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June 24, 1975 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1975-06-24

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Doge Two


I Uesday, June 24, 1975

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, June 24, 1975

In the news today

I nternati


BELFAST - A weekend flare-up of
fighting between Protestants and Roman
Catholics in Northern Ireland left five
persons dead of gunshot wounds. A sixth
person was also killed in the Irish Re-
public, apparently as a result of a feud
between opposing factions of the out-
lawed Irish Republican Army (IRA).
Sunday's deaths raised the confirmed toll
in nearly six years to 1,245. Deaths since
Jan. 1 stand at 104 despite a four-and-
one-half month old cease-fire by the
Catholic supported IRA. Police said the
Ulster killings were part of a recent
spate of tit-for-tat assassinations car-
ried out by militants from both the ma-
jority Protestant and minority Roman
Catholic communities.
WASHINGTON - President Ford told
Congress yesterday that of 131,399 Viet-
namese and Cambodian refugees brought
to American territory, 32,321 have been
resettled and 3,756 have gone to other
countries. Reporting to six House and
Senate committees, Ford said "progress
to date has been good when considered
in the context of the magnitude of the re-
fugee situation - the large numbers and
great distances - and the short period
of time available to deal with it." In the
same report, Ford informed Congress
that the Pentagon will be able to refrain
from spending $108 million that had been
earmarked for Indochina aid. Authority
to spend the money will be allowed to
lapse, he said.
ST. LOUIS - Gov. Christopher Bond
said yesterday he will sign the death pen-
alty bill sent to him earlier this month
by the Legislature. The bill calls for use
of the gas chamber for all persons con-
victed of premediated murder. "Al-
though the death penalty is not a cure-

all for the increasing rates of crime we
see in this country, there clearly is over-
whelming public support in Missouri for
the reinstitution of the death penalty,"
said Bond.
WASHINGTON - Twelve Republican
senators and more than 55 House mem-
bers yesterday introduced a measure
that would fundamentally change the
food stamp programs, increase benefits
to the needy by 29 per cent and save an
estimated $2 billion a year. Principal au-
thors of the bill are Sen. James Buckley
(R-N.Y.), and Rep. Robert Michel (R-
Ill.). So far, the 41-point measure has
seven Democratic co-sponsors in the
House. The bill would sharply cut par-
ticipation in the program by gearing
-eligibility to gross income and assets,
rather than net income, after a com-
plicated series of itemized deductions.
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court
yesterday upheld laws requiring univer-
sity students to have live in a state at
least one year before qualifying for resi-
dent tuition rates. The justices affirmed
a three-judge appeals court decision
which upheld the constitutionality of a
Colorado law imposing this eligibility re-
quirement. The Colorado case was
brought by a University of Colorado law
student who said the state law requiring
a one-year waiting period before receiv-
ing benefits of residential tuition rates
was not rationally related to determining
if a student intended to make Colorado
his permanent home. The appeals court
ruled that the law was a proper way to
help equalize the cost of supporting state
schooling by making recent arrivals pay
more tuition for at least a year to equal-
ize the yearly taxes paid for education
by long-term citizens.
WASHINGTON - John Roselli, a West
Coast underworld figure and associate of
slain Chicago mobster Sam Giancana, is
being called before the Senate intelli-

. . *
gence committee. Roselli is expected to
be quizzed about reports that he and Gi-
ancana were approached on behalf of
the CIA to arrange for Mafia members
to assassinate Cuban leader Fidel Cas-
tro. Giancana, who also had been ex-
pected to testify, was shot to death in
his home in a Chicago suburb last week.
Also expected to testify is William Har-
vey, a former CIA official who rela-
ble sources have said was involved in
plots to kill Castro. In other develop-
ments, the Chicago Sun-Times reported
yesterday that the slayer of Giancana
may have removed papers from Gian-
cana's wallet that contained clues to the
crime leaders secret activities. Police
speculate a syndicate hit man pumped
the seven shots from .22-caliber pistol
into the 67-year-old rackets boss last
Thursday to keep him from talking.
The Native American Student Associa-
tion left a lot of unanswered questions
when they unexpectedly ended their vigil
on the front lawn of President Robben
Fleming's mansion Saturday morning.
The group removed the teepee which was
erected to dramatize their efforts to ob-
tain a cultural center, even though no
agreement was reached with the Univer-
sity. Since then there have been no fur-
ther discussions concerning the cultural
center. Though the University allowed
the group to remain on the lawn, the ad-
ministration apparently preferred to see
them leave. Fleming said Friday, "They
have made their point." He went on to
say the University has been working to
obtain a cultural center for the group,
though it may take time.
It won't be quite as hot today as yes-
terday - the high temperatures should
be in the low 80's. The skies will be
partly cloudy with rain unlikely.

6:00 2 4 7 113 News
9 Bewitched-Comedy
20 I0 Take A Thief
24 ABC News-Smith/
30 57 Electric Company
5 Unouchabes BW
56 Energy, Technology and
6:30 4 13 NBC News-John
7 ABC News-Smith/
9 IDream of Jeannie
15 CBS News-Walter
24 Partridge Family-Comedy
30 Zoom--Children
5 ThoseyThriling Days of
57 Villa Alegre-Children
7:00 2 CBS News-Walter
4 Baseball
7 News
9 Beverly Mlilies aW
11 Family Affair-Comedy
13 What's My Line?
20 To Tell the Truth
24 Mod Squad-Crime Drama
30 Legacy
50 Bogan's Heroes-Comedy
5t ome Health Care
57 Fine Art of Goofing Off
7:30 2 13 Truth or Consequences
7 Price Is Right
9 Room 222
11 Hollywood Squares
20 Voyage to the Bottom of
the Sea-Adventure
30 57 Assignment America
50 Hogans' Heroes-Comedy
8:00 2 11 Good Times-Comedy
7 24 HannyD navs-Comedy
9 Swiss Family Robinson
13 Adam-12
30 5 57 The Way It Was-
5o Merv Griffin
830 2 11 M*A*S*H
7 24 Move-S,,snence
"The Missing are Deadly"
9 Adventures in Rainbow
13 Movie-Drama
"The Secret Night Caller."
20 Daniel Boone-Adventure
30 5t 57 -Science
9:00 2 11 Hawaii Fve-O
9 News
9:30 4 Last of the Wild
9 Homemade Jan-Variety
57 Womsn-Dissession
10:00 2 11 CBS News Soecial
Special: "Mr. Hooney Goes to
4 13 Police Story
20 700 Cuh
30 Toledo Council
50 Dinah!
56 End of the Ho Chi Minh
7 24 Marcus Welby, M.D.
9 Look Who's Here-Interview
57 Interface-Report
10:30 9 World Aquarium-
57 ook Bet
11:00 2 4 7 11 13 24 News
9 CBC News-Lloyd Robertson
20 George and Diane-
50 Dealer's Choice-Game
56 It's Your Turn
57 Building of Gund Hall
1:20 9 News
11:30 2 15 Movie-Western
"Soul Soldier" (1972)
4 13 Johnny Carson
7 24 Wide World Mystery
30 Janaki-Exercise
50 Movie-Comedy BW
"Cladia" (1943)
56 57 ABC News - Smith/
12:00 9 Movie-Drama
"Swamp Diamonds." (1956)
1:00 4 Tomorrow-Tom snyder
7 13 News
1:30 2 Movie-Drama
"Thunderbirds." (1942)


We will be here
regulor hours during
study, exams & break.
at the UNION

Daily Official Bulletin
Tuesday, June 24
Day Calendar
WUOM: Ralph Nader & Philip
Bsofey, author, The Brain Bank of
America, on premise that Nat'l Aca-
demy of Science is manipulated by
govt. agencies, 10 a.
Epidemiology: Fred Davenport,
"Recombinate Attenuated Influen-
za Virus Vaccines: Current Find-
ings from the Fall Field Trials at
the School of Public Health," Aud.,
SPH I, noon.

NEW YORK (AP) - James
Levine will become music di-
rector of the Metropolitan Op-
era in the 1976-77 season. He
will continue in his present post
as principal conductor of the
Met through next season.
Levine will have primary re-
sponsibility for artistic matters
at the Met. In determining ar-
tistic policy, he will be working
jointly with John Dexter, direc-
tor of production.
His contract as music direc-
tor is for five years with option
for another five years and
gives the Met his exclusive
services for seven months of
the year.
The only other person to have

held the job of music director
was Czech conductor Rafael
Volume LXXXV, No. 34-S
Tuesday, June 24, 1975
Is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phonte 764-0562. Second ciass postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 41106.
Published d a y117 Tuesday thrugh
Sunday macrning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor. Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: $10 by carrier (campus area);
$11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio);
$12 non-local mail (other states and
Summer sescion published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: 05.50 by carrier
campus area); $0.00 local mail
Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non-
local mail (ather states and foreign).

Home Cooking Is Our Specialty
Breakfast All Day Specials This Week
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Hash Browns, Toast and Ch'serveedtoter 2n.me.
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3 eggs, Rib Eye Stek, Sahti in Wine Souce
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