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July 11, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-07-11

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXV, No. 39-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 11, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

Kissinger: Arms

talks progressing
GENEVA, Switzerland ('9-Henry Kissinger reported
progress yesterday after seven hours of talks with Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. Their discussions con-
centrated on a new treaty limiting nuclear offensive
The secretary of state said he and Gromyko also
support efforts to hold a 35-nation summit conference
July 30 in Helsinki. This would bring President Ford and
Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev together to continue the
weapons discussions and ratify Eastern Europe's post-
World War II borders.
KISSINGER told newsmen shortly after midnight that he and
Gromyko would continue their
weapons talks this morning and
then examine prospects for a
Sinai settlement between Israel H ouse
and Egypt.
"The discussion is still going on
hot as I pointed outI, progress co m t e
has been made," he said.gmis
: Deliberations at the Soviet
mission were interrupted peri-
odically to permit the two min-
isters to confer with their am-
<::,:::;=:bassadors to the European Se-
ss c' rity Conference negotiations, T k
taking otace elseswhere in this YA I
THERE, all nations except
holdout Malta have rallied be- WASHINGTON (,' - Presi-
hind a Canadian proposal to dent Ford's request for resump-
hold the summit at the end of tion of U.S. arms sales to Tur-
the month. "We are prepared' key drew support from leaders
to bring this as rapidly to a con- of the House International Re-
AP Photo clusion as possible in order to lations Committee yesterday.
ate Henry Kis- permit the Finnish hosts to There were predictions the
ms pact talks. make their preparations," Kis- House would act on the propos-
__ singer said. al as early as next week.
He declined, meanwhile, to Committee Chairman Thom-
say whether Gromyko had as Morgan (D-Pa.) began hear-
brought with him a detailed pro- ings on the request by sup-
posal on verification and other porting Ford's statement that
outstanding issues that must be Congress' cutoff of U. S. aid to
reotstanding oiue thmust0be Turkey has resulted in a grave
resolved to complete the 10I situation.
S e n year treaty Ford and Brezhnev "WE HOPE this committee,
hope to sign in Washington this as it has done in the past, can
fall. help bring a peaceful settle-
contacts in t h e ment in Cyprus" he said.
he Office of Man- Rep. William Broomfield of
Budget and the the two ministers will also as- Michigan the committee's rank-
d Treasury De- sess prospects for a Sinai agree- ing Republican, said he believ-
ment between Egypt and Israel. See ARMS, Page 6

SOVIET FOREIGN MINISTER Andrei Gromyko chortles as Secretary of SU
senger cracks jokes yesterday evening in Geneva at the start of their ar:
Sworks 'openly
White House--Nes.

dent Ford's chief spokesman re-
ported yesterday as many as a
handful of Central Intelligence
Agency emsployes work at the
White House - and that Ford
knows all about it.
Nessen acknowledged the pre-
sence of CIA operatives shortly
after the intelligence agency's
director, William Colby, denied
as "outrageous nonsense" state-
ments the CIA had infiltrated the
White House and other federal
"THERE is no truth to it,"
Colby said.

White House Press Secretary
Ron Nessen told reporters he
knows at least one CIA operative
is on the staff of the National
Security Council and said,
"there may be a handful of oth-
ers in related capacities."
Dismissing any suggestion of
undercover CIA activities on
Ford's staff, Nessen said:
"IT SHOWS up on the pay-
roll . . . They're here quite open-
One of them, Rep. Robert Kas-
ten (R-Wis.) said committee
staff members saw documents at
CIA headquarters indicating the

agency hadc
White House, V
agement and
Commerce an

Burstey to amend
campus alcohol bill
Following the overwhelming State Senate defeat of a bill which
would have allowed state colleges and universities to serve beer
sod wine on campus, Senator Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) has
decided to "keep it alive" by asking the Senate to reconsider its
In order to muster support for the measure, the Senator is
considering the addition of an amendment which would limit beer
and wine licenses to those University facilities providing overnight
ACCORDING TO the original proposal, a Board of Regents can
only limit the sale of alcoholic beverages to one location per cam-
Pus area - whether or not the facility is equipped for overnight
The bill stipulates that profits from the sales of the beer and
wine must go to the dwindling budgets for student scholarships
See BEER, Page 6

COLBY SAID federal agencies
including CIA "detail p e o p 1 e
back and forth but this is known
to the agencies."
When asked specifically what
CIA personnel were doing at
the White House, Nessen said,
"They do various things.' Ile
declined to identify any of thena,
saying he did not have to have
their names.
After stating flatly that n> CIA
people work on Ford's staff "in
any sort of undercover or hid-
den role," Nessen was asked
how he could be certain of this.
"IT'S DIFFICULT to prove
that kind of negative," he said,
then asked his questioner if he
could be certain the CIA had
not infiltrated the Washing'on
press corps.
After the reporter said h! did
not know, Nessen remarked,
"My question was only h a If-
joking." He did not elaborate.
Colby was asked about a re-
port that the CIA had a high-
level contact in the White House
during the administration of
former President Richard Nixon.
"I CAN'T identify that refes-
ence at all," he told a House
subcommittee investigating CIA
mail-opening activities, which
raised questions about the msat-

Buzzin' in da Bronx.
THERE'S NOT MUCH honey in the Bronx, but a swarm of
bees is attracted to the headlight of a car yesterday in a
residential section of New York city. Apiarist James Groome
Inanaged to collect the bees after police requested his help.

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