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June 17, 1975 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1975-06-17

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Tuesday, June 17, 1975


Page Seven:

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Down for the count
Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Miki spralls on the ground as an aide rushes to assist him
following an attack by ultra-rightist Hioroyoshi Fudeyasu. The incident occurred while Miki
was attending funeral services for former prime minister Eisaku Sato.
Fla. Supreme CoFurt judg
ec or bench duty

(Continued from Page 3)
TAYLOR has since been link-
ed with the murders of four
women in three states, includ-
ing Michigan.
Robey thinks the original in-
tent of the McQuillan ruling,
which was to protect the civil
liberties of those incarcerated in
state mental institutions, has
"Prosecutors h a v e really
cracked down on NGRI pleas
since McQuillan," said Robey,
who might have some inkling
as to his fate as Director of the
Forensic Center by the end of
the week. "And juries are afraid
that anybody given an NGRI
verdict will be let go eventu-
AS A consequence of the new
hard line taken on NGRI pleas,
Robey says there are people go-
ing to places like Jackson State
who should really be in the
Forensic Center.
"A lot of the people needing
the treatment are not getting
it," said Robey. "It used to be
that an attorney could plead
NGRI for his client and the
prosecutor w o u 1 d walk it
through, well now they're fight-
ing it tooth and nail."
Arthur Dufraine, a 20-year-old
Troy native released from the
Forensic Center last month un-
der the McQuillan provisions,
believes the proposed revisions
will make it more difficult for
patients deserving their release
to receive it. He thinks that
mental health officials will be
reluctant to release cured pa-
tients for fear of another such
Dufraine claims that Robey
is notoriously cautious about re-
leasing people, as a result of
the Taylor incident.

"Robey never released any-
one, and now he's singing a dif-
ferent tune because he's on the
DUFRAINE fears that tight-
ening tip the laws would pro-
duce an intolerable overcrowd-
ing situation at the Forensic
Center, which is already over-
"I've seen gays at the center
saner than some people walk-
ing the street," claimed Du-
Robey discounted the over-
crowding issue as a minor one,
arguing that the reviisons would
make "only a small diference."
Robey added that he felt Du-
fraine's opposition to the pro-
posals was understandable.
ROBEY SAID Dufraine, who
was found NGRI for the 1972
wounding of a Troy policeman,
would have faced the possibility
of prison had the proposals been
in effect at the time of his re-
Dufraine thinks Robey de-
serves to be fired not only for
his handling of the Taylor af-
fair, but for his alleged incom-
petence in the general admin-
istration of the Forensic Cen-
ter. He called much of the treat-
ment he received there "a bunch
of bullshit."
"Anybody who would even
think of letting him Taylor)
out has to be crazy," said Du-
"They're jumping to conclu-
sions too quickly if they pass
these laws," contends Dufraine.
"You're getting back to the
old witch hinting deal where
they killed 100 people believed
to be witches just so that they
get the one or two they know
are witches."

T A L L A H A S S E E,
Fla. (A') - A Florida Supreme
Court Justice has been declared
mentally fit to remain on the
bench. The action completes
investigations which in the last
18 months have seen three
members of the state's highest
court resign under suspicion.
The state Judicial Qualifica-
tions Commission (JQC), whose
investigations led to the resig-
nation of two other Supreme
Court Justices, informed Jus-
tice Joseph Boyd on yester-
day that he may remain on the
bench. It also sent its report
to a Florida impeachment com-
mittee that had asked for the
mental and physical examina-
BOYD, 57, originally had been
accused by the commission of
accepting from a utilities law-
yer a secret memorandum pro-
posing an opinion in a multi-
million-dollar utility tax case.
The impeachment committee
had voted 4-1 against Boyd's
impeachment, but had asked for

a JQC investigation into his
fitness after what committee
members said was erratic testi-
mony before them.
Doctors at the University of
Florida said examinations last
month found Boyd of superior
intelligence. They said, how-
ever, that Boyd was in need of
a vacation from the long stress
of the inquiries.
THE CHARGES against Boyd
and Justices Hal Dekle and
David McCain, had been
brought by the Judicial Qualifi-
cations Commission, established
in a 1972 constitutional amend-
ment to investigate conduct of
McCain and Dekle resigned
earlier this year, and Chief Jus-
tice Vassar Carlton resigned in
February 1974, as the furor
over the utilities case began,
although there is no public evi-
dence he was under investi-
gation. His successor, James
Adkins has been under investi-
gation for heavy drinking, and
is under orders not to drink in

McCain, 43, submitted his
resignation April 28 after the
committee recommended h i s
impeachment for giving special
treatment to cases of friends,
relatives and attorneys who as-
sisted in his election.
DEKLE, 57, who was charged
with accepting the same mem-
orandum -as Boyd, resigned
March 10 during his appear-
ance before the impeachment
committee. He had also been
accused of trying to influence
a lower court decision for a
campaign worker.
The JQC recommended last
November that Boyd and Dekle
be removed from the bench, but
a special Supreme Court panel
appointed by Adkins found in
February they should be only
reprimanded. Following that de-
cision, House Speaker Donald
Tucker named the impeach-
ment committee.
Boyd said he did not know the
source of the secretsmemo, and
tore it up and flushed it dowo
a toilet. But Edwin Mason, the
lawyer who was the source of
the memo, said in testimony be-
fore the committee that Boyd
asked for the proposed opinion
during a golf game.
DEKLE admitted using Ma-
son's memo, but said he thought
nothing of it because Mason said
Boyd had asked for it.
William Rish, chairman of
the House committee, said the
JQC finding satisfies its re-
quest and it will take no fur-
ther action.

More smuggled than gold
LUANDA, Angola (M) - Dia- The ministry said the reve-
mond smugglers "exported" nue lost from illicit trade was
over $8-million worth of gems enough to build schools for half
from Angola in 1974, surpassing a million students in the Portu-
the legal trade for the year, the guese colony which becomes in-
Ministry of Natural Resources dependent later this year.

State weig9hs electilon bl
(Continued from Page 3) candidates' election finance re-
Another provision in the leng- ports. The panel is modeled af-
thy bill would allow tax-payers ter a federal commission which
to earmarks $2 from their taxes is now being challenged in the
for a general political fund, courts.
much like the $1 provision on Common Cause, a national or-
the federal form. Those reve- ganization, has pushed cam-
nues would be spread between paign reform legislation in
state candidates in an effort to most states as well as on the
bring about economic parity, national level. Legislations has
A six-member board would he
appointed with membersserv- been passed in many states, in-
ing four year terms to review cluding Ohio and Indiana.
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