The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXV, No. 3-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 9, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
govt. plans
rural society
Associated Press Writer
BANGKOK, THAILAND - Cambodia's vic-
torious Khmer Rouge leaders are moving to
forge a classless society of peasants, sealed
off from all foreign influence and interference
--according to reports given from a group of
about 500 foreigners who arrived in Thailand
An unknown number of westerners, including
at least two Americans, are still believed to
be inside the country.
"THEY ARE reconstructing society from a
commercially-oriented one to a simple, agri-
culturally-based revolutionary concept," one
American who returned said.
"They're going to readjust people's values
and they're going to redistribute the agricul-
tural and material wealth of the country. The
Khmer Rouge will drag down the former elite
and there will be hard times for those wo
fat-cattedit," he said.
Many of the foreign evacuees and observers
in Thailand see Cambodia as well on the road
to becoming an Asian Albania - a nation sus-
picious of foreigners and foreign influence and
choosing instead to rely on its own resources
rather than risk outside interference.
See related story Page 10
IN ONE of the few official communiques out
of Cambodia, the new regime said last week
that it opposed all forms of foreign "subver-
sion and aggression" whether they were "mili-
tary, political, economic, cultural, social, dip-
lomatic or under the forms of so-called hu-
This communique, issued by a special na-
tional congress, appeared to be a rejection of
aid that other countries, especially in the West,
might be planning to offer.
t appeared certain that North Vietnam, as
well as mainland China, would exert some in-
fluence over Cambodia. Both countries sup-
plied the insurgent army with weapons and
know-how during the five-year war and Pe-
king harbored the exiled government of Cam-
bodian leader Prnice Norodom Sihanouk.
BUT THERE were already indications that
the new leaders in Phnom Penh would seek to
ward off any undue influence from even their
allies, esnecially from the Vietnamese who
have been traditional enemies of the Khmers
and uneasy allies at best with the insurgents.
The communique last week said it would
forbidall foreign military installations on Cam-
bodian soil, a possible reference to North
Vietnamese troops that have been stationed-
and still presumably are - in eastern Cam-
bodia for more than a decade.
See KHMER, Page 10
ANN ARBOR (UPI) - The Washtenaw
County Board of Canvassers has agreed to a
recount of the city Mayoral election results
requested by deposed Republican James
Meanwhile, Democratic Mayor Albert
Wheeler asked Jackson County Circuit
Judge James Fleming to order the city to
pay $20,000 in legal expenses he incurred
fighting Republican lawsuits that tried to
keep him from taking office.
AP Photo
AThai soldier directs French citizens around barbed wire at the Cambodian border as the last foreign refugees ar-
rived. According to the refugees major cities have been vacated by the new Khmer Rouge government.
case stirs anger
By SARA RIMER tive Action Committee's probe for its
Black officials and faculty members "depth and impartiality", concluding,
yesterday zeroed in on the literary col- "Cobb's experience represents only one
lege (LSA) deanship crisis as clear evi- isolated case pointing up the weak-to-
dence of the University's "weak to non- nonexistent affirmative action practices
existent" progress on affirmative action. and policies at the University."
Pointing to an investigative panel's As the controversial Cobb probe con-
sweeping review of the University's fail- tinued to stir mixed reaction yesterday
ure last January to hire noted black edu- with speculation about whether acting
cator Jewel Cobb, Affirmative Action Di- LSA dean Billy Frye would allow him-
rector Nellie Varner declared yesterday, self to be reconsidered for the deanship
"The Cobb case epitomizes what hap- rippled through the University.
pens generally at the University. There Frye, who has received overwhelming
hringminoritioresfacst th respecto support from the faculty, conceded yes-
istrative positions.', terday that he had given the matter
"some thought, but hadn't decided yet."
THE BLACK Faculty and Staff Asso-
ciation (BFSA) commended the Affirma- See MINORITIES, Page 7
Nellie Varner
No blues fes t forseen
Despite an apparently favorably disposed
City Council, it appears there will be no Ann
Arbor Blues Jazz Festival this September.
Last year's major problem for the promoter
Rainbow Multi-Media was the site of the Fes-
tival. This year's concert finds itself without
a sponsor at all.
RAINBOW Multi-Media, the organization
which has arranged the event 'for the last
three years, has no plans, and, no capabilities
for launching the massive jamboree this year.
Crippled by last year's disastrous "Ann Arbor
Blues 'Jazz Festival in Exile, Rainbow is, "in-
active" and "tremendously in debt" because
. 2of the '74 event, according to Peter Andrews,
a prominent figure in previous Festivals.
Andrews maintains that last summer's "last
minute surprise rejection by the Republican-
dominated City Council" was responsible for
the Festival's downfall.
Daily Photo by KENFN Last year's Windsor, Carada Festival,
L t a' Bluthough it remained an artistic success, turned
See PLANS, Page 6