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July 10, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-07-10

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The Michigan Daily


Vol. LXXXV, No. 38-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 10, 1975

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Sadat discloses basic
Mideast settlement

SECRETARY OF STATE Henry Kissinger meets yesterday with reporters at
Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland prior to departing for Europe. Kissinger
declared that Israel and Egypt are nowhere near an agreement.


arms for
WASHINGTON (MP)-President Ford av
announced compromise legislation yes of
terday that would permit renewed arms
shipments to Turkey-a proposal de- dit
scribed as "a fraud" by a key House de
foe of Turkish aid. of
Unveiling the compromise proposal at -
an impromptu driveway news conference bot
at the White House, Ford called it "a rel
fair and equitable solution."_
REP. Thomas Morgan (D-Pa.), chair-a
man of the House International Affairs mi
Committee, standing beside Ford, en-
dorsed that assessment and said the a
Congress members could adequately "ex- rep
plain it to the Greek-American people." ar
However, Rep. John Brademas (D-Ind.) to
who is of Greek descent, predicted the
House would reject the legislation. "I
think it's a fraud," he said.
For met with Morgan and about 14
House members for 90 minutes over
breakfast to discuss the proposal. "
Brademas and two other foes of Turk-
ish aid-Rep.. Paul Sarbanes (D-Md.) and 3
Rep. Benjamin Rosenthal (D-N.Y.)-
were not invited to the breakfast. White
House Press Secretary Ron Nessen said
they had held three earlier meetings
with Ford on the subject.{
FORD told reporters he hoped the
compromise would help promote a solu-
tion of the Greek-Turkish dispute over
Cyprus and encourage Turkey to remain
a full partner in the Western defense
Congress voted last February to end
all U.S. arms shipments to Turkey be-
cause that country used American-
supplied military hardware in its 1974
invasion of Cyprus. The Senate, by a
41-40 vote, passed a bill May 19 suspend-
ing the ban but making resumed ship-
ments contingent on observance of the
Cyprus ceasefire and agreement to

it asks
oid increasing its forces or stockpile
U.S.-supplied weapons on the island.
The President, who sought an uncon-
ional lifting of the ban, and Morgan
scribed these as the major elements
the compromise proposal:
-$78 million worth of arms already
aught and paid for by Turkey would be
eased to that country immediately.
-Turkey would be free to buy for cash
itional Am erican-made military g oods
Swould not be eligible r grants of
litary aid.
-The President would be required to
port to Congress every 60 days on any
ms sales to Turkey and on progress
ward a Cyprus settlement.

By The Associated Press
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was
quoted yesterday as indicating basic
terms of a new Sinai agreement with
Israel have been worked out through
the United States. Israeli Prime Minis-
ter Yitzhak Rabin declared, however,
"key issues" remain unresolved.
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
left last night on a four-day visit to
Europe designed to promote such a set-
tlement. His trip includes a meeting
with Rabin on Saturday in Bonn.
WE ARE not anywhere near the point
of an agreement," Kissinger told re-
porters as he left Washington for Paris.
He added, however, that the United
States would do whatever was possible
to bring about a Middle East settlement
and to advance nuclear weapons nego-
tiation with the Soviet Union.
Sadat, in an interview with William
Randolph Hearst, editor-in-chief of the
Hearst Newspapers, and Hearst writer
J. Kingsbury Smith in Alexandria, said
the new agreement would include the re-
turn to Egypt of the Sinai oilfields.
RABIN TOLD newsmen in Berlin that
an interim settlement with Egypt is
possible but the unresolved issues in-
clude electronic surveillance systems
and the duration of the pact. Rabin is
on the second day of a five-day visit to
West Germany and arrived in Bonn
from West Berlin yesterday. He is the
first Israeli prime minister to visit the
country while in office.
"It is too early to come to any con-
clusion if and when an interim agree-
ment between Egypt and Israel will be
achieved," Rabin told newsmen.
He spent 20 hours in West Berlin to
demonstrate Israel solidarity with the
Communist-encircled city 110 miles in-
side East Germany. Rabin toured the
city and met with Jewish community
lenders before flying to Bonn for talks
with Chancellor Helmut Schmidt.
RABIN WAS welcomed by Schmidt
with military honors as he arrived by
helicopter on rolling, tree-shaded lawns

behind Bonn's Palais Schaumburg chan-
cellery. The two leaders stood side by
side on a red-carpeted rostrum as an
honor guard presented arms and the
German military band played the na-
tional anthem of Israel, followed by
"Unity, Right and Freedom," the West
German anthem which has the same
tune as the wartime "Deutschland
Ueber Alles."
'It is too early to come to
any conclusion if and when
an interim agreement be-
tween Israel and Egypt will
be achieved.
-Israeli Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin
The Boston Herald American story
said Sadat "indicated he had assured
President Ford that Egypt would allow
the United States to establish and oper-
ate an early warning system in the stra-
tegic Mitla and Gidi passes when Israel
withdraws from all but the eastern end
of them." He and Ford met in Austria
last month.
Israel has been seeking "clarifica-
tions" of what it could expect in return
for the Gidi and Mitla passes and the
Abu Rudeis oilfield. The Israelis are
holding out for control of the eastern
slope of the passes and are concerned
about the electronic surveillance system
that protects the against surprise
Egyptian tank attack.
IN JERUSALEM, Israeli Foreign Min-
ister Yigal Allon said yesterday that Is-
rael wanted "solid commitments" from
the United States as part of a Sinai ac-
cord with Egvpt. He said there had been
"progress" towsrd getting such com-
mitments but did not spell them out.
Addressing parliament, Allon called
the United States "the third side of a
triangle" - the other sides being Egypt
and Israel. Any U.S.-meditated settle-
ment would have to be built on this
"triangular alliance," he said.


Committee ok's airport expansion }i
After years of heated debate and costly studies, the IN ADDITION, aircraft operations at the airport would
Airport Advisory Committee voted late last night to have to increase from last year's level of 132,600 to
recommend to City Council a controversial major expan- 159,80 by 1980, 200,600 by 1985, and 272,000 operations by
sion of the city's munici at airport. 1995. The figures approved by the advisory committee
were initially reported by a city-commissioned report on
The recommendation will be presented to Council Mon- the airport.
day night along with a citizens' committee proposal for The expansion plan provides that:
the airport. Council is expected to make its final decision Tp
on the facility within the next few weeks. * The new runway extend somewhere between 3,500
and 5,000 feet at a cost of almost $3.2 million;
THE ADVISORY committee's proposal includes be- * The present runway be repayed within the next few
ginning the construction of a ,second paved runway by years;
1979. 80 acres of surrounding land be obtained at a cost of

However, the advisory committee's motion, involving
a 20year master plan for expansion, includes an annual
"review and confirmation of projected economic and tech-
nical requirements."
This would require that projected local aviation de-
mands be met before the airport could be expanded on
the schedule recommended by the advisory committee.

$40,000, $36,000 of which would be paid for by the Federal
Aviation Agency (FAA) with the remaining $8,000 covered
by the city;
A water and sewer system at a cost of $36,000; and
. More hangars.
The total capital out-lay for the 20-year period would
be some $5.8 million.
See COUNCIL, Page 9

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