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June 25, 1975 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1975-06-25

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Doge Six


Wednesday, June 25, 1975

0oge Six THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, June 25, 1975

Thai, Cambodian troops clash South Korea on alert for

BANGKOK, Thailand (P) -
Thai officials said a 40-man
Cambodian patrol crossed into
Thailand early yesterday and
exchanged shots with border
police. U. S. Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger said Cambo-
dia may also have had recent
border clashes with Vietnam,
its neighbor on the other side.
Thai officers at Surin, 200
miles northeast of Bangkok, re-
ported no casualties in the
shooting. They indicated there
had been several other small
border clashes between Thai-
land and Cambodia in the two
months since the Khmer Rouge
took power in Phnom Penh.
T H A I L A N D was a U. S.
ally during the Vietnam War,
which spilled over into Cambo-
dia five years ago, but the
Bangkok government is now

trying to develop peaceful re-
lations with its Communist
Kissinger told a news confer-
ence in Atlanta, Ga., the U. S.
government had "rather firm
reports" of fighting between
Cambodia and Vietnam along
their border and off the Wai
islands. He said the information
was either "second hand" or
came from intelligence sources.
Kissinger said, however,
there is "no evidence" of fight-
ing within Cambodia i t s e i f.
Bangkok newspapers have been
playing up reports of clashes
between rival groups in Cambo-
A U. S. analyst in Bangkok
also expressed doubt at the re-
ports of internal fighting, say-
ing: "I would be very skepti-
cal of these reports. I don't

think there is an effective coun-
ter force."
Meanwhile, 16 more Cambo-
dians and 22 Pakistanis fled to
Thailand from Cambodia. The
Cambodians crossed the border
at Surin, where several thous-
and Cambodians already had
taken refuge, and the Paki-
stanis arrived at Aranyapratet.
Recent refugee arrivals from
Cambodia tell stories of mass
executions and of millions of
people being uprooted from ci-
ties and forced into labor to
build a society of primitive rur-
al communes.
D O Z E N S of refugees -
interviewed at several border
camps and in Bangkok - said
they fled Cambodia out of fear,
lack of food and because they
could not stand to see still more
death and suffering.
Refugees told of seeing for-
mer military men beaten to
death with shovels and clubs,
people lashed together and
shot. They said they came upon
corpses during their 40- to SO-
day treks to Thailand.
Kissinger told the Atlanta
news conference that second-
hand information and intelli-
gence reports indicate the
"death toll has been very
great" in Cambodia since the
Khmer Rouge victory.,
In Vientiane, Laos, three
Pathet Lao soldiers armed
withesubmachine guns were e-
ported withdrawn Monday night
from the grounds of the resi-
dence of U. S. Charge d'Affaires
Christian Chapman. The three
Pathet Lao invaded the resi-
dence grounds Friday without
explanation, and the embassy
protested to the Foreign Min-

renewed war. with North

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SEOUL, South Korea (A') --
South Korea intensified its alert
yesterday on the eve of the
25th anniversary of the out-
break of the Korean War, and
a North Korean general warned
that "war may break out at
any moment."-
All employes of the South Ko-
rean government and state-run
corporations were ordered on
"second - degree emergency
duty," one degree short of an
all - out war footing.
THE government last Satur-
day ordered a 'third - degree
alert - the first since the Ko-
rean War - canceling all
leaves and requiring that all
government offices and factor-
ies be manned 24 hours a day.
Under the second degree
alert, the number of workers
required to stay at their posts
around the clock is increased
from one-tenth to one-fifth of
all employes.
The government gave no spe-
cific reason for the alert and
some observers said it may
have been ordered to dramatize
the anniversary of the 1950
A U.S. military spokesman
declined to say if any unusual
Communist movements had
been reported along the de-
militarized zone (DMZ). The
daily routine of Seoul appeared
unaffected and radio stations
followed regular broadcast pro-
Pyongyang's official news ag-
ency broadcast an article by
Col. Gen. Kim Chol Man of the
North Korean People's Army in
which he said that "owing to
the frantic war provocation
maneuvers of the, U. S. imper-
ialists and the Shung Hee Park
puppet clique, their lackeys,
peace in Korea is now gravely
jeopardized and a dangerous
situation has been created in
our country, in whicha war
may break out at any mo-
Kim said that if the South
"dare ignite a war . . . our
people . . . will answer it with
a decisive counteraction and
crush the aggressors to the last
TWENTY-FIVE years ago to-

day, on June 25, 1950, North
K o r e a n soldiers crossed the
38th parallel and touched off a
war that brought U. S. and
other United Nations troops to
the South's side and Chinese
troops on the side of the North.
The three-year war claimed six
million civilian and military
casualties and laid waste to the
cities and economies in both
A total of 5,720,000 Americans
served in the Korean war; 54,-
246 were killed and 103,284
were wounded.
Despite sporadic shooting and
infiltration incidents, the Ko-
rean DMZ .has remained quiet
since the end of the war. But
tensions have mounted in the
divided halves of Korea ever
since the Communist victories
and U. S. setbacks in Indochina.
President Park has voiced in-
creasing concern that the North
may soon try to test U. S. will-
ingness to support its South Ko-
rean ally.
THE NORTH has dismissed
the charges of an impending
invasion as "nonsense" and has
retorted with its own accusa-
tions that the U. S. and South
Korea are building up their
forces along the DMZ.
The latest series of angry.
outbursts out of Pyongyong
werersparked when U. S. De-
fense Secretary James Schle-
singershinted last weekend that
the use of nuclear weapons
"would be carefully consider-
ed" if the North invaded the
North Korea's Communist
party newspaper yesterday ac-
cused' the U. S. of "nuclear
blackmail." A commentary
broadcast by Pyongyang's offic-
ial news agency said that if
Washington and Seoul persist-
ed "in their maneuvers of ag-
gression and war they will sus-
tain a more ignominious defeat
than that in the past Korean
war and Indochina."
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