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July 15, 1975 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1975-07-15

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Tuesday, July 15, 1975


"Page Eleven

Some must be

Hockey brawls
.. face day in court
"I'M GOING to get you .. . not with my fists . . . I'm going to
shove my stick down your throat."
An angry threat snarled in a penalty. box. Not too different
from other oaths of vengeance shouted from countless penalty
boxes, benches, playing fields and courts anywhere. For that
matter about the same kind of threats one might hear at any given
street corner, barroom, playground, or living room.
But in this instance the threat wasfollowed up. Henry Boucha
was not forced to swallow the hockey stick but he did receive
enough of it to need surgery to repair a broken bone in the
orbit of his right eye.
Hockey brawls normally endure only for m o m e n t s and
are forgotten- after the players leave the ice. But for Dave
Forbes this fight just won't go away.
For this fight occurring way back on January 4 in a game
between the National Hockey League's Minnesota North Stars
and the Boston Bruins Forbes is charged with aggravated assault
with a deadly weapon. The trial is taking place in Minneapolis
now, and, if found guilty, Forbes could receive a penalty of five
years in jail and a $5,000 fine.
The possible severity of the punishment seems an absurd night-
mare ii comparison with what is normally dished out for fighting
in the NHL - frequently a penalty, or occasionally a temporary
Now consider the fact that Boucha needed 30 stitches to close
the wound near his eye and still suffers from occasional double
"I still have double vision in the lower gaze," Boucha has testi-
fied. "When I lift my head, the muscle doesn't pull the eye down."
According to Boucha the condition has prevented him from com-
pleting a contract with the Minnesota Fighting Saints of the World
Hockey Association.
"Fighting is an accepted part of hockey," defends Ron Mesh-
beshler, Forbes' attorney.
Maybe it's abot ,time fighting became an unacceptable part
of the sport.
Sore, other snorts have brawls periodically. Baseball has its
bench emoting bronhahas, football its occasional flare-up, basket-
ball its momentary bo'nt but only rarely do these occur and then
thl lst for only a few moments.
But in hockey the attitude is and has been that fighting. is as
mns'h a nart of the name as goaltending and with the advent of
the "Brand Street Bnlltes"; otherwise known as the Philadelphia
Fl'rs, fightine has nractienlly become part of the strategy.
The relative instability of skates, the use of sticks, the fast ac-
tion, and the freqent and violent body contact might attribute for
hockev's nrolifernnt fights. Perhans these factors. and the irrita-
tions thv ineitohlv create make fighting irresistable.
But if this were simply the case then one would assume that
there would be at least an effort-to discourage and prevent fights.
Instead there seems to be a almost universal toleration if not
open approval.
Recently players and team owners of the NHL approved a re-
commendation of immediate and mandatory suspension of any
player penalized for attempting to injure another player. Perhaps
attitudes have finally changed to the degree that the sport is willing
to enforce the prevention of fights.
It's foolish, almost irreverent, to think of hockey without fights.
As with any sport, tempers and frustrations cannot be contained
forever. But hockey should at least elevate itself to where
players do not congratulate each other for injuring opponents.
Hockey should see to it that an incident as serious as the Forbes-
Boucha fight doesn't happen again.
The richest race on Delaware
Park's 65-day meeting is the AUGUST G
$100,000-added Delaware Handi-
cap set for closing day, Sunday, All Graduates attendin
Aug. 10. order a cap & gown no

HOCKEY'S free-for-alts havei
regretfully, even kid's hockey I
the Michigan and Denver hock
Maior Leaque
W L Pet. GB
Pi tsburgh '55 33 .625 -
Philaielohla 49 40 .551 61/
New York 43 42 .506 101S
St. Louis 42 44 .488 12
Chicago 42 48 .4t7 14
Montreal 35 48 .42 17?-
Cincinnati 61 29 .678 -
Los Angeles 49 42 .539 12'
San Franeisco 41 47 .46 19
San Dlego 41 .49 .456 20
Atlanta 39 49 .441 21
Houston 33 59 .359 29
Monday's Games
No -eames scheduled
Tuesday's Game
Nitonal All-Stars (Reus10-61
cn merian All-Stars (Be 12-7)
at Milwaukee. n
W L Pct. GB
Boston 50 37 .575 -
New York 45 41 .523 4
Milwaukee 46 42 .523 41/
Baltimore 41 44 .482 8
Cleveland 40 46 .465 91/.'
Detroit 39 47 .453 101,_
Oakland 55 32 .632 -
Kansas City 47 71 .s34 812
Chicago 40 45 .471 14
Texas 41 49 .456 151>
Minnesota 39 40 .448 16
California 40 St .440 17
Monday's Games
No games scheduled.
Tuesday's Game
National All-stars (Reuss 10-6)
vs. American Ali-Stars (Blue 12-7)
at Milwaukee, n.
ig Commencement must
later than July 16, 1975.

invaded the college ranks, as well asthe professional game.~And
has been marred by brutal slugfests. This fracas occurred between
key squads at Yost Ice Arena, this past winter.
Ma ior Lenaue Leaders

Based on 225 at Bats
Player Club G AB R H Pet.
Carew Min 50 296 34 110 -.372
Lynn Bsn 79 284 60 97 .342
Hargrove Tex 79 278 49 94 .338
Man-on NY 81 315 46 102 .324
C.Wash'ntn 6Ok 83 028 51 nod .317
Honme Runs
Bnnds. New York, 20: R. Jackson,
oakland. 19- Burroughs, Texas, 18;
Mayberry. Kansas City. 17.
Runs Batted In
Lynn, Boston. 71- Borton, e -
mrit_ 0?- Price. Boston. 61: 8.. Mar,
Baltimore. 59- G. scott, Miwauklee,
Pitehing (9 Dee lns)
Palmer. Baltimore. 13-6, .684;
Eaat. Chicaro. 13-6, .684: M. rorrez,
Ba nsmore. 10-5, .66: Wrd. Kansas
City. 6-3. .667- Wise. Boston. 11-6.
64': Blyleven. Minnesota, 7-4,
Based on 225 at Bats
Player Club G AB R H Pct.
Madlock Chi 79 320 44 112 .350
Mloran Cin 53 288 61 99 .344
Sanguilen Pgh 77 281 33 95 .339
. Parker Pgh 77 286 44 96 .336
W'atson Ht~n 84 383 41 102 .326

Home Runs
L u z i n s k i. Philale'phia, 25;
Pench, Cincinnati. 19; stargell,
Pi+tshnreh, 17 schmidt, Philadel-
phia, 16.
Rivns Ba'ted In
T, 77 7i n C k i. phllodra-ha 79;
1t-sch ('lnc-nnafl. 7T"jw-o-on.
lovoisan 61- mor-an Cincinnati,
ao- ctabh 5. Vork 59.
P~cinte(9 Orei~ons)
T11p'a Cincinn t , 1-3 . .60;
63',xl'rrt O''nrannnai 9-3. .750: s5v-
e-- Vrk1 13-K '.-19. s.tmone,
rkin-n r- -1 Inn - (rhv Oneln,-
nati 7-3 7i. Ms+ -nemith. Tos
no-elm 1-r .667; Kison, Pitts-
'--h 0-4 .667.
DR. Paul C. Uslan
Full Contact Lens Service
Visual Examinations

Free Concert
"Aging Children"
Tonight-7:30 p.m.
presented by .A

cop & gown hood deposit total
BACH 6.50 2.00 8.50
MAST 7.25 5.25 2.00 14.50
DOCT 7.75 5.50 2.00 15.25
All students must order in advance and make full
payment with the order.
is the union, 530 5. State Street
Open Moe.-Fri. 9-9 Sat. 10-5 Sun.12-5

Breakfast All Day Beef Stroganoff
Chinmse Pepper Steok
3 Eggs, Hash Browns, Delicious Korean Bar-g Beef
(served after 4 Daily)
Toast & Jely-$1 .15 Veqetakle Eo Rolls
Home-made Soups I(Beet,
Ham or Bacon or Barley. Clam Chowder, etc.)
S with 3 Eggs, Chili. VoVetable Tempuro
Sausage (served after 2 p.m.)
Hash Browns, Toast & Homburaer Steak Dinner -
jelly-$1.65 (1/2lh.) $1.99
Scoohetti in Wine Sauce
Beef Curry Rice
3 eggs, Rib Eye Steak, Baked Flounder Dinner $2.25
Hash Browns, 1/4 lb. Rst. Beef Kaiser Roll
Toas & Jff 21 Q 1/41..Ha. . $1.69
Toast & JeIty-$2.1O 1k. Hon o Kaiser roll $1.39

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