Page Tend TE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, Juiy 15, 1975 1.. - ord ~requests end ~' oil price controls Hands up It may look like an exotic dance, but these are actually members of the Wenetchee, Wash- ington, YMCA on a canoeing and desert survival program lined up at Potsdam Reservoir sand dune. COMAPLAINT? missing out on some of the DAILIES because J: t f . t+0 ofdelivery 'imistakes? r,3 y OR ..c disagree with a bill we sent you for THlE DAI[Y? WE'D LIKE TO TRY TO STRAIGHT- EN OUT THAT PROBLEM,BUT WE CAN'T IF YOU DON'T LET US KNOW ABOUT IT. Monday thru Friday, 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. CIRCULATION -,'""7- DEPARTMENT (Continued from Page 1) IN A WRITTEN statement distributed to reporters yester- day morning, Ford said ! veto wotld be "my only alternative' if his proposal for phasing out the price controls is rejected. H-owever, Ford tuned that dowvn later in the day, saying a veto would be "one alternative." There was also a last mtotte change in the schedule for send- ing the proposal to Congress. The White Hotse originally an- nounced that the proposal wouttd go to Congress yesterday. But minutes later, White House Press Secretary Ron _ Nissen said the proposal would not be sent to Capitol Hill until later in the week to allow time for dis- cussion and public dialogue.' HE SAID the decision to wait until later in the week grew out of an early morning meeting with Democratic and Republi- can congressional leaders. But Nissen said Ford has no plans to alter the key elements of his planned administrative action. Ford estimated that the price hikes resulting from the decon- trol proposal would trim con- sumption by 300,000 barrels of oil a 'day. Combined with his o t h e r conservation measues, Ford estimated the total savings would amount to 900,000 barrels per day. U.S. oil consump-ion totalled about 17 millions a day as of January 1975. FORD PREDICTED that phas- ing out the price controls would add 1 to 1 cents to the price AUGUST GRADUATE? The deadline for order- ing cops & gowns has been extended to July 16, 1975. ORDER AT THE UNIVERSITY CELLAR 769-7940 of gasoline by the end of this year, 4 cents by the end sf 1076 and 7 cents by the end 4f 1977. Senate Democratic I e a d e r Mike Mansfield, who attetoded the meeting between Ford and congressional leaders,stoid "I sas concerned about the s'5cct on inflation.' Inflation "is now abo9t 9.5 per cent, and may ret'rn to dostle digis inflation with so increase in the cost of gaso- line," he said. C H A R L E S SCHUI.TZE, an economist on the staff of the Broskings Institution, told the congressional J o i n t Econtomic Committee that if the govern- ment fails to take "large scale fiscal and monetary meatt.;res" to offset an oil price increase could have on consumer pur- chasing power, "a disastrous blow will be struck Lt the economy." "The gathering forces of re- covery from the deepest deces- sion in 30 years will be abort- ed," he said. "The nation will be condemned to many more years of exceedingly high un- employment and lowered living standards." However, Ford administration officials estimated the decontrol proposal would cause an in- crease in the Consumer Price Inodex of less than 1 per cyst over the next 2/2 years. HOUSE Speaker Carl- Albert said Ford "would get along bet- ter with Congress and the 'sub- lic" if he stretched out the de- control plan. "I think the President is no- ing too fast in this area," he said. House Democratic L e a d e r Thomas O'Neill Jr. of Massa- chusetts, said that with con- tinued availabiilty of domestic oil and r e c e n t l y increased prices, he did not expect Coan- gress to go along with Ford's plan. Ite said he would favor a de- control measure that went into effect over a longer period of time and included other energy measures to take intp account price controls on natural gas. MICHIGAN REPERTORY '75 AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TONIGHT thru July 25 THE RIVALS tn repertory with THE HOT L BALTIMORE TOMORROW thru July 26 PERFORMANCE TIME 8:00 Ttckets available at Mendelssohn Bos Office 763-1085 Tickets also avoilable at Hudson's Monday-Fridav 12:30-5:00 Performance Davs 12:30-5:00 and 6:00-8:00 *Recommended for mature audiences