The Michigan Daily Vol. LXXXV, No. 32-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 20, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages City, 'U' argue over fiscaresponsibilties By ANN MARIE LIPINSKI representatives' c o m m e n t s, between the University and the An old wound was reopened President Robben Fleming cau- city," concluded Fleming. once again as City officials met tioned the officials "not to be Regent Thomas Roach (D-De- with the University Board of under the illusion that we don't troit) echoed Fleming's conten- Regents yesterday to discuss have the same financial prob- tions, saying, "This is a prob- the cantraversial issne af ea- lems as the city." lem the legislature is going to tablishing an equitable fiscal Fleming claimed that the crux have to solve and I think that's policy between the two parties. aof this problem, which the city where we should place the and the University have been issue." Mayor Albert Wheeler, ac- haggling over for years, lies in In his report to the Regents, companied by four City Coun- the "philosophical differences" however, Rogers argued that cil members and Assistant City between state legislators and the three bills now pending in Administrator M i k e Rogers, City Council. the House and Senate which went before the governing board Pointing out the control the would relieve the city from "the requesting that the University state legislature has over Uni- burden of the, University's un- increase its payment to the City versity pursestrings, Fleming taxed property" were merely for services rendered. The City said, "When we talk to the peo- long - range solutions w h i c h officials claimed that the Uni- ple in Lansing about this, we would not ease the present situ- versity's payments for services get a complete brushoff. They ation. such as fire and police protec- tell us that the University is an tion have been grossly inade- invaluable asset to the City, and "IT WOULD be only a pre- quate. if we want to pay more for mature exercise to determine services - and if we do - they the amount of money the city "OUR REQUEST to meet claim that we must have more would get from these bills be- with you was prompted by our money than we need and then cause the general prognosis is conclusion that in the past four they end up lowering our appro- the bills will not pass for at fiscal years the University has priations. least two years and they will not been paying a fair cost for "THIS IS not simply an issue See CITY, Page 9 sunn esseusonias services run t PRESIDENT FLEMING found unexpected visitors on his front lawn yesterday evening. The Teepee was erected by a Native American group protesting the University's failure to provide a cultural center. ti AmV6 Ierican students occupy Fleming's lawn By TIM SCHICK About 30 members of the Native American Student Association (NASA) and their families erected a teepee on the lawn of Uni- versity President Robben Fleming's house yesterday, and an- nounced plans to spend the night, dramatizing their efforts to ob- tain a cultural center. The demonstration coincided with a formal dinner held for the Regents and several administrators. The teepee, designated "the Native American Cultural Center" brought surprised stares and smiles from the guests as they walked up to the house. WALTER STEVENS, assistant director of safety for the Uni- versity, told the group they could remain in front of the century old mansion on S. University "as long as no property damage, occurs." The demonstrators declined to send representatives to talk with Fleming following his refusal to meet with the group on the lawn. A meeting between Fleming and the Native Americans is scheduled following today's Regents meeting. Stevens attempted to persuade the Native Americans to talk about their demands and leave. However, the group was set on See NATIVE, Page 10 the many essential services pro- vided by the City," Wheeler told the Regents. "The putlook, at this time, for the next fiscal year does not appear any brighter." In a presentation to the Re- gents, Rogers acknowledged that the University has provided equitable funding for various City enterprise fund services in- cluding water and street financ- ing. but he was quick to note that additional services pro- vided and financed through the City's general fund were being financed by the University with inadequate "contributions." Citing statistics which show that the University's "true tax" to the City for public goods would be $3.2 million per year if it did not enjoy the private tax exemptions it does, Rogers said, "The University is not private industry and we are not seeking true funding of $3.2 mil- lion. Our objective is equitable funding. Certainly the $454,500 estimated to be provided (by the University) next budget year is not equitable. The Uni- versity is still dynamic in the area of tax exempt properties." IN RESPONSE to the city FELDKAMP ATTACKED A'U' housing budget called'incurate By ELAINE 'FLETCHER A University building director yesterday challenged the accu- racy of Housing Director John Feldkamp's budget projections for next year, claiming a $223,- 000 over-estimate will produce unnnecessary service cuts in dorms next fall. At the same time, two stu- dents appeared before the Re- gents piblic comments session yesterday, objecting to the pro- jected service cuts. They con- tend the cuts will contradict a February Regental decision to hold dorm rates steady while ftnot reducing services for next year. DICK MUNSON, director of Feldkamp See 'U', Page 9 U.S. predicts no shortages of petroleum t is summer By LOUISE COOK Associated Press Writer Americans are being warned of another gasoline shortage this summer, but the Federal Energy Administration (FEA) said yesterday that "there is absolutely no way" the government is going :o let it happen. Analysts in private industry aren't so sure that supplies will be adequate to meet demand. They note that stockpiles of gasoline have been de- clining and say spot shortages could develop if production doesn't increase. Some experts say that if a shortage does occur, it will be due to government controls. IS THERE really a problem? Or are the oil companies simply trying to create a shortage to boost prices? A spokesman for the American Petroleum In- stitute (API) said) he didn't know whether there would be a shortage. Asked about allegations that the companies might deliberately create one, he replied: "Good God no. It would -be politically disastrous for -us to do that." Everyone agrees there is plenty of crude oil to make enough gasoline. The FEA says crude oil supplies are 5 to 10 per cent above last year's levels, when the situation had returned to normal after the Arab embargo. The problem arises over how much of the oil is being converted to fuel for automobiles and how much the demand for gasoline has increased. STOCKPILES of gasoline are about 12 per cent below last year's levels and have been declining recently, according to the API. For the week ended June 6, stockpiles were a little less than half a per cent lower than they were in, the comparable week of 1973. Production of gasoline also has been declining. In the week ended June 13 it was almost 2 per cent less than in the same week of 1974 and See U.S., Page 5