Wednesday, July 9, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Rumors of Soviet-U.S. grain deal. syur buyigng i Daily Photo by KEN FINK MEMBERS of the Chicago Symphony String Quartet perform at Monday evening's University Mu- sical Society Concert. The group gave interpretations of several classical works, including Bee- thoven's "String Quartet No. 11 in F Minor, Op. 95" and Ravel's "String Quartet in F Major." Chicago Symphony's String Quartet: Less than sparkling By RICHARD JAMES From the outset it was ap- parent that the performance of the Chicago Symphony String Quartet - featured in Monday evening's University Musical So- ciety Concert-was careful, ac- curate, and consistent but hard- ly memorable. The members, all principle Chicago Symphony players, have worked together for almost a decade and have been orches- tral musicians for much longer. This added experience served to give a unique flavor to the State -house quartet's performance. BECAUSE of this experience, the frequent problems of a domineering first violinist and overshadowed second violinist were non-existent. The reverse side of the coin surfaced, however, in the-lack of fire in interpretations and the general absence of drama- tic sparkle which left most of the audience less than wildly' enthusiastic. Nowhere was this deficiency more apparent than in the con- cert's opening work, Beethoven's d eeats bill to lower income taxes "String Quartet No. 11 in F Minor, Op. 95." This is a com- position which is clearly in tune with the angry mood of much of Beethoven's late work. However, the performers failed to pursue this mood, especially in the first movement, which came off al- most warmly, even in the most robust segments. HOWEVER, despite a few rough spots, primarily from the first violinist, the quartet was very accurately rendered with a steady, though far from com- plete trend towards a more characteristic interpretation in the third and fourth movements. The second work, a contem- porary one by Leon Stein, in-' corporated a saxophone ito the string quartetand, although the piece itself was rather ineffec- tual at times, it successatily proved the viability of such an ensemble combination. The mu- sical language was modere, but hardly impenetrable to the lis- tener. The quartet's reading of the popular Ravel "String Quartet in F Major" was aAsily the most lively of the evening, though occasionally a bit brash for Ravel's lighter moments. They played the work wel and of one mind in what was a very effective reading. Like the rest of 'he program, this final piece left the audi- ence with the impression of s t u r d y musicianship. Though hardly a stirring concert, it was a satisfying one with few bad moments and quite a few good ones. By The Associated Press the Russians had made arrange- Rumors of new Soviet-Amer- ments to charter 15 ships able ican grain transactions touched to carry 25,000 metric tons each, off a buying spree yesterday on but added that there was no the Chicago Board of Trade, as gorantee the ships would be dealers recalled the sharp price used for grain. Even if they increases that followed the U.S. were used for grain, Sosland sales of wheat, corn and other said, they woeld be able to car- grains exactly three years ago. ry only 1.8 million metric tons The Department of Agricul- a year - less than the amount ture said it had heard, but rumored to be involved in the could not confirm the rumors. new deals. The department's weekly re- IN A related development, view of world farm production Senate investigators continued and trade, issued yesterday, probing allegations of corrup- made no mention of the Soviet tion in the grain inspection sys- Union's harvest situation, a key tem. Representatives of the factor in determining how much grain industry and grain in- grain the Russians might want. spectors urged Senate subcom- DEPUTY Assistant Secretary mittees not to approve a pro- of Agriculture Richard Bell said posal giving the secretary of USDA experts were working on agriculture emergency powers a new analysis and that an up- to clean up the inspection sys- dated Soviet harvest estimate is tem. expected in a day or two. The reports of the new grain The editor of a Midwest trade deals, first published in two publication who was one of the London newspapers, said the first to learn about the 1972 Soviet Union was making ar- sales said he had not heard of rangements through third par- any new purchases by the So- ties for ships to use in the pos- viots. sible transport of up to 10 mit- Morton Sosland, editor and lion metric tons of grain - publisher of Milling and Baking three million from Canada and News, said in Kansas City that seven million from the U.S. FEC asks end to politi cal freebies (Continued from Page 3) $2 million limit the new law to remodel it to conform to the places on each party's expendi- committee's needs, however, is tures for its national conven- not a complimentary feature tion "is unrealistically low." incident to an overall pur- But it added that any change chase." in that figure would have to come from Congress, not the -"Similarly, the provision of commission. buses and automobiles to trans- port committee officials and the provision of private law en- AUGUST forcement services are not in- cident to any purchase and are GRADUATE? expenses which the commit- tees would incur if the corpor- The deadline for order- ations did not do so." ing caps & gowns has THE STAFF also recom- been extended to July mended barring municipalities 16, 1975. from accepting corporate dona- ORDER AT tions of services and passing THE UNIVERSITY them along to the national po- CELLAR litical committees. 769-7940 The staff also said that the M&M PRODUCTIONS Presents t9an tai tici LANSING (UPI) The S t a t e House yesterday narrowly de- feated a proposal to reduce the personal income tax rate from 1.6 to 4.4 per cent next Jan. 1. The proposal, a surprise amendment to another tax bill, failed on a 55-51 vote. THE amendment was offered by Rep. Monte Geralds (D-Mad-. ison Heights.) The legislature raised the state income tax from 3.9 to 4.6 per cent May 1 to make up for re- venue lost through voter repeal of the sales tax on food and drugs. Geralds said the .2 per cent tax cut could be made by trim- ming $60 million from the pro- Marmosets are the smallest monkeys in the world and are never larger than half-grown kittens and squirrels. They live in the warm regions of South and Central America and Mexi- c0, Reduced Rates for couples TODAY & EVERY TUESDAY BILLIARDS at the UNION open 11 a.m. Mon-Sat. 1 p.m. Sundays posed $3.04 billion state budget. "IT'S- time we were respon- sible, to the people of Michigan who sent us here," Geralds said. House Speaker .oboy Cross (D-Davison) and Reoublican Leader Dennis Cawthorne of Manistee labeled the measure irresponsible. "If Ithought it was possible and realistic to cut toe budget, I would be in favor af this amendment," Cawthorne said. "But anyone looking at the budget bills before us can see that they are already relatively tight. To cut taxes first and wor- ry about balancing the budget later is no way to go a bost it." I Frank Copra's i 1 934 IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT- Clark Gable is crowned "King" by a group of drunken buddies and Claudette Colbert gets a look at the other half as a reporter follows a runaway heiress. The first film to sweep all five major Academy Awards and one of Capra's very best. PINFA GILD TONIGHT AT OLD ARCH. AUD. 7:30 & 9:30 ADM. ONLY $1 .. " i J +1 J1 +1 J1 1 Y 1 Harvey Schmidt & Tom Jones AT THE CAMPUS INN ,v .. w.July 9-12 & 16-19 July 9, 10, 12-12:30 Luncheon-$7.00 July 9-12, 16-19-7:00 Dinner-$l0.00 July 11, 16, 19-11:00 Cocktails & Snacks-$3.50 Directed by JUDY MANOS Musical Direction by MARDY K. MEDDERS Reservations: The Campus Inn Box Office: July 7-11, 14-18 . . . 10-6 p.m. phone: 769-2200, 665-8221