FIL ~tI'.flII~lNL.'IITPae Nine SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY OF THE SUN I- I Legislators claim 'U' tuition (7ontinued from Page 1) Huffman added that there were many areas in which the University could stand consid- erable belt tightening. He felt it was difficult to justify con- tinuing increases in higher edu- cation "when you have a pro- fessor on sabbatical drawing full salary and riding through Eu- rope on a bicycle." Owen says he "does not see any budget reduction as accept- able," and will use his Higher E d u c a t i o n Subcommittee to fight Milliken's proposals. He feels that a severe cut would be disasterous not only for the Uni- versity, but Washtenaw County as well. "WE CAN'T be put in the po- sition of having to lay off mar- ginal workers such as clericals, who would have trouble finding other types of employment be- cause of a lack of skills," said Owen. He also warned that a tuition hike might produce a system of higher education "for only the very rich or the very poor, pushing out the people whose income makes them ineligible for financial assistance." Huffman, however, insisted there would be sufficient finan- cial aid money available for the people who needed it. "YOU HAVE a kid who has gone through two or three years of school and has made good grades," said Huffman, "and all of a sudden his dad gets laid off. What the hell are we going to do? The kid has to finish school." __21 . umiversty CAMPUS Theatre Phone 668641&-_. ENDS TONIGHT! Shows at 7 & 9 p.m. Open 6:45 "STEPPENWOLF" R -STARTS FRIDAY- LACOMBE, LUCIEN A Film by Louis Molle 21south state STATE Theatre Phone 662-6264 ENDS TONIGHT Rubrick's Masterwork .A SPACE 2001 ODYSSEY G Shows at 7 & 9:30 p.m. STARTS TOMORROW! (We Couldn't Let It Go!) "CHINATOWN" 603 east liberty7 MICHIGAN~i Theatre Phone 66-6290 Shows at 7 & 9:20 STARTS TOMORROW! "A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE" increase Owen hinted the relationship between the University and ap- propriations committee mem- hers has been something less than, cordial over the last few years. "There are some_ University people who don't seem to think that legislators are particularly bright," said Owen. "They feel that they do not have to be held to a certain level of account- ability for the state money they spend." OWEN ADDED there are many legislators who feel some University administrators are overpaid, and relatively insen- sitive to their particular prob- lems. certain "I'd like to see one of those guys vote for an income tax increase and- the go back and justify it to their constituents," said Owen. He added that despite their "job security, they are in no position to look down on peo- ple." Owen cited University Chief Financial Officer Wilbur Pierpont as personifying this attitude. Owen scoffed at the idea of administrators taking s a 1 a r y cuts, calling the notion "irrele- vant." "Look at Milliken, he took a two per cent salary cut. That's a millionaire taking a two per cent cut on a $46,000 a year salary. It's meaningless." SPIRITUALuCOMMUNITY OF THE SUN PRESENTS DICK GREGORY * Speakinq on the food crisis and survival of humanity FRI., MAY 16, 1975-7:00 P.M. UNIV. OF MICH. BALLROOM Donation $4 plus 1 can of food profits no to world community food bank ann arbor. mi GET TICKET in ADVANCE of show! Available at David's Bookstore-529 E. Liberty and n the Michiqan Union . WILD WEFT O YARNS For weaving, knitting, crocheting, macrame 415 North Fifth Ave., Kerrytown I Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 313-761-2466