The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXV, No. 27-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 13, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Nedzi seeks to leave panel
From Wire Service Reports
WASHINGTON - An angry Rep Lu-
cien Nedzi tried to resign yesterday as
chairman of the House Intelligence Com-
mittee in a move that immediately
halted the House Central Intelligence
Agency investigation.
The committee's public questioning of
CIA Director William Colby was abrupt-
ly cancelled because Republican mem-
bers refused to attend in the wake of
Nedzi's (D-Mich) declared intention to
THE HEARING was cancelled by a
subcommittee whose chairman, Rep.
James Stanton, (D-Ohio), said outside
the hearing room he knows the Central
Intelligence Agency was involved in
"successful assassination plots."
Stanton confirmed twice a Cleveland
Plain Dealer story that he knew there
had been at least one successful assas-
sination in which the CIA was involved
-but refused to elaborate.
Stanton refused to say who was as-
sassinated, how the CIA was involved or
to give any other details.
BUT A committee member, Rep. Mi-
chael Harrington, (D-Mass.), said Stan-
ton was probably quoting "in-house gos-
sip" because the committee has not re-
ceived such information from the CIA
Nedzi, filed a letter of resignation with
Speaker Carl Albert, who quickly put the
issue on ice by deferring any action
until Monday.
Nedzi's sudden move appeared to have
been prompted by the claims of some
Intelligence Committee members that
he is soft on the CIA and incapable of
overseeing impartially the Intelligence
subcommittee's scheduled investigation
of the agency.
THE LAST straw for Nedzi came
Wednesday night when the full Intelli-
gence Committee voted 6 to 1 to dis-
approve his attempt to name the five
members of the CIA subcommittee -
including himself as "ex-officio" mem-
ber but excluding several Democrats
who have criticized him.
The drive to oust Nedzi erupted after
disclosure that the CIA briefed Nedzi
more than a year ago on political as-
sassination plots and domestic spying
without Nedzi taking any action.
Nedzi had said he hoped the compro-
mise creation of the CIA subcommittee
would remove any question of whether
he had a conflict of interest and he
would remain chairman of the commit-
tee investigating all U. S. intelligence
agencies including the CIA.
BUT HE said the Democrats stripped
him of power at a caucus Thursday by
requiring that all 10 members of the
full committee also be members of the
CIA subcommittee.
Rep. Robert Giaimo, (D-Conn.), said
the committee Democrats want Stanton
to move up as chairman of the full com-
See REP., Page 9
Gandhi won't
NEW DELHI, India 0) -
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
yesterday refused to resign
from office despite being con-
victed of using corrupt prac-
tices to win her parliamentary
seat. The crisis embroiled India
in its warst constitutional tan-
gle since independence 25 years
a go.
The 57-year-old prime minis-
ter sent word through her aides
that she would fight the convic-
tion and the mandatory sen-
tence of being barred from
holding any public office or con-
testing any election until 1981.
JUDGE JAG Mohan Lal Sin-
ha, the one-man tribunal who
ruled against Gandhi in her
home city of Allahabad, gave
the prime minister a 20-day re-
prieve before her ban on hold-
ing public office would become
Sources close to the prime
minister said she would use the
period to file her appeal with
the Supreme Court and get the
reprieve further extended to
remain in office until the issue
is finally settled.
The leadership of the ruling
Congress' parliamentary party
formally asked Gandhi in the
evening to "lead and guide the
country as prime minister" des-
pite the guilty verdict.
ruled India since 1966, indicated
to a crowd a nearly 2,000 well-
wishers who came to her resi-
dence to cheer her after the
verdict that she would remain
in office as long as possible.
See GANDHI, Page 7
BANGKOK, Thailand (A--
A gunboat front Thailand and
one from Cambodia engaged
in an hour-long duel off Thai-
land's southeastern c o a s t
which left six Thai crewmen
wounded, police authorities
said early this morning.
The battle yesterday follow-
ed the seizure of one Thai
fishing vessel and the escape
of another under fire from
Cambodian gunboats off the
coast of Thailand's Trat pro-
vince, about 200 miles south-
east of Bangkok in a stretch
of water claimed by both
countries, authorities said.
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of India receives well-wishers at her New Delhi residency yes-
terday after a judge convicted her of wrongfully using government officials in her last success-
ful campaign for Parliament and barred her from public office for six years.
Ypsi psychiatrist protests suspension
By BILL TURQUE ministrative irregularities" surrounding the result of a ten-day preliminary inquiry
r. Ames Robey, the Ypsilanti psychia- Taylor's release. by Smith. A further investigation, to be
who authorized the 1972 release of Taylor, now in a Houston jail on five conducted by a panel of state mental health
used multiple murderer Gary Addison charges of sexual assault, has been linked officials, will determine whether Robey
Ior, yesterday bitterly protested his with the murder of women in Seattle, Hous- is to be fired, retained, or given a harsher
ension by the Michigan Department of ton, and Toledo. Bodies of the two Toledo disciplinary suspension.
tal Health (DMH). victims were recovered from the backyard "There has as yet been no on sight inves-
A non-disciplinary suspension to look of Taylor's former Lenawee County home tigation of the documents at the institu-
a matter that has already been investi- last month lion," said McCall.
d strikes me as being somewhat in- Known locally in the late fifties as "the After apparently responding to therapy,
sistent," contended Robey. phantom sniper of Royal Oak," Taylor was Taylor was granted a convalescent leave
arrested in 1957 for shooting at the but- by Robey in July, 1972. He was told to re-
HE 48-YEAR-OLD director of the Center tocks of several Oakland County women. turn for periodic treatment, which he did
Forensic Psychiatry at Ypsilanti State He spent his next fifteen years in various until the following June, when he dropped
pital was relieved of his duties Wednes- state mental institutions, most recently out of sight.
day afternoon by acting DMH director Don-
ald Smith. The suspension, according to
Smith's office, wlil continue for the dura-
tion of an investigation into possible "ad-
the state hospial in Ypsilanti,
JOSEPH McCALL, a DMH spokesman
in Lansing, said Robey's suspension was
ROBEY DENIED earlier reports that he
did not inform the state of Taylor's ab-
See YPSI, Page 6