Friday, July 11, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Big city mayors show dissatisfaction after meeting with Ford Tarantula for sale? NO, HENRIETTA the tarantula is not for sale. In fact, she is guarding this jewelry store in San Francisco. The owners maintain that she is an effective deterrent to burglaries, much better than the guard dog who wouldn't fit in the window. Etate Educa 10 oard backs free By TRUDY GAYER The State Board of Education this week en- dorsed a bill in the State legislature which would provide Michigan residents with free college tui- tion for the first two years at state supported colleges. Jackie Vaughn (D-Detroit), author of the bill and Chairman of the House Committee on Col- leges and Universities, stated that "This will be a real stimuli for the House to act (on the bill)." He added that he has renewed his interest in the proposal now that it has received this "much needed support." Vaughn said that he hopes to get more public hearings to force the legislature to consider the measure, and believes that his influential position as chairman of the Colleges and Universities Com- mittee will be a factor. The bill, if passed, would cost the state an es- timated $155 million a year based on current en- rollments and tuition rates and would apply to all state residents. When asked aboct whether .the state could af- ford such a measure, Vaughn emphatically re- plied, "Oh, yes," and referred to the State of California as an example, where several years ago tuition for residents was paid for by the state. tuition bill Vaughn said he is not sure where the money would come from, only that "we can find ways. I think we can do it." However, Perry Bullard, state representative for Ann Arbor, said, "There is not enough money to do it. From the Committee of Colleges and Universities the bill would go to Appropriations where there would not be any money or resources to get any." However, he also added, "We should keep looking at it as a possibility. But we should look at a different approach. I am supportive of the concept of increasing subsidies to increase educa- tional opportunities." Vaughn pointed out that "This is one way of dealing with the rising cost of education. It's a strong step in the right direction." Richard Kennedy, Vice President for State Re- lations and Secretary of the University, agreed that the bill is "very admirable" but he said he has one argument against it. "Beyond the kindergarten through 12th grade (K-12) system you have to think about whether there is a public good," in providing free college education," Kennedy said. "You take on some private advantages of the individual as far as what his or her marketability will be." WASHINGTON (R) - Variots big-city mayors said they were encouraged that President Ford met with them yesterday but were disappointed that he failed to talk about two major bills they are seeking. At a meeting in the White House East Room, Ford ap- pealed to a group of more than 120 mayors to lobby Congress on behalf of the new highway program he announced Monday. He also thanked them for not criticizing his defense budget. BUT FORD did not talk about the $2 billion anti-recession aid bill for states and cities with high unemployment and the $2.5 billion public works bill. Seattle Democratic Mayor Wes Uhlman said he was dis- appointed that Ford hadn't dis- cussed anti-recession and pub- lic sworks measures. Democrat Coleman Young of Detroit said, "I had hoped that he would discuss that. We still don't know where he is on that." PETER FLAHERTY, Demo- crat of Pittsburg, said, "He made points with the mayors just by meeting with them." Most of the mayors came here after the U. S. Conference of Mayors annual meeting in Boston, where they had backed the public works and anti-reces- sion measures without dissent. After sharp, partisan debate, the mayors had decided not to seek a greater slice of revenue- sharing funds for the neediest cities and had decided not to criticize Ford's $107.7 billion de- fense request. FORD DREW applause when he said, "It is important for us to have your support for a com- pletely strong, alert military organization . . . and I can as- sure you that the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines will get everything they need and not one penny more." He also pledged that "we'll continue to make sure that ev- erything we can will be done in the areas in which you have a tremendous responsibility." Pointing to revenue - sharing, Ford said the distribution for- mula in the $30.2 billion, five- year program approved in 1972 was "about as good as you could get." THE LARGE CITY and poor city mayors have objected that the formula prodices situations like that in Houston where the city has a bidget surplus almnost equal to its revenue-sharing al- lotment, while New York City has tremetOns budget deficits. Ford said, "there are still in the Congress many members who were opposed or are op- posed to general revenue-sIar- ing and if we tinker with the formula . . . it would be my fears and it should be yours that the whole program would not be extended." At the Boston meeting, mayors had applauded Ford's proposal to allow greater flexibility for shifting highwvay money to mass transit bit had criticized his $800 million request for urban transportation programs as to small. ClericaIs, University stalled'on pay issue By ELAINE FLETCHIER University clericals and the administration deadlocked last Tuesday for the second lime since June 11 on the question of salary, and will continue nego- tiations on non-economic issues today. The University requested an outside state mediator, expected July 21, to preside over the swage dispute. Jean Jones, the clerical-s (UAW 2001) bargauining chair- See CJ.ERICALS, Page 6l Spacemen ready-for Apoio-Soyuz By JEFF- RISTINE Second of twvo parts 4 The fire astronaut and cosmon uts flyin ne t week's Apollo-Soyuz mission must all be painfullyU." aware of broken dreams and unattauned goals,: Y-' - even if the excitement of their actual experiences stands out. Two of the men, from different countries, were once candidates f. r landings on the moon. An- other lost a csance for glory as one of the first seven American manned-space pioneers. A fourth came close to involvement in what would have been a unique docking of three spacecraft in orbit. BUT UNLESS their careers carry theni es-er further in space, the five will probably he re- membered for their participation in tie Apollo- Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), the joint flight of-i three Americans and two Russians to try out a compatible docking system. T os Staff rd, Duke Sl-ayto, Vance Brand, Alexei Leonov and Valeri Kubasov have each spent approximately 2,000 hours training for the mission which begins Tuesday. With a primary emphasis on learning the new system for d ckin gi and acquiring 'a usable foreign vocabulary, the FOUR OF THE crew members for next week's Apollo-Soyuz joint mission are shown here relaxing over a meal Ssae o g bduring training earlier this year, From left, they are Donald Slayton, Alexei onov, Thomas Stafford and Valeri See SPACEMEN, Page 7 Kubasov.