Wednesday, June 25, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pag'e Five Adventure film 'Jaws' shocks Crime figure testifies ,,,,.,....-, on alleged death plots vieweib iII u iuie LU Nlillr SL lal By JANE SIEGEL It was the first night, and the show was a sell out. A sign outside promised "a terrifying motion picture from the ter- rifying no. 1 best seller". And the crowd lined around the block, waiting impatiently for their three dollars worth of scary movie. Jaws gave it to them. Directed by twenty-seven- year old Steven Spielberg, Jaws is one of the better efforts to emerge from the current genre of disaster films. Unlike its. contemporaries, Towering In- ferno, Earthquake, Airport '75 etc.) Spielberg's production stays within the realms of cred- bility and realism. It manages to avoid the shallow sensation- alism of star-studded heroics and glorified catastrophes. S P I E L B E R G explores the reactions to the situation w i t h o u t exploiting them. He lets his characters grow into plausible, yet diverse, human beings. The relationship devel- oped between the three men who eventually set out after the shark (Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, and Richard Dreyfuss), killer becomes the film's most interesting a n d valuable achievement. Where, fifteen years ago, the audience would have watched Godzilla eat Tokyo for break- fast, we now see a killer shark terrorize the small coastal town of Amity. Shot on location at Martha's Vineyard, the scenes of fast moving and, with a few exceptions, relatively authen- tic. Real footage is interspersed with takes of an at times ob- vivusly mechanical shark. For the first half of the film, we never see the shark at_ all. Each attack is experienced from his viewpoint as he glides unseen below- the surface to- wards his next victim. BY THE time we are shown the actual menace, he has grown to such evil proportions in our minds that anything short of Moby Dick would have seemed inappropriate. Speilberg plays on the audi- ence's receptiveness to sus- pense and illusion in a manner which is, at first, subtle and terrifying. After we are contin- ually shown close ups of our shark munching on islanders, however, the original shock value has been reduced by over- exposure. When, in the final scenes, the killer begins to look like an overstuffed tuna, one wonders whether the film should have stopped while it was ahead. Still, it cannot be ignored that, as a thriller, Jaws does work. It plays on the audience's fear of the unknown, as well as their unsatiated curiosity about it. In the comforting darkness of the theater, we are able to ex- plore this world without fear of reprisal. The movie allows us to vicariously experience danger, without ever risking the consequences. L I K E A good old primal scream, Jaws releases the day- to-day tensions and pressure which we build up and repress. It appeals to our willingness to be shocked and our fascination with death and disaster. In this sense the plot is initially irrele- vant. The only necessary in- gredient is a lurking menace aand a hero to combat it. The success of Jaws, how- ever, stems from the film's re- fusal to operate solely on that level. Impending doom is not manifested in the form of a fan- tastic beasty, but a viable threat from a. natural world. The heroes are not macho men with ultra-bright smiles but hu- man beings who get frightened just like us. WASHINGTON 0P) - Under- world figure John Rosselli gave the Senate Intelligence Com- mittee a detailed account yes- terday of his involvement in an alleged Central Intelligence Agency plot to kill Cuban Pre- mier Fidel Castro, according to chairman Frank Church. R o s s e 1 1 i ' a testimony "filled us in with much greater detail and a much more com- plete understanding of . . . the chronology of events," Church said, adding that Rosselli's ver- sion did not differ from what already has appeared in news accounts. H 0 W E V E R, Church indicated that Rosselli could provide no information on whe- ther any orders to kill Castro originated outside the CIA. With one exception, Rosselli also re- fused to identify any non-gov- ernment persons involved for fear it might endanger their lives, the Idaho Democrat said. The one exception was Chi- cago rackets chief Sam Gian- cana, who was murdered last week and who also had been previously linked to the Castro plot, Church said. Vice chair- man John Tower, (R-Texas), called Giancana a "peripheral figure" in the plot, adding "our evidence leads us to believe Rosselli was not a peripheral figure." In an arrangement worked out with the committee, Rossel- Ii, 70, arrised and left by a back stairway in an effort to avoid reporters and photographers. Church said the committee had made no deals with Rosselli "other than a reasonable ac- commodation for his own per- sonal safety." R O S S E L L I, described by those who have met him as a dapper, soft-spoken gentle- man, is fighting a government effort to deport him to his na- tive Italy. One of the argu- JULY 4TH WEEKEND REDUCED RATES for Billiards & Bowling JULY 4,5, 6 MICHIGAN UNION OPEN 4 P.M. New York jet crash kills over 100 (-Continued from Page 1) IN THE WAKE of the Ken- nedy crash, luggage, bodies and debris from the shattered jet- liner were scattered over a five- acre patch of undeveloped land. George Van Epps, in charge of investigation by the National Transportation S a f e t y- Board, was asked about eye- witness reports that the plane was struck by lightning. "It's certainly something that will be considered in the investigation," he replied. EPPS SAID at least two pre- vious crashes in the 1960s were attributed to lightning, one of them a Pan American plane at Elkton,. Md., and the other a TWA airliner in Rome. "Lightning hit the plane," de- clared eyewitness Paul Moran, a Nassau County police officer. "It tilted to the right and went about 20 more yards, then hit the ground." "I am almost positive the plane was hit by lightning," said Neal Rairden, 23, who was pumping gas at a nearby fill- ing station. THE PLANE, Flight 66, was banking low on its approach to Kennedy at about 4:08 p.m. EDT, 23 minutes behind its scheduled 3:45 p.m. landing. One of the surviving passen- gers, Egon Luftaas of Norway, badly burned in the crash, said at the Jamaica Hospital Emer- gency room: "Going in for a landing, the pilot went too much to the left. YoU know, with one wing down, not two. 'then there was an ex- plosion. Everyone was fling- ing around. After that I only remember the fire." FROM ABOVE the scene, a police aviation unit reported, "debris *and bodies are scatter- ed over a large area." The metropolitan area's fran- tic evening rush hour was just getting underway and within minutes there were miles-long traffic tieups in the vicinity of Kennedv Airport. At first police emergency equipment tried an end run, us- ing secondary roads to the air- port. But these, too, became CHARING CROSS BOOKSTORE 316 S. STATE Tues. -Fri., 11-9 Sat., 10-6 USED, FINE, SCHOLARLY BOOKS clogged and eventually rescue squads had to be airlifted in by helicopter. MAYOR Abraham Beame telephoned New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu to assure him that all possible assistance would be given any survivors. Then the New York mayor flew to the scene in a helicopter. Eastern Airlines listed the crew aboard Flight 66 as Capt. J. W. Kleven, 1st pilot, W, S. Eberhart, 2nd pilot G. M. Geur- in, and flight attendants M. M. Davis, Robert Hoefler, Mary Mooney and J. R. Lindsay. Hoefler and Mooney were among the survivors and were listed in fair condition at a nearby hospital. One of those aboard the plane was an Eastern pilot deadhead- ing to New York. Listed with the crew, he was Peter McCul- lough. ments advanced by Rosselli's attorneys has been that revela- tion of his CIA connection would make him liable to retali- ation by members of Italy's large Communist party. Sources have said that Ros- selli was contacted in 1960 in connection with a plan to poison Castro. It remains unclear, how- ever, whether any CIA-support- ed attempt actually was made Asked is Rosselli's account substantiated previous press re- ports of the plot, Church re- plied, "There was no refutation in his testimony," Church add- ed: "I have stated previously, I will state it again, the com- mittee has hard evidence that the CIA was involved in both assassination plots and assas- sination attempts." 231 south sate Theatre Phone 6 .1,4 Call Theater for Showtimes WEDNESDAY is BARGAIN DAY! I 24 .nivrit TosThetis siPhonw-6 Tues.-Thurs. at 7 & 9 p m Open at 6:45 Sat -Sun -W ed -at SUnited Art is Theatre Pone 6656290 Tue-Tus t5 Sat.Sun.-Wed. at 1-3-5-7-9 Open at 12:45 Reincaation Ponavision Technicolor KENJI MIZOGUCHI'S 1054 SANSHO THE BAILIFF An 1 h century provincial governor is sent into exile and when his family attempts to join him, they are so into slavery. A moving visual meta- phor. FRI.: Orson Welles & Joan Fontaine in JANE EYRE SAT.: Cukor's DAVID COPPERFIELD INEA IIflD TONIGHT AT OLD ARCH, AUD. CINEMAUILD -m 7:30 & 9:30 A .DM ONLY $1 For "\ krBargain THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS make interesting r d readig ,