Tuesday, July 15; 1975
Page Three
Coucilhears argumet
Gncty i r r e so
City Council heard impas-
sioned pros and cons last night
on the long-debated issue of ex-
panding the Ann Arbor Munici-
pal Airport.
While ' the Council-appointed
Airport Advisory Committee rec-
ommended a major expansion of
the airport, a citizens' commu-
nity review team presented two
arguments favoring both enlarg-
ing the airport if necessary or
maintaining its facilities at their
present levels.
COUNCIL -also heard a report
from Transplan Inc., which had
been commissioned for a $50,000
study on alternatives for the
airport, including: closing the
facility; limited growth; ex-
panding; and maintaining the
facility at its present level.
However, the report's validity
was questioned by Barbara Per-
kins, an interested citizen. "I
am concerned with the narrow
focus of this study," she de-
clared, "the final report re-
mains a very lopsided one."
Thomas Gies, chairman of the
citizen's committee, also indi-
cated difficulties accepting the
ed, "We discovered the ciosult-
ant's descriptions of the alterna-
tives were inconsistent in data
with each other."
H O W E V E R, Council sat
through an hour-long presenta-
tion by Transplan representative
Thomas Chastain. He empha-
sized the 20-year master plan
included in his firm's report,
which the advisory committee
approved last week, "is merely
to provide a comprehensive
guide . . . it can be revised."
Chastain explained that the
Federal Aviation Agency (FAA)
recommended a periodic review
of airport master plans every
five years. The advisory coot
mittee proposed that if Councl
approves the expansion plan
there be "an annual review titd
confirmation of projected e,on-
omic and technical reaaire-
Chastain informed Council
that if the airport is kep' at its
present operations capability,
"It would be saturated some-
time in the mid-1980's." This in-
cluded saturating the runway,
hangers, terminal, and parking
HOnWE VER_ man nersons at
Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
PENELOPE FREY shows off the pride of her garden-an "albino marijuana plant" which police
left untouched during an uprooting last Friday of approximately 40 of her illegal plants.
Transplan report. "I 1 am not last night's meeting did n t cat
prepared to vouch for that data
Police pick Penelope' S
covert crop of cannabis William Street open
The Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment paid a visit to Penelope
Frey's 'garden last Friday, but
it wasn't to taste test her to-
mato plants or sample her
Acting on a complaint they
received from one of Frey's
neighbors, city police showed up
in Frey's backyard garden Fri-
day afternoon to confiscate a
stash of her home-grown mari-
juana plants.
ENRAGED at the police ac-
tion, Frey took her case to City
Council last night, requesting
that Council members "change
the law."
"It's the basic right of a
human being to grow a plant,"
Frey told Council. "I'll be
damned if anyone in this coun-
try has the right to tell me what
I can smoke or eat or what I
can grow."
According to one of Frey's
housernates who was the only
occupant present in what Frey
day car
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-
Ann Arbor) has introduced a
four-bill package to the House
this week designed to aid work-
ing people with the creation of
parent co-operative day-care
According to Bullard, the bills
will alleviate tax burdens on
day-care facilities by removing
sales, property, and use taxes,
which are levied on items, pur-
chased outside of Michigan, but
used within the state.
"WE HOPE to incorporate
federal laws with state legisla-
tion to create enough proper
day-care institutions," Bullard
Bullard said because the pack-
age was only recently intro-
duced, opposition has not had
describes as "a four apartment.
ghetto house for which I pay a
fortune," a patrol car pulled up
to the house, and an officer
came to the door. vlhen no one
answered, he proceeded 'o the
back of the house and began to
uproot the plants from the
refused to be identified, said
she observed the officer from
her window, "start ripping up
the garden in a very agitated
"He (the officer) looked up
and saw me and started yelling
at me wanting to know whose
garden it was. I told him it
wasn't mine and he said, Oh
sure it isn't, and left."
Frey, who showed trampled
tomato and melon plants to
reporters yesterday afternoon,
claiming that the damage had
been done by the officer con-
fiscating her marijuana, said
she isn't prepared to press
charges, but merely wants to
time to organize, although he
indicated "flack from appropria-
tions committees, the state trea-
sury, and local authorities that
benefit from property taxes are
envisioned to pose problems."
David Goodman, former Hu-
man Rights Party (HRP) City
Council candidate, approved of
the measures. His party intro-
duced a proposal for city-funded
day-care centers which was de-
feated by a 2-1 margin in last
spring's city elections.
"D A Y-C A R E centers and
proper legislation on the matter
are long overdue," Goodman
said. "Since local authorities
cannot produce sufficient reve-
nue to support these centers the
state and federal governments
must assume the responsibility."
.. COULD wring charges
(against the police department)
for them ruining my tomato
plants and it may get me 15
bucks but that's not my goal.
My goal is to make it legal for
me to grow my marijuana.
"I don't even smoke dope, I
invest in it," Frey said, admit-
ting that the sale of the costly
Cannabis has p a d d e d her
Although a 1974 amendment
to the city charter eased Ann
Arbor's marijuana law by mak-
ing possession of up to two
ounces of the substance a mere
misdemeanor punishable by a
$5 fine, Police Chief Walter
Krasny reiterated yesterday, "It
(marijuana) is still illegal con-
traband and it's illegal to grow
it or have it in your possession."
IN REFERENCE to the fact
that Frey hasn't been slapped
with the city's infamous "$5
See POLICE, Page 9
In anticipation of this week's Ann Arbor Art Fair, the city has
opened William St. between State and South Division to two-way
According to Tom Urbanik of the city traffic department, the
changes were made to provide better access to the Maynard St.
parking structure during the art fair. However, he said there are,
currently no plans to change William back to a one-way street.
"IT WILL stay two-way until we decide to change it back,"
Urbanik said. "We'll have to look and see hows it goes."
Urbanik said the cost of the change was nominal since the
only work required was the removal of the island at the corner
of State and William and the addition of a few signs.
While several merchants-have expressed concern over the im-
pact the changes will have on their business, the city has received
no complaints from drivers.
Urbanik believes any problems resulting from the change will
be short-lived. "It (the traffic pattern) has been in effect a long
time," he said. "People drive as much by habit as by consciouO
Author hits 'U' wildlife studies
By TRUDY GAYER "Wildlife management means save some for
I ewis Regentein, executive vice president next year," said Regenstein. Yet he pointed
Lews Rgentei, eecuivevic prsidntout "on one hand they say 'hunt them' and
of a national organization to preserve wildlife on the other, they make them over-abundant."
and prevent cruelty to animals, has taken aim
. at the University's wildlife management pro- "MAN can't manage himself," declared Re-
gram claiming it "practices exploitation." genstein and yet wildlife management gives
Working for the Washington-based Fund for people the impression if we didn't manage
Animals, Inc., which has a chapter in the wildlife, we'd be overrun," which he explains
city, Regenstein was on campus this past week- is not true if we'd just leave the animals alone.
y end promoting his book, "The Politics of Ex- "Politics of Extinction names the names of
tinction." He focuses many of his attacks on the people who are wiping out animals," said
the School of Natural Resources. Regenstein, which he claims is why his book
is different from others works on endangered
"THEY (wildlife management) only care species.
about those animals being hunted because "The other books don't tell 'why' these ani
that's where revenues are coming from," said mais are disappearing," said Regenstein. "I'm
Regenstein, explaining, "the money from the not worried about libel. Truth is the best Y
|| sale of ammunition and guns goes to support defense."
the management programs." The corruption found in Watergate "happens
"Deer are the only animal they (wildlife everyday in Washington 'over natural re-
management) can point to," said Regenstein. sources," said Regenstein. "My sources are a
"And yet they can't tell me what the function matter of public record that were never pub-
of a deer s antlers are." lcized."
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change the law. tor two-way trarric
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