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July 12, 1975 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1975-07-12

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Poge Two


Saturday, July 12, 1975

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, July 12, 1975
5:34 2 51 The Jettersofh-.

In the news today ...

NEW DELHI, India - Lawyers for Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi urged India's Supreme
Court yesterday to act as quickly as possible
on ,the appeal of her conviction for corruption
in the 1971 election. If the court grants the re-
quest to consider the appeal within a week,
the case would be under way by the time
Parliament meets July 21 to ratify the state
of emergency declared by Gandhi's govern-
ment last month.
MURCIA, Spain - Four Spanish military jets
practicing formation for an air show collided
and burst into flames yesterday, plunging in-
to the Mediterranean Sea and killing all five
occupants. "We could not believe what we were
watching," said an eyewitness to the disaster.
"Suddenly . . . the skies darkened with smoke
and flames appearing all around the place
where the planes had been." It was the second
such collision in the history of the San Javier
Air Force Academy.
WASHINGTON - The Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration yesterday ordered significant de-
sign changes in all jumbo jets to improve their
ability to withstand sudden depressurization
while in flight. At the same time, the agency
ordered all foreign airlines to impose by Oct.
9 security programs for screening passengers
and carry-on baggage on all flights going to,
from or within the United States. Sudden de-
pressurization is believed to have caused the
1974 crash of a DC10 near Paris, killing 346 per-

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Launch crews
found a few small problems in the Apolo space-
craft yesterday, but none was serious enough to
force a delay in Tuesday's joint U.S.-Soviet
space mission. An inspection uncovered one
fault in the wiring instaled on the tunnel that
will connect Apollo with Soyuz after they dock.
The fault was due to "an ambiguous design
drawing," NASA said, and was corrected..
There would have been no problem in flight,
a spokesman said, even if the correct installa-
tion had gone undetected. Crews also discover-
ed leaks of a solution in an experiment pack-
age and installed a backup unit. The three
American astronauts spent the day rehearsing
the flights' early phases in simulators at Hous-
BETHESDA, Md. - A scientist whose study
led to a ban on cyclamates in soft drinks said
the federal government's 1969 decision was not
justified on the basis of his research. Dr. Ber-
nard Oser told a panel of scientists yesterday
that he was "shocked" when the Department
of Health, Education and Welfare cited his
study on cancer as the principal reason for
banning the once widely-used sugar substitute.
"My study concluding nothing on cyclamates,"
he said, adding that his research focused only
on the combination of cyclamates and the
artificial sweetener sacchrine.
Ann Arbor's chilly spel continues this week
end; low temperatures will dip to around 50.
Today will be partly sunny, highs in the middle
60's to 70's, with a 20 per cent chance of rain.

6:00 2 4 11 13 News
9 My Partner, The Ghost
20 Movie-Drama
"She Gods oeShark Reef."
30 Electric Company
50 Star Trek-Adventure
56 Jazz is Alive and Well
6:30 4 13 NBC News-Tom
7 24 ABC News-Ted Koppel
11 cBS News-Dan Rather
30 The Toledo Zoo
7:00 2 CBS News-Dan Rather
4 Profiles in Black
9 Polile Suegeon-Crime
11 Bee Haw
33 50 Lawrence Welk
24 Last of the Wild
30 57 World Press
56 Firing Line-Buckley
7:15 20 Movie-Adventure BW
'Viking:Women andthe Sea
7:30 2 $250800 Pyramid
4 New Candid Camera
7 Treasure unt
9 Out and About
A report on Big Brochers;
Chsarlene Aiken with a
swimming report
24 Let's Make a Deal
0:00 2 11 All in the Family
4 13 Emergency!
!!!7 24 Keep on Truckin'
9 An Around the Circle-
30 56 57 Philadelphia Folk
50 That Good Ole Nashville
Daily Official Bulletin
Saturday, July 12
Day Calendar
Bicycle Club: 40-60 mi. ride, meet,
Diag, 0 am.
WUOM: From the Midway-John
Lindsay, "Pinnacles & Pitfalls," 10
am; Options on Education-"Gradu-
ation Magazine," 5 pm.
Planetarium: Audience - requsest-
ed topics, Exhibit Museum, 3 pm.
Sunday, July 13
Day Calendar
Bicycle Club: 40-60 mile ride,
meet Diag, 9 am.
WUOM: Panel discussion, Individ-
ual & Society in the Ancient &
Modern Novel, 12:50 pm.
Planetarium: Audience - request-
ed topics, Exhibit Museum, 3 pm.
Monday, July 14
WUOM: Marvin Felheim, "The
Tradition of themNew in America:
The Arts," 50 am.
SACUA: Meeting, President's
Conf. Rm., 2 pm.
Biological Sciences: Geo. A. Knox,
U. of Canterbury, New Zealand,
"Antarctic Marine Ecosystems,"
B124 MLB, 4 pm.
Audio-visual Ctr.: Films on
Broadcasting, Aud. 3, MLB, 7 pm.
Music School: Carillon recital,
Hudson Ladd, carilloneur, Burton
Tower, 7-8 pm.
Herself : Meeting, 225 E. Liberty,
7:30 pm.

8:30 2 it The JeffersoBS--
9 Billy Liar-Comedy
20 Publir Policy Forams
" Is Nuclear Power sate?"v
Part 1 oe a discussion.
50 Night Gallery
9:00 2 11 Mary Tyler Moore
4 13 Movie-Comedy BW
James Cagney gave his last
screen performance to date
in "One, Two, Three."
7 24 Movie-Drama
"sweet November" (1909)
9 Barbara From-Interview
scheduled guests: Montreal
lawyer Franklin Shontey, ac-
tresss Barbara Hamilton and
F r anrces iHyland, haritone
Louis Quiliro. (60 mm.)
30 57 Broken Treaty at Battle
50 Perry Mason BW
56 At The Top-MusI
9:301 2 11 Bob Newhart
20 Temole Baptist Church
10:00 2 i1 Moses the Lawgil-
20 100 Club
50 Lou Gordon
Guests: Christopher Janus,
the arehaeologist who discov-
ered the "Pekinge Man"; a PO-
llee informer who discusses
hix eeverlences. (90 min.)
56 Movie-Drama BW
"Three Strange Loves."
(Swedish: 1950)
10:39 30 57 Caught in the Aet--
11:00 2 4 11 13 News
9 CBC News-Geo-ge Finstad
a 30 Janaki-Exercise
11:15 7 News
9 A Look Back
24 ABC News
11:30 24Movie-Drama BW
"The Hoodlum Priest" (1961)
4 Tennis All-Star Match
7 ABC News
9 Movie-Drama
"The Spiral Road." (1962)
11 Movie-Dramai
"Heaven Knows Mr. Allison."
13 Movie-Mystery BW
"Man in the Dark." (English;
20 Right On-Musi
24 Movie-Mystery
"Blood and Black Lace."
(Italian; 1964)
50 Movie-Thriller
"The Mystery of the Wax
11:45 7 Movie-Drama
"Castle Keep." (1069)
1:1:0 13 News
1:30 2 Movie--science Fietion BW
"Rocketship X-M." (1950)
4 11 News
7 Movie--Drama BW
3:00 2 News
Volume LXXXV, No. 40-S
Saturday. July 12, 1975
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ac: Arbor Michigan 40100.
Pu:blishrd d aoi:1 y Tuscday throuigh
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates:$10 bycarrier campus area);
$11 lorcalal Michigan and Ohio:,
012 non-local mail (other states and
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier
(campus area); s6.00 local mail
(Michig a cnd Ohio); $6.50 non-
local mail (other states and foreign).

.__.._. _____ I I 7

tAnn-Margret Oliver Reed
is The Mother is The L~oper
r ~r a > yElton John
isRo Tommy D is The Pinball Wizard
ECp Jn ttKh n a o ohnEntwistle
is The Preacher s ie
Your senses will never be the same.
Keith Moon Paul Nicholas
isancle Ernie as Cousin Kevin
colrdbia Pictures Robert Stigwo d a ,b Ken Russell
S MheM a huay 7 9 Pete FTowishend t
Jack eNolson Ann-Margret Oliver Reed Roger Daltrey Eton John Robert Powell
Sn etr Eric Clapton John Entwistle Keith oon Pau ihls scpanwle
Jack Nicholson Robert Powell Pete Townshend
Tina Turmer : The who s
. «. '-i- Harry Benn m t>- ".. Pete Townshe-d <,pe y Ken Russel
t : Pa Beryl Vertue u;Christopher Stamp o j e>s Robert Stigwood Ana Ken Russell
Peter Townshend D wsKen Russell|trgina So)undtrack Albu~mor ydor Records and Tapes Tina Turner
isHiself. i, s Te Acid uen
SHOWTIMES: Monday - Thursday 7; 9; Friday - Saturday 1, 3, 5, 7, 9

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