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July 08, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-07-08

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The Michigan Daily

Vol. LXXXV, No. 36-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 8, 1975

Eight Pages


'U' confirm

; fall tuition hike
By BILL TURQUE THE LONG anticipated fee hike became a cer-
University President Robben Fleming ac- tainty last Tuesday after the State Senate ap-
knowledged yesterday that a fall tuition increase proved a University appropriations package of
not exceeding ten per cent has become virtually $109,803,400. The figure represents a slight in-
unavoidable. crease over Governor Milliken's budget recom-
"It will probably be below the percentages that mendation, but nearly $27 million less than what
many other state schools have raised their tui- the University requested last winter.
tions," said Fleming, "ranging from seven, Fleming, who said in early May that such an
eight, to ten per cent. I think it will be below increase would be "inevitable if appropriations
that figure." do not come up to what we asked for," said the
"I WOULD hope that we can keep it (a fee Senate bill is lacking in several areas.
increase) to the lowest possible figure with "One critical area in the operating fund is
which we can still provide students with the utilities," said Fleming. "Everybody has con-
necessary programs and services," said Frank ceded that utility costs are much greater than
Rhodes, vice president for academic affairs. the money we are being given."
"I think it will certainly be under ten per
cent," said Richard Kennedy, vice president for THE tNIVERSITY had requested a $1.1 mit-
state relations. lion increase to cover skyrocketing utility casts,
For in-state underclasspersons, a ten per cent but will receive slightly less than $500,000. The
fee hike would bring tuition to $440 per semes- difference will have to be made up through inter-
ter. Resident juniors and seniors would pay nal reallocations of University funds.
$495 per semester. Out-of-state freshpersons and The Senate bill also includes an 3 per cent in-
sophomores would pay $1,430 under such an in- flation factor which allows the University to
crease, while non-resident upperclasspeople cover such inflationary expenditures as salary
would foot a bill for $1,540 per semester. See UNIVERSITY, Page 5

Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN

Israeli jets bomb
Palestinian bases

By The Associated Press
Israeli troops, jets and warships
smashed suspected Palestinian terrorist
bases in southern Lebanon yesterday,
leaving 13 persons reported dead and
scores of refugee huts destroyed. Prime
Minister Yitshak Rabin vowed Israel
would pursue "an uncompromising war"
against the guerrillas using "the only
language they understand"-the sword.
Labanese Premier Rashid Karami said
his troops and Palestinian guerrillas pre-
vented the Israelis from aciheving their
goal in yesterday's raid, which he said
Negotiations in
Mieast nearing
critical stages
WASHINGTON ( P)-Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger arranged a meeting late
yesterday with Israeli ambassador Sim-
cha Dinitz amid signs that efforts for a
Sinai settlement are reaching a critical
Dinitz was hurrying back to his post
here with a direct report on Sunday's
Israeli cabinet session and with a quest
for additional "clarification" of the terms
being worked out with Egypt through
AT A STOPOVER in New York, Dinitz
told reporters "We want to move toward
peace no less than the United States.
What can be done and what risks can
be taken is obviously the decision which
the government of. Israel will have to
Asked about reported U.S. pressure on
See MIDEAST, Page 7,

was to land troops to attack refugee
IN A COORINDATED raid lasting sev-
eral hours, an Israeli miiltary spokesman
said the Israelis destroyed buildings used
for organizing terrorist attacks in the
Lebanese city of Tyro and the Palestin-
ian refugee camp of Rashidiyeh.
During the raid, Israeli artillery fired
into Labanon while warships dropped
shells on coastal targets and ground
forces struck at suspected guerrilla
bases The Palestinians claimed downing
an Israeli jet, and seizing an Israeli boat
and killing its crew members, but Israel
said all its men, planes and ships return-
ed safely to base.
Hours after the raid ended, Arab gun-
ners fired a volley of Katyusha rockets
into the northern Israeli communities of
Safad and Yiron, and a small bomb ex-
ploded in a Jerusalem suburb. No casual-
ties or damage were reported either from
the rocket attacks or the bomb.
THE RAID into Lebanon came only
three days after a bomb packed in a
refrigerator killed 14 persons in Jeru-
salem-three of them Arab women.
Addressing Israel's parliament on the
Friday bombing, Rabin said, "We will
continue Israel's policy of no negotiations
with the terrorist organizations . . . The
only language they understand is the
sword-and in that language we will
speak to them."
Rabin told parliament that Israel will
"spare no effort to advance in improv-
ing its methods of action against terror
. .. Much has already been done in the
fighting arena to deter, prevent, foil,
uproot" the guerrillas. He also congratu-
lated the Israeli forces indthe raid and
said, "by methodical, bold and sophis-
ticated actions terrorism can be over-
See ISRAELI, Page 7

Road to Ho
When the Madison, Wisconsin, City Council denied the request of some Bassett
St. residents to rename their street Ho Chi Minh Trail, someone went out and
did the job anyway. Police reported most of the signs, commemorating the
father of a unified Vietnam, had been removed by city workers.

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