The Ichigan Dily Vol. LXXXV, No. 41 -S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesdoy, July 1 5, 1975 Ten Cents. Twelve Pages Americans, Russians FBI admits national set for today'soint security' burglaries A poIo-Soyuz mission WASHINGTON ( P-The FBI burglarized foreign he has not been asked to authorize any since taking embassies and other places in the United States for office two years ago. From Wire Service Reports nearly 30 years to get information considered CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Spacecraft from the necessary for national security, FBI Director Clar- "I HAVE NOT had a single request to conduct such United States and the Soviet Union are scheduled to ence Kelley said yesterday. activity since I have been made director," Kelley lift off today and begin maneuvers for the first inter- "Yes, the FBI has conducted surreptitious entries said. "If it ever came up and 'it became a matter national rendezvous in orbit. in securing information related to the security of of grave concern, I would present it to the attorney If the joint mission follows its scheduled timeline, a the nation," Kelley said in response to questions at genoral and I would be guided by his views." Soyuz vehicle carrying two cosmonauts will be launched a news conference. He said former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover at 8:20 (EDT) this morning from the Tyuratam rocket changed the burglary policy in 1966 because he center in a central Asian desert. At 3:50 p.m., three HE DECLINED to say how many break-ins were thought "in the context of the times, it was not a astronauts aboard an Apollo spacecraft will lift off conducted, describing the number only as "a few" viable procedure." from Cape Canaveral and chase the Russian crew for and "not many."' a docking on Thursday. .v:".?%3k'^z EEEE rr :J Ws He also declined to identify specific targets of the LAUNCH CREWS in both countries yesterday ex- break-ins, saying that he cannot discuss many de- Yes, the FBI has conducted surrepti- pressed confidence that everything was ready for the tails publicly because of the pending investigation joint mission, called the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project by the Senate Select committee 'probing the Central tious entries in securing information (ASTP). Intelligence Agency and FBI intelligence operations. Cape meteorologists made their most optimistic Asked whether there were FBI break-ins at related to the security of the nation. weather forecast in a week of uncertainty. "Despite foreign embassies in Washington, Kelley replied, all the attention and discussion, I think the weather "Without naming or designating victims or institu- -FBI Director Clarence Kelley will be fine," one launch official said, adding that any tions, I can only say there were a few, concerned - thunderstorm activity probably would be over by with counter-intelligence, .foreign in nature, sub- ''? ::'.'.:'i-:.:::n":%s2 ::. :::x..# launch time. sequent to 1966." "In 1966," he said, "all such activity was term- A severe storm could force a one-day delay in the..In 16d ex raidmallsam tvtyrag rmg launch of the Saturn IB rocket which will carry the HE ALSO was asked whether civil rights organ- mated excet forea small amount regarding foreign Apollo mto orbit. izations were among the burglary targets. "I'm not the security of tha nation." going to say anything about where they were or THE APOLLO CREW-Brigadier General Thomas against which organizations they were directed, only HOWEVER, he declinedto say whether there was Stafford, Donald Slayton and Vance Brand-were de- to say they were, and I hope that will satisfy you," a substantial reduction in the number of break-ins scribed "in great spirits" and spent the day flying he replied conducted after 1966. T38 jet trainers and practicing Russian.herpidco utdafr196 "Thjet teamis ady atgoevrying s go," s He said later, however, that he did not intend Kelley said the Justice Department is reveiwing "The team is ready to go, everything is go," said-.. . h crustns fhe reknstdermn Chester Lee, director of the American side of ASTP. to confirm that civil rights groups were burglarized. the circumstances of the break-ins to determine The astronauts are scheduled to sleep past the Soviet Kelley said the break-ins began as early as World But the director insisted, "we feel the intent was See ASTRONAUTS, Page 6 War II and continued through the 1960s. He de- very good and there was no illegality involved. clined to say when the last one occurred but said The impact of it was to protect the country." Cost of gasoline will increase Ford seeks -end to price controls WASHINGTON (2)I-President Ford announced plans yesterday to phase out price controls on domestic oil production over the next 2 years. The White House predicted the move would push gasoline prices up another seven cents a gallon by the end of 1977. Ford called the proposal a "compromise oil decontrol plan" and said he would submit it to Congress 'later in the week. The proposal will go into effect five days after it is formally sub- mitted to Congress unless either the House or Senate votes to re- ject it. SEN. HENRY Jackson ID- Wash.), a candidate for the 1976 Democratic presidential nomina- tion and frequent opponent of the administration's ene:gy pro- posals, said he will seek Senate disapproval of the Ford plan. The administration is required. under the Petroleum Allocation; Act to set price controls on oil produced in the Unted States. The price level is esasished by the Federal Energy Ad ninis- tration, subject to congressional veto. Under current FEA regula- tions there is a 'two-tier' pric- ing system for oil produced in this country. THE PRICE of about two- thirds of the oil produced in the United States is limited to '5.25 per barrel. The remainder can be sold at existing world prices, currently about $12.50 per bar- rel. About 40 per cent if the oil consumed in the United States falls under the $5.25 limit. Under Ford's proposal, the two-tier system would ba elimi- nated and price. ceilings oa do- mestic oil would be phased up- ward, reaching an estimated $13.50 per barrel for all domes- tic oil by the end of 1977. Ford indicated that if his pro- posal is rejected by C.ongess, he might veto legislation to ex- tend the Petroleum Allocation Act beyond Aug. 31, which is when the current law expires. Unless Congress 'succeeded in overriding such a veto, price controls would be eliminated immediate y when the current law expires. See FORD, Page 10 Rosenberg sons go to court, Michael (left) and Robert Meerpol, sons of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, talk to reporters outside U.S. District Court in Washington yesterday before seeking all of the records relating to the investigation and prosecution of their parents. The Rosenbergs were convicted and electrocuted in 1953 for allegedly furnishing U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviet Union.