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June 17, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-06-17

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXV, No. 29-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 17, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Co uni rejrcts
police .con tract

City Council last night voted down a
contract negotiated between city offi-
cials and Teamster Union bargainers
for law enforcers which would have cost
Ann Arbor $50,000 more than this year's
fiscal budget had alloted for the city
police department.
The city must now go into arbitration
with the union and a board of three
WHILE CITY Administrator Sylvester
Mayor asks
report on
In a rare move Democratic Mayor
Albert Wheeler overrode a majority City
Council decision and required the police
chief to release his report to the city
administrator on an investigation of a
month-old incident in which officers
allegedly harassed members of a rock
A Republican - Human Rights Party
(HRP) coalition defeated a Democratic
resolution which would have required
the police report be given to Council
within 72 hours.
POLICE CHIEF Walter Krasny will
meet today with City Administrator Syl-
vester Murray to go over the report.
Murray will make the final decision on
whether or not the report will be made
See POLICE, Page 9

Murray had estimated that seven police
officers would have to be laid off to
meet the provisions of the city budget
adopted last month, along with a num-
ber of job eliminations to be determined
when positions became vacant, the con-
tract-heavily engineered by powerful
union leader Joseph Valenti-guaranteed
that none of the 34 police supervisory
command officers would be laid off.
This facet of the contract drew heavy
opposition from Council members who
argued that the police department was
protecting the top brass while forcing
many of the younger officers to leave
the city because of the lack of oppor-
tunity for promotion.
"WITHIN THE last two years we've
had 14 good officers with BAs and MAs
in law enforcement leave the force,"
said Councilman Jamie Kenworthy (D-
Fourth Ward). "This contract will only
continue that trend by freezing in a
top-heavy department.
"It will give incentive for older offi-
cers to stay on and in effect tell the
patrol people that's there's no sense in
staying on in Ann Arbor because there's
no room for promotion."
Although Murray had asked city ne-
gotiators to hold all worker pay hikes
to single digit percentages, the nego-
tiated pact called for a 14.2 per cent
hike the first year of the two-year con-
tract and a 7.6 increase the second.
HOWEVER, while blasting the pro-
posed contract for "violation of policy
gidelines," Murray claimed it "is the
best contract we can get volitionally."
In a memo to Council, Murray said
the agreement was "better in non-eco-
nomic issues" than the previous one,
because it did nat include cost-of-living
clause and demands for more vacation
and holiday time along with increased
See COUNCIL, Page 9

Mad dog
One of the many mad dogs that has been found roaming around the city. This
hound was captured recently and ended up at the cage of a benevolent patron.

House votes to reject Nedzi resignation
WASHINGTON (A) - The House yesterday rejected U.S. security, and Richard Bolling (D-Mo.), who called
overwhelmingly the resignation of Rep. Lucien Nedzi as it a threat to the rule of House chairmen.
chairman of the House intelligence committee, clearing Earlier, a member of the committee, Rep. Michael
the way for a move to abolish the embattled panel or Harrington (D-Mass.) was denied access to secret infor-
restructure it. mation b ythe House Armed Services Committee on
Nedzi (D-Mich.) told reporters, "It's a toss-up whether grounds that he had disclosed testimony on CIA opera-
the committee will be reconstituted or eliminated." tions in Chile.
Asked whether the committee is too torn as now strum- The vote to reject the resignation of Nedzi was 290
tured to conduct a responsible investigation of U.S. in- to 64, with 44 voting present.
telligence agencies, Nedzi replied: "I'm afraid it is." STRATTON and Rep. James O'Hara (D-Mich.) urged
HOWEVER, HE said he will meet with House leaders the House to reject Nedzi's resignation to maintain the
and could not rule out the possibility of finding a solution status quo so that the House could determine later what
less drastic than having the House abolish the committee to do about the committee itself.
or restructure it. Rep. Andrew Young (D-Ga.) joined in voting against
A resolution to abolish the committee was introduced accepting Nedzi's resignation but said he was concerned
by Rep. B. F. Sisk (1)-Calif.) who said, "I think we have that the vote would be read by the public "as a white-
to act immediately." wash of the CIA."
Sisk said he would try to get the House Rules Com- Young said he thought the House should assure the
msittee today to schedule floor action later in the week. country that Nedzi would conduct an investigation un-
<. He said his resolution is only a vehicle for getting action covering all misdeeds by U.S. intelligence agencies.
and that it was possible the committee could be replaced FIVE COMMITTEE Democrats launched a drive to
with a new panel, force Nedzi out of the chairmanship the week before last
Nedzi said he questioned whether a House intelligence after disclosure that the CIA had briefed him on matters,
investigation is needed if it would "plow the same including involvement in assassination plot discussions,
ground" as the Rockefeller Commission and the Senate and that he had done nothing about them.
intelligence committee. Rep. Don Edwards (D-Calif.) said he and four other
THE DRIVE to abolish or restructure the committee Democrats decided that Nedzi's remaining in charge of
N d i was joined by senior members including Reps. Samuel the CIA investigation would damage its credibility in
Stratton (D-N.Y.), who called the committee a threat to view of that disclosure.

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