Fr~Ad, M y ; 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three 'U' proposes cutback in dorm services By GLEN ALLERHAND met three times so far to dis- is tied up in food and labor. mittee, Area Director Norm plan were equivalent-to raising In an attempt to avert a pro- cuss measures that would re- These are the ones going to have Snustad said, "It's a deliberat- dorm rates, Feldkamp respond- 'ected quarter -isllion dollar duce the operating expenses of the strongest impact." ing kind of body. Decisions are ed, "No, I view it as a require- operating deficit for the upcom- the University's residence halls. made at administrative levels- ment of the Housing Office to- ing year,the University Hous- Some of the 82 ideas proposed REFUSING to say whether or Feldkamp an one level and maintain good management ing Office is studying a cost- in a memo by housing staff in- not any of the proposed mea- someone else at another.". policy" cutting plan that would reduce lude: purchasing less expen- sures wil be implemented Student committee member Objecting to several of the student services in dormitories. sive dishes and glasses; remnv- Feldkamp stated, "It is very Irving Freeman states, "The proposed measures, Freeman- In an April 14 memo to vari- lg centrexs phones from St- definite that we are going to committee isn't necessary. The commented, "I'd say it's uns- eus housing officers, Housing dent rooms; abandoning the try to balance budgets." ynly reason they have it s fair to the returning people who. Director John Feldkamp stat- lettuce boycott; eliminating of N o n e t h e 1 e s s, Feld- when in September everybody have gotten used to certain ed . . . the budget estimates meal rebates; , curtailing em- kamp's statement strongly im- complainsFeldkampcan sa things and know what to expect prepared for the rate discussion ploye dinners and parties; and plies that some of the ideas a committee decided en the when they sign a lease." with the Regents disclose thatplethtsm ofteies ac mteedied nte an accumulative deficit of reducing custodial and mainte- tossed around by his commit- measures." Feldkamp responded that stu- S258,59lwill be generated." He nance, service. tee will be instituted. Feldkam admits that he can dents will be informed of added, "A special committee North Campus Area Director ie did. note, however, that override a group decision, but changes in dorm policy. effective way atp this time to Edward Salowitz, speculating the dorm telephone removal will he says, "I hope decisions made He added that his committee explore cost reductions." on which of the fat-trimming "definitely not" occur. are the consensus of the com- will. probably finish its reco m- F E L D K A M P 'S Com- mittee on Cost reductions has suggestions would have the strongest effect on cost reduc- tions said, "Most of our money COMMENTING on the func- tion of the Cost Reduction Com- mittee." ASKED if the cost reduction mendations "well before school opens in September, possibly by August" 'Fire hazards' concern city, 'U' By CHRIS DYHDAL), JEFF RISTINE and TIM SCHICK Second of two parts The potentially hazardous fire safety condition of many cam- pus buildings has raised con- cern from both city and Uni- versity officials, as they work to correct the shortcomings. Despite their tack of jurisdic- tion, at least one city official would prefer to see the c i t y govern University buildings, for which the city provided fire- fighting services. "THE FIRE codes that we use are supposedly the best as developed by national experts," says Sylvester Murry, the city administrator. For that reason, he says, the University should adhere to city, not state stand- ards. But Murry said he did not know if University ouiid'ngs are adequately inspected. However, Fred Davids, direct- or of the University's Depart- ment of Safety, said that Uni- versity buildings are regularly inspected by both insurance agents and the University's own safety officials. "I DON'T propose t let our guard down for one umnmte," Davids said. As part of what Davids termed an "ongoing safety program," the Safety Department regularly checks and replaces fire extinguishers in all buildings and is actively working to eliminate fire haz- ards. Davids mentioned chained doors as a narticulav hazard- ons situation sometimes occur- ring in large Universi-v rooms. Citing the danger of clnoed exits during a fire, Darris waid, "they're not supposed to do that. We oppose this violently." Exits, he explained ar' often chained shut to prevent persons on the inside of a room from allowing persons -n the out- side to enter unnoticed. Davids declined to say which University buildings are t h e least safe, but did umention that the constroction of Barbour and Waterman Gymnnsiim makes their safety conditions tess than desirable. HOWEVER, he pointd out that people do not send t he night in classrooms. t sacs he believes the bigger risk lies in the dorms, where firs alarms are sometimes turned off after See BULDINGS, Page 9 Climbing high A Tallahassee, Fla. construction worker is silhouetted against the late afternoon sky as he climbs the lattice work of scaffolding near the new capitol complex. German Dept. ordered to hire Union TA's in spring Scientist claims bias in dismissa from'U' By JEFF RISTINE Ten teaching assistants (TA's) scored an apparent victory last week in a group grievance against the German Depart- ment. The TA's, who charged De- partment Chairman Valentine hubbs with discrimination in hiring en the basis of their union membership and strike THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXV, No. 3-S Friday, May 9, 1975 is edited and managed by atudents at the University of Michigan, Nes Ptlisne 74-0562, Second claspostage Said at Ann Arbor. Michigan 49106. Published d a il y Tuesday through Sunday morning durdng the Univer- ity ear at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,.iMichigan 481014. aubscriptuon rates: $10 by carrier (campus area); $it local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $15 nn-local mail (other states and foreign). Summer session published Tues- day through +taturday morning. Subscription rates $5.50 by carrier Itainono area);: $0.09 locaisnasal (Michigan and Ohio); $.50 non- local mail lother states and foreigi). participation, have all been given spring-summer teaching positions. NINETEEN graduate students were available for the summer positions, but when the depart- ment announced the appoint- ments last February, only the nine TA's who had not partici- pated in the G r a d u a t e Employes' Organization (GED) strike were accepted. John Forsyth, a designee of Vice President for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes, decided that the German Department must employ all ten grievants but found no violation of the- two-month-old GEG contract. "The union definitely regards this as a victory," said George Schober, who initiated the griev- ance. He said the no-discrimina- tion finding by Forsyth "was essentially face-saving on the part of the University." BUT FORSYTH said yester- day his decision was "right by virtue of the (GEO) contract" and included nothing of a face- saving nature. Hobbs, contacted by telephone last evening, refused to com- ment on the affair. Schober said Forsyth's deci- sion was the first "positive" finding under the grievance pro- cedure of the GEO contract. THE CONTRACT clearly de- fines three steps in the process -the German TA's were the first union members to pursue a grievance settlement through step 3: a binding solution from a Rhodes designee. FORSYTH'S findings, released by Schober, state that "Al- though the German Department did not violate any Contract, provisions in the employment of teaching assistants for the Spring-Summer term, the ques- tion will remain a divisive issue among faculty as well as teach- ing assistants in the department unless further a c t i o n s are taken." The document continues: "In the interest of good employe, as well as departmental rela- tions, the German Department See 'U', Page 9 By DAN BLUGERMAN A University research scient- ist who has worked in the High- way Safety Research Institute (H.S.R.I.) for seven years was fired Tuesday before grievance proceedings for issues related to the dismissal were completed. Philip Carroll, unsuccessful Human Rights Party candidate for the Second District congres- sional seat last fall charged in his grievance complaint that "harassment and other errors in management" by his depart- ment head James O'Day and. H.S.R.I. Director Robert Hess "have resulted in a constricted atmosphere . . . and reflect on (his) performance of duties." HE CHARGED the discharge was "unjustified and motivated by their reaction to my candi- dacy." Carroll is meeting with his lawyer to discuss possible legal actions. O'Day and Hess yester- day refused to comment, term- ing the issue a personnel matter. There has been miich conflict between Carroll and his super- iors sine last summer when a regental by-law forced Carrot to leave his position while cam- nalening for public office. The Institute insisted Carroll take- his accumulated vacation days during the campaign. CARROIL. however, contends he still deserves these 48 vaca- tion days. On April 24, Carroll filed his grievance with Vice President for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes, sent copies to Hess and O'Day, and took the vacation time to which he claimed he- was entitled. Department head O'Day, in a memo dated March 31, request- ed Carroll explain the uniauth- orized vacation, but Carroll re- fused since. he said he felt the memo was a "harassment, an avoidance of the common prac- tice of coming, in a friendly way, to the emploves and asking See SCIENTIST, Page 9