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May 07, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-05-07

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXV, No. 1-s Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 7, 1975 Free Issue Twenty Pages
Sea ch SA deanse

The Board of Regents last night voted to appoint a
new search committee for the literary college (LSA)
deanship "without prejudice to any previous candi-
The Regents acted on a University investigative
panel's recommendation that the University either re-
sume negotiations with the black woman educator,
Jewel Cobb, unanimously selected by the Regents in
January for the deanship or appoint a new search
LAST NIGHT'S action brings the deanship selection
process back full circle to last spring when a search
committee was first appointed to fill the position va-
cated by Frank Rhodes, who assumed the vice-presi-
dency for academic affairs.,
The University Affirmative Action committee's ex-
tensive review of the LSA deanship crisis, released last
week, charges Rhodes, University President Robben
Fleming, and the zoology department with failing to

accord Jewel Cobb the full respect and consideration
due her position.
The Affirmative Action committee's probe represents
a wide-reaching peer review, since the'panel was com-
posed of eight faculty persons and administrators, in-
cluding an assistant to Rhodes and an associate dean
under acting dean Billy Frye, the administration's pref-
erence for the deanship.
CALLING THE zoology department's 24-hour tenure
review process for Cobb "manifestly inadequate" and
stating that, from Cobb's perspective, "she was never
accorded the courtesies that traditionally accompany
professional negotiations of these sorts," the report has
sparked angry reaction among faculty members and
high officials who blast the charges as "unjust."
One high official rejected the report's statement
that "there was little chance that a woman or minority
candidate for dean could be found in LSA" and its
recommendation that affirmative action be pursued
more energetically at all levels, protesting, "They have

singled out LSA for a whipping boy against affirmative
Several high officials labeled the recommendation
to resume negotiations with Cobb "ridiculous," predict-
ing that such action would lead University President
Robben Fleming and Rhodes to resign.
PROF. BERNARD GALLER, a member of the dean-
ship search committee, commented before the Re-
gents released their statement last night, "It is un-
necessary to have another search committee. It would
be terrible for the morale of the college."
Galler added, "Nothing follows from the report that
there needs to be another search. Both remaining
candidates are qualified."
A flurry of angry reaction rocked the campus last
January when the administration failed to hire Cobb,
a noted cell biologist, after the zoology department
refused to grant her tenure in a hasty, tightly guarded
See NEW, Page 8

Ford hits critics
of refugee policy

WASHINGTON -A}- President Ford
defended last night the evacuation of
South Vietnam as "very successful" and
said he was encouraged by reports of in-
creasing support for his refugee resettle-
ment program.
In his first news conference since the
fall of South Vietnam a week ago, Ford
said critics of the evacuation of Saigon
and U. S. ambassador Graham Martin
were "Monday-morning quarterbacks."
DURING HIS 35minutes on national
television and radio, Ford was pressed
on the aftermath of the Vietnam war,
particularly reports of a bloodbath.
Asked if there is hard evidence of ma-
jor retaliation by insurgent troops or
North Vietnamese against persons in the
conquered areas, Ford replied, "As of
now, no."
But he stated that the probability for
such violence exists, pointing to the 120,-
000 refugees who fled the Communist-
led takeover. "That is the best evidence
of what probably will take place," Ford
BY CONTRAST, Ford said there is
"very hard evidence" of the murder of
80 to 90 Cambodian military officers as
to The Daily
Here at The Daily, we're so
happy to be back on the job with
our summer tabloid edition that
we're giving you- this first issue
absolutely free. Unfortunately,
the electric bill must still be
paid, so all the other issues of
our five-day-a-week paper will
cost you a few bucks-Call 764-
0558 for subscription informa-
If you would like to join our
summer staff as a writer for
the news, editorial page or arts
crew, stop by our second-floor
offices at 420 Maynard St. any-
time this week. Now is the per-
fedt time tb start, so sharpen
your pencil and get ready to see
your name in print.

well as their wives after the Khmer
Rouge takeover there.
President Ford had politics on his
mind, showing impatience with ques-
tions suggesting doubt about his inten-
tion to run for president in 1976.
ie answered with his firmest declara-
tion of his intention to seek a full term
of his own and said key supporters will
meet "within the next few days" to be-
gin planning his campaign.
AS FOR those reports of not running,
Ford slid, "I will be at the proper time
a candidate in the legal sense and no
one shold think otherwise."
The news conference opened with a
question on lessons to be learned from
the U. S. involvement in Vietnam.
As he has done for several weeks,
Ford sought to downplay any attempt at
placing blame, saying that "it seems to
me it's over, and we ought to look
THERE SHOULD BE no congressional
inquiry into, the war, Ford said. "It
would be divisive."
He admitted to being "disappointed
and very upset" over reports from
around the country of resistance to the
resettlement of thousands of South Viet-
namese refugees.
This runs contrary to the American
traditions, Ford said.
EARLIER IN the day, the President
was reported "damn mad" over the
anti-refugee reports. But he said new
developments late Tuesday had encour-
aged him.
He pointed to resolutions passed by the
AFL-CIO and the American Jewish Com-
mittee as the basis for his encourage-
ment as well as statements of support
from the governors of Florida, Arkansas,
Maine, Washington, Hawaii and the
mayor of San Francisco.
Although Vietnam dominated the ques-
tion and answers, Ford was pressed a
bit on the nation's economic position.
"WE'RE IN the process of coming out
of a recession," the President asserted,
See FORD, Page 12

AP Photo
PRESIDENT FORD takes a question during last night's news conference. He
defended the U. S. evacuation of South Vietnamese refugees and praised two
organizations which passed resolutions in support of the policy.
ReetLindemer etnamed tofill
state Supreme Court vacancy
Governor William Milliken has appointed pro-
minent Lansing attorney and University Regent
Lawrence Lindemer (R-Stockbridge) to fill the
Michigan Supreme Court seat vacated upon the
death of Justice Thomas Kavanagh.
The move is not without controversial over-
tones. Since Kavanagh was a Democrat; Linde-
mer, a Republican and conservative, narrows
the court's relatively liberal majority to 4-3, three
Democrats, three Republicans, and an indepen-
dent, Justice Charles Levin. The appointment
gives the Republicans their strongest voice in -
five years.
LTNDEMER was unavailsble for comment yes-
terdsy, but he is expected to leave his private
law practice - one of the largest 'in Lansing -
to assume the post in the near future.
The state Constitution requires Lindemer to
run for election in 1976 to complete Kavanagh's
See LINDEMER, Page 15Lindemr

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