Pogo Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, July 9, 1.975 ,.S.T..GA DIYendyJl919 SMORGASBORD WEDNESDAYS 6-9 p.m. AND SATURDAYS 6-9 p.m. $4.95 1.cold vichysoisse 2. coq a vin 3. potatoes anna 4. shrimp newburgh 5. boeuf burguingnone 6. rice 7. swedish meat balls 8. vermicelli 9. beaded veal cutlet 10. fresh garden gren 11. erragon peas 12. eggplant parmesan 13. beef oriental 14. veal hearts 15. chicken giblets 16. cheese casserole 17. sliced beef 18. fred chicken 19. barbecued ribs 20, fried cod fish 21.rblack olives 2. greek olives 23. green olives 24. dill pickles 25. celery 26. carrots 27. green onions 28. crab apples 29. red peppers 30. radishes 31. corn salad 32. sliced cucumbers with sour cream 33. sliced tomatoes with fresh dll 34. red bean salad 35. greek bean salad 36. italian green peppers 37. greek stuffed eggplants 38. sliced beets 39. garlic sauce 40. herring 41. portuguese sardines 42. anchovies '3. cod fish caviar mousse 44. cod fish red caviar 45. liver pate 46. sliced Jambon 47. sliced salami 48. sliced cold turkey 49. chicken salad 0. russlan fish salad 51. tuna fish salad 52. cottage cheese 53. sliced mushrooms in dill sauce 54. eggrols 5. hot mtard sauce 56. stuffed eggs bonnefemme 57. cole slaw 58. cold salmon 59. fresh tuna in soyu sauce $0. butter ahome made bread 42 sliced tongue 83. horse radish sauce 64. chicken wings Japanese 4. ried squid . smoed pork chops 67. potato salad 68. russan aad 9' macaroni salad 70. jellied fruit salad 7L. tossed green salad 72. chef's dressing 73. french dressng 74. 1000 island dressing 75. russian dressing 76. trtaresauce 77. hot sauce 73. bacon crumbs 79. Crsuons 8. parmesan cheese 81. sliced onions 82. eggplant salad 13. cocktai sausage 84. hors deosuves 85. stuffed grapelesves 8. greek feta chee 8. swiss cheese . cheddar cheese 9. bread pudding 9. rice pudding 91. creme caramel 92. bed apples 93. house cakeba 94. peaches 95. mandarin oranges I. orange sliced candies 97. bananas 98. grapes 99. apples 100. watermelon balls (fu aitat 102 S. First, Ann Arbor 663-2401 Senate action will keep universities dry LANSING (UPI) - Fearful of "wide-open immorality" among students, the state Senate has :efeated legislation that would have allowed universities to sell beer and wine on campus. On a lopsided vote yesterday, seven senators supported t h e legislation while 23 voted against it. However, a reconsideration vote was expected soon. SEN. GILBERT Barsley (R- Ann Arbor) attributed defeat of the hill to "the morality ques- tion." Bursley, sponsor of the mea- sure, said opponents feared it would "result in wide-open im- morality on campus and very promiscuous drinking." Some opponents said it was improper for the legislature to help public institutions compete with private businesses such as bars and restaurants. Sen. John Welborn (R-Kala- mazoo), said the legislation- ran the "risk of ruining our free en- terprise system." BURSLEY said he would ask the Senate to reconsider its vote on the legislation at a l a t e r date after amending it to cla.mp further restrictions on where the beer and wine could be sold. The measure would not have allowed the sale of liquor. Under the bill, the governing boards of community colleges and four-year institutions would have been able to apply for li- quor licenses to sell beer and wine by the glass in one loca- tion only. CHURCHES or schools located with 500 feet of the proposed on- campus bar could have forced the university to move it else- ment were added. He would need where and all proceeds would to persuade 13 senators to have been used for low-interest chance their vote, however. loans and scholarships for stu- Sen. Daniel Cooper (D-Oak dents. Park), said it was "hypocritical" Bursley said he would pro- for senators to oppose the Burs- pose an amendment limiting the ley bil because the legal age sale of beer and wine to confer- of adulthood was 18. ence centers, preventing the bev- COOPER urged his colleagues erages from being sold in stu- to get off "our righteous kick." dent unions. "There's a lot more happen- He said many senators would ing on campus than just b e e r vote for the bill if this amend- and wine," Cooper said. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Wednesday, July 9 Int'l Str. Lounge, 603 E. Madionn, Day Calendar 3-5 pm. WUOM: Live Nat'l Town Meeting, Bicycle Club: 20 mi. ride, meet, "Should Federal, State, & Munici- Dig, 6 pm. pal Employeioave the Right to A-V Ctr.: Literary Films, Aud. 3, Utnionise?" 10:30 am. MLtB. 7 pm. Int'i ctr.: John Shy, *"The Amer- women for cultural Otr.: Con. lcan Revolutionary Experience," Rm., 3rd fir., Union,2 6 I. THIS AD WILL SELF-DESTRUCT IN 30 SECONDS (It Would-If You Heard It on Radio or Saw It on Television) BUT, PRINTED HERE, IN THE PAGES OF IT REMAINS TO BE REFERRED TO AGAIN AND AGAIN... A LASTING IMPRESSION Reach Ann Arbor's University Market Where You'll Be Read... AND REMEMBERED! In The £1c14!3atn &tTg Latest Deadline In The State 764-0554 r eew.