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June 18, 1975 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1975-06-18

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Wednesday, June 18, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY
UAC concert program plagued
by administrative restrictions

Page Three

A few years ago, Ann Arbor
was nationally - renowned as
one of the finest sites for
rock, blues, and jazz concerts.
Today, quality musical offer-
ings have dwindled as most ar-
tists now perform in Detroit or
Lansing if they tour the Mid-
The types of musicians per-
mitted to appear on campus
has been limited by the Univer-
sity Activities Center (UAC),
which has been under pressure

from the administration to re-
strict performances.
Since May 1973, the execu-
tives of the University have
banned certain kinds of music
from the acoustically-fine Hill
Auditorium in an effort to pro-
tect the revered hall from
damage allegedly inflicted by
rock concert-goers.
AS FAR AS many rock music
enthusiasts are concerned, Hill
is no longer alive with the sound
of music.

Econoic troubleGs
E n aid Italian let
ROME (A') - Inflation and vote to 35.3 per cent with 10,-
unemployment mixed with po- 707,682 votes.
litical scandals and poor man- The Vatican was "shocked"
agement of schools and hos- by the outcome, a source said.
pitals steered millions of Ital- "They were expecting some
ians to the extreme left in Communist gains, but never to
elections for 15 new regional this degree."
legislatures. Youths between 18 The Vatican's daily, L'Osser-
and 21 voted for the first time vatore Romano, on its front
and are also thought to have page published only the per-
contributed to the leftist ad- centage of the voting without
vance. spelling out gains by the Com-
"If you walk into a hospital, munists and losses by the
you realize what made the church-backed party. The
Italians vote Communist," said election story was on the pap-
Claudio Luffoli, a 33-year-old er's last page: "The Christian
Rome photographer who voted Democrats held their own," it
Communist for the first time said.
in the elections that were held THE ELECTION re-
Sunday and Monday. sults also were discouraging to
CLOSE TO half of the Italian the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
electorate voted Marxist, with ganization (NATO) founded 26
one out of every three votes go- years ago as a defense against
ing to the surging Communist aims of Soviet - supported com-
party itself. munism. The alliance already
The electorate gave the larg- has been shaken by the dispute
est Communist party in the over Cyprus -between NATO
West 10,149,135 votes, or 33.4 members Greece and Turkey
per cent - a whopping 5.5 per- and the leftist drift by the mili-
centage points more than in tary rulers of Portugal, also a
the local elections five years member of NATO.
ago. The strong Communist gains
In addition, the Marxist So- increased pressure for inclusion
cialists garnered 12 per cent of of the party in the national
the vote - up from 10.4 in government for the first time
1970 - and two splinter leftist since 1947 and caused a sharp
groups got 1.6 per cent for a drop in stock prices.
Marxist total of 47 per cent. Industrial circles in Milan
THE VATICAN - BACKED foresaw negative repercussions
Christian Democrats, in power for the Italian economy, with a
through anti-Communist alli- further slowdown in invest-
ances for the past 27 years, ments and a sharp rise in the
slipped from 37.8 per cent of the illegal export of capital.

"There is a whole realm of
acts that could only play Hill
and Power Center but would
never -make it by the regula-
tions of those buildings, "ex-
plains Suzanne Young, producer
and booking agent for the co-op
series. "We just won't be able
to get the kind of groups that
draw rough crowds."
Discussing the reason for ad-
ministrative limitations today
when rock musicians had play-
ed Hill for years prior to the
decision, Young says, "Years
ago it wasn't such a problem
but since 1967 there has prob-
ably been the greatest change
in student behavior in campus
BUT, SHEnalso claimsthat
the troth often seems to be ex-
aggerated. "If people were
boogeeing in the aisles, the
word went out to the executive
officers that kids were rushing
the stage."
Last year, Linda Ronstadt,
Jesse Colin Young and Jackson
Brown graced the stage of Hill
Auditorium because their mu-
sic was deemed acceptable by
University executives and ad-
ministrators who schedule the
events, judging by the band of
followers the acts have attract-
ed in the past.
Young admitting that groups
like the Grateful Dead no long-
er stand a chance here unless
they can guarantee a fairly full

AP Photo
Dancing drops
Bucketed in his backyard, 19-month-old Ethan Taylor of
Tampa, Fla., delights at the wonder of water leaping from a
garden hose. Imagine his reaction to Niagara Falls.

Swiss accounts to end?
GENEVA, Switzerland QP) - emerged. currencies that Swiss exports
Numbered Swiss bank accounts, The secret bank accounts are being rapidly priced out of
the fabled refuge for illicit for- were introduced in the 1930s to the world market and tourists
tunes and tax evaders, may be protect Jewish and other anti- have stayed away.
the first victim of an official Nazi depositors against inform- Over the past two years, the
Swiss campaign to drive out ers from the neighboring Reich. franc's value has increased 50
foreign depositors and drive They have since become as per cent against the dollar and
down the overpriced franc. Swiss as chocolate and cuckoo the British pound, and up to 15
A national bank source said clocks and a strong lure for per cent against the West Ger-
yesterday abolition of the num- "hot" money. man mark.
bered accounts was "informal- Pressure for action against As a consequence, watch ex-
ly discussed" at a recent meet- the accounts, however, is mount- ports in the first quarter of
ing with representatives of the ing both inside and outside the 1975 were a dramatic 36.1 per
big Swiss commercial banks. government. cent below the level of a year
before. More than half of all
"THEIR FIRST reaction was THE VALUE of the Swiss people employed in the watch-
expectedly n e g a t iv e," the franc - currently the world's making industry are on short-
source said, emphasizing that strongest currency-has soared time work. Texile manufactur-
no concrete plans have yet so high against other major See SWISS, Page 9

Visiting German president
discusses East-West bond

WASHINGTON (A') - The re-
.,,. S unification of Germany remains
an important goal and may be
one of the big tests of East-
West detente, West. German
Presiden Walter Scheel said
" ;. _ >,. .. . ..,:. kv .: .> yesterday.
The Germans, Scheel told a
joint session of Congress, can-
not give up the idea of reunifi-
cation of their divided nation.
"IF A rational and sincere
policy of detente is to have any
meaning for us it must surely
be to make it easier for the
people in a divided Germany to
live together," Scheel said.
4 In Berlin detente is "put to
the test day by day," Scheel
j' said. Only alliance with the U.S.
would have achieved settlement
.... of the Berlin problem, he said.
AP Photo Scheel reported that U.S. with-
drawal from Southeast Asia has
not shaken the confidence of
far-sp r led surprise European allies.
"NOT AS some may have
While his parents were on vacation, Jon Beasley turned their home in Dekalb, Ill., into a bi- feared and others may have
centennial souvenir. Here he puts the finishing touches on his 13-star paint job. hoped, r e c e n t developments

have not loosened the ties of
European-American solidarity,"
he said. "The awareness of our
interdependence is indeed deep-
er than ever."
Scheel, head of the Free Dem-
ocratic Party, was his country's
foreign minister in 1969-1974
and, in this capacity, a loyal
supporter of former Chancellor
Willy Brandt's detente policy.
But he warned Congress yes-
terday that detente, "the catch-
word of our times," does not
eliminate the deep ideological
differences between East_ and
THE AUDIENCE of senators,
representatives, Cabinet mem-
bers and diplomats interrupted
Scheel with applause five times
during his 22-minute address.
Scheel, elected president in
May, 1974, was on a two-day
visit in Washington. He will
leave today for Chicago, is
scheduled to be in New York
tomorrow and is to fly home on

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