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May 10, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-05-10

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXV, No. 4-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, May 10, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
. ~.*, * * .. .. '''...*.... ~*...***.** * . . . * . .. ..~R ig h tist L a o tia n
k officials resign
t s By AP and UP
Five cabinet ministers closely identified with U.S.
policy have resigned from Laos' coalition govern-
ment under mounting pressure from student groups
and labor leaders, highly placed sources in Vien-
tiane said yesterday.
The apparent power shift, which follows by less
than a month the fall of Cambodia and South Viet-
nam to Communist-led insurgents, virtually elimi-
nated the conservative faction in Laos.
OBSERVERS SAID the resignations, coupled with
? an order by Prime Minister Prince Souvanna Phou-
ma to the rightists not to fight Pathet Lao forces,
appear to mark the beginning of the final act lead-
ing to a peaceful Pathet Lao takeover.
The reported resignations, which include those of
} the ministers of defense, finance, public health, for-
v ,, . "eign ffairs and public works, came after Laotian
students protesting rising prices and foreign eco-
nomic domination hurled rocks at the U. S. Em-
bassy in Vientiane and tried to haul down the Am-
,F erican flag.
i gThe exodus of wealthy Lao, Chinese and Vietna-
mese continued and many shops in Vientiane were
shuttered, but there has been no sign of the panic
rush that marked the exodus from Saigon before
Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN it fell.
Cat on a hot black chair THE U. S. EMBASSY denied it was evacuating
See RIGH1TIST1S, Page 9
Tax bill defeat mayvcut 'U' funds
By BILL TURQUE isting tax revenues rather than generate John Morberg of the Senate Fiscal Agency,
A controversial new tax reform bill, now new ones, its passage will have no signifi- "we're still going to be $350 million in the
being considered by the House Taxation cant effect on the University's bleak finan- hole when the store opens next year. There
Committee, could darken a University bud- cial situation, is just no way on God's great earth that
get picture already plagued with a probable -lowever, because Governor Milliken's the University is going to get anywhere
six per cent cut and the likelihood of a budget proposals for fiscal 1975 are already near what it asked for."
tuition increase in the coming fiscal year. predicated on passage of the Business Pri- While another across the board cut in the
o If passed, the Business Privilege Tax vilege Tax, its defeat would produce an state budget would not necessarily mean
would bring all existing state business tax- added deficit of $180 million, which could another cut for the University, there are
., es, most notably corporate, franchise, and conceivably leave the University's budget many who feel that given the legislature's
inventory taxes, into a single assessment. open to further slashing by the state. unemployment and inflation ravaged con-
The advantages of the measure, accord-
ing to taxation committee staffer Doug "If you don't pass the bill," said Roberts, stituency, higher education funding would
Roberts, woud be easier enforcement, and "you have a couple of options. You can be more likely to feel the axe than social
a more stable revenue base. either up existing taxes or cut the budget." service programs.
Kennedy BECAUSE the bill would consolidate ex- "EVEN IF this thing does pass," said See BILL'S, Page 5
Detroit police picket a
judge's layoff ruling
DETROIT (UPI) - A federal judge's that Mayor Coleman Young cannot lay
ruling in a police layoff ' case touched off women or black police officer hired
under a federal training program but
on streets and sidewalks outside t h e that he can go ahead with plans to dis-
federal building.
miss more than 510 other policemen on
A violent scuffle erupted when a pick- a strict seniority basis.
eting police officer approached another
officer in uniform and pulled a gun from NEARLY 1,000 policemen, their wives
his pocket. He was subdued by mem- and sympathizers rallied at the federal
hers of a tumultuous crowd and other building in downtown Detroit to piket
police and his gun was confiscated and protest against Young's .on rver-
sial order to lay off 825 officers in an
SEVERAL fights broke out among the
e onomy move.
throng and several television camera-

men were attacked with bottles and Most at the protestingisolicencis were
pushed to the ground. members of the Detroit Police Officers Doily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
No serious injuries were reported. Association. Others in the crowd came WHAT BETTER WAY to celebrate a nice spring day than with a little
open-air concerts? And that's just what Friends Road Show did yes-
The violence flared after U.S. District from as far away as New York and terday, offering a noontime concert for strollers in People's Plaza.
Court Judge Ralph M. Freeman r ui e d Chicago.

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