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June 19, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-06-19

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The Michigan Daily
Vol LXXXV, No. 31-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 19, 1975 Ten Cents Eight Pages
Wallace wil 6 Ford nmes

aim effort at
middle class
WASpecial Ta The Daily-Aaaa
Governor George Wallace all but an-
nounced his candidacy fur the presi-
dency yesterday during a rousing speech
in which lhe declared that the survival of
the middle class will be the key cam--
paign issue.
The country's middle and lower in-
come people have been threatened by an
unfair tax system, an unresponsive fed-
eral government, and "the elitist intel-
legentsia'' Wallace said, striking a re-
sponsive chord at the National Federa-
tion of Independent Business National
Conference here.
"I WILL BE involved in 1976 because
the middle class needs someone to force-

Callaway to
election post
ay AP and UPS
WASHINGTON - President Ford yes-
terday named Army Secretary Howard
"Ho" Callaway of Georgia as chairman
of the 1976 Ford-for-President campaign
and promised a formal declaration of
candidacy shortly.
The selection of Callaway, a promi-
nent figure in Georgia politics, seemed
to give Ford's campaign an instant
Southern strategy flavor and some extra
appeal , for conservative Republicans
who have threatened to support some
other candidate.
ASKED WHY FORD was maying so
early into active candidacy, Press Sec-
retary Ron Nessen said Ford wanted
to start arranging political trips, rais-
See FORD'S, Page 5

H EW warns schools
on minority hiring

WELCOME TO THE CLASS OF 1979, as eager freshpeople begin their
descent on the University this week. Groups of incoming students ovill
-;arrive for the three-day sessions which include tests, tours, regislration
5and the red tape known as orientation.
convicion,; cites Nixon approval

The Department of Health, Education,
and Welfare (HEW) has ordered 32 in-
stitutions of higher education, including
Michigan State University .(MSU), to
correct weaknesses in affirmative action
programs or face the loss of over $63
million in Federal contracts.
Although the University was not among
the institutions cited, there were indica-
terday tatheexacluion may have been
in University President Robben Flem-
ing's words, "purely accidental."
said the schools notified "are in a cru-
cial situation because of the rapidly
ending fiscal year" (it ends July 1).
McLearn explained that the schools
listed are involved in negotiations with
variot"s'federa agencies fo contracts
worth over $1 million each. Federal law
requires that such institutions submit
affirmative action programs to HEW for
review and approval before the contracts
are awarded.
The University, according to McLearn,
is apparently not involved in such ne-
gotiations at the present time.
'IT LOOKS LIKE we escaped it this
time," nsted Political Science Professor
Nellie Varner, director of the Univer-
sity's Affirmative Action Program.
Fleming left the door open for a pos-
sible future HEW citation. He expressed
some surprise that MSU was being sub-

jected to an HIEW review and the Uni-
versity was not.
He called MSU's posture in hiring and
promotion practices for women and
minorities "similar" to the University's.
Fleming intimated that it was more a
quirk of the University's contractual re-
ationship with the Federal government
than compliance with Federal affirma-
tive action guidelinses wvhich kept the
University from being called on to the
carpet by HEW.
"IT MAY HE merely coincidental
that nose of our contracts fall within
this period," said Fleming.
MSU is is danger of losing nearly $2
million in Federal research funding. Rob-
ert Perrin, MSU Vice President for Uni-
versity Relations, feels HEW's action is
unfair, and agreed that the University's
exclusion from the HEW citation may
hare bee coincidetal
"I would think so," he said. "Consider-
ing the other schools involved, it doesn't
look like they were sparing anybody."
Other schools cited include Harvard, the
University of Southern California, and
PERRIN acknowledged that HEW,
which has drawn sharp criticism for its
alleged laxity in enforcing affirmative
gidelines, may be trying to save face
with the latest crackdown.
"There's no question that they have
been under fire for their own deficien-
cies, and it does appear to be a reaction
to that criticism," he said.

WASHINGTON (/P) - John Hrlich-
man's lawyer argood yesterday that he
former, White House aide's oviction in
connection wit the burglary ofa Cali-
fornia psyahiatrist's office shold be
overt uned on gr undo that former Pre-
sident Richard Nixon indirectly author-
zed the break-in.
Hrliobman was convictedo conspir-
acy to violate the rights of Dr. Lewis
Fielding, a Beverly Hils psychiatris.,
beoase of a burglary at Fielding's of-
fice in 1971.
EIIRLICHIMAN and three other men
convicted wit him are appealing the
isry's verdi t in the so-called W h I I e

House Plumbers trial.
William Frates, who representd Ehr-
lichsman bth in the Plumbers trial and
in the later cover-op case told te ap-
peals court that Ehrli hman was "the
alter ego" of President 'Nixon and there-
fore had the right to sothorize a search
of Fielding's office withoat getting a
warrant first.
Frates contended that the president has
the right to order soc break-ins where
national security is concerned. -
One of the bases of Ehrli'hman's ap-
peal i' that the trial judge, U2.5. D'strict
Judge Gerhard Gesell, denied him the
right to. res 01 a deflnse-that-the break-
in was f r national security purposes.

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