter every year, but they're still mostly the same." Poquette remembers over a decade of varied stu- dent activities including demonstrations a n d marches. "Sure, what people do changes year to year," said the Ice Cream Man, "but every sum- mer, when the sun is hot, they all put on their smiles and they come out for ice cream." Beth Nissen is a member of the editorial page staff. Doily Photo by STEVE KAGAN The Michigan Daily Edited and managed, by Students at the University of Michigan Saturday, May 10, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 Dorm cost panelafarce THE LATEST IN A long line of Feldkamp fiascos came Thursday with the Housing Director's Thursday sug- gestion that the "special committee chaired by me ap- pears to be an effective way at this time to explore (housing) cost reductions." What with the economic crunch and a next-to-hos- tile state legislature, money-conscious students' pros- pects for next year are dim enough without having Feld- kamp dictating housing priorities, Hard times is a fact of life, and it would be foolish to argue the fact that less money for the University inevit- ably means some services and positions at the University have to be cut. But with the virtual certainty of another tuition in- crease come fall, the move to dorm service cuts seems a clear indication that students again will be stuck at the short end of the stick. JOHN FELDKAMP'S BUNGLING of housing affairs at the gross expense of his tenant legions has come to be expected routine over the past year. The infamous dorm lottery was widely acclaimed as a mass injustice of the lowest order. Yet, incredibly, the Housing Director, with the mem- ory of his past blunders still vivid,has the gall to dictate the parameters of student living arbitrarily, without legi- timate student input in his decisions. The cost Reduction Committee could be an effec- tive forum for ensuring student tastes and needs would be represented in Housing Office decisions. Predictably enough, however, Feldkamp has chosen to mold the com- mittee into a rubber stamp panel..As student commit- tee member Irving Freemean put it, "The committee,. isn't necessary. The only reason they have it is, when in September everybody complains, Feldkamp can say a' committee decided on the measures." Letters to The Daily elitism To The Daily: EITHER acknowledge that you are coming from an elitist, academic, white male, Anglo- Saxon orientation, or hire per- sons capable of monitoring your destructive racism. Can you still print the cartoon of Wednesday, April 16, depict- ing the CIA agent holding the I.D. "I am not a crook"? Prom- inent, displayed in your key edi- torial area, the coloring of the exaggerated agent is another obvious association of "black" with evil. This newspaper is :nore than a tool for graduate scintol as- pirants. Visual and printed words have subtle, yet acute consequences. You have serious responsibl- ity to yourselves, to students here, and most important, to those many, many individuals who finance our privilege with their sweat. Recognize it! Nadine Egnatios April 16 outrageous To The Daily: IN VIEW of the current econ- omic state inthis country, price changes are never surprising. But the conspicuous price leap at Margaret Bell Po)l, in effct since the end of the winter term, comes as a shock. From ic to 7 c is outrageous fo r University students, whom the 'pool is supposedly serving. Fa- culty and others with full-time jobs may be able to afford the increase, but unemployed stu- dents face a hot, dry summer The Physical Education De- partment has at least one valid point: they demand that swim- mers wear their provided suis, which considerably reduce bac- teria in the pool. This sui serv- ice comprises .2Sc of the -new fee. But, interestingly enough, a towel costs 17c to launder - 2c greater than the otd 15, adi- committee, consisting cf key mission. The U may no longer housing administrators rnd be able to give gifts like :bat, three students, will be examin- but must they recapure t h e ing numerous proposais to save money they've lost ia years money, many of whi:h involve past? A 5100 per cent increase drastic cuts of services in ui- is too abrupt to be jusified. I versity housing. - suggest that budget cuts be It is important that all ttu- made with more subtlety in the dents who are concerned-w it h future, and hope to see Ma the quality of jife in dormitories Bell's price go down before the attend the committee's meetings temperature goes up. and let the adminisrators know -Timothy Chrisuensea their feelings with regard to May 8 certain cuts in services. T he committee meets on Wednesdays hosn at 2:00 p.m. in Room 3545 of the housing Student's Activities Building. To The Daily: Let them know what you think! THE COMMITTEE on Cost -IrvingFreeman Reductions was recently formed Committee on Cost to find" ways to cut the budge, Reductions of the Housing Ofita T h a May 8 A0-- A'dotaU~lS eAM~E 'a-WotIUJ6. WOOj