Poge Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, June 12, 1975 Poge Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, June 12, 1975 ARMS OUTSTRETCHED in prayer, Kuhlman seems about to ascend along with h er invocation. Here she searches for the Holy Spirit in the lights of Crisler's ceiling. "Don't say that it is Kathryn Kuhlman who heals you. It is the Holy Spirit," she told those who were cured. Doobl "THE TIME will come when every knee will bend and ev- ery head will bow . . . This is the church's finest hour." By DOC KRALIK Every seat in Crisler Arena was filled. A choir of 400 launched into "How Great Thou Art." The spot- lights swung to the rear and the crowd spontaneously stood to welcome Kathryn Kuhlman as she strode out, tilting her smiling head like a wind-up doll and trailing the sashes of her long white dress. The miracle service was underway. The main floor was lined with about 200 wheelchairs, and there were many other ambulatory ill. For some of them, a "miracle" was all they could hope for. Marilyn Hodges, afflicted with both polio and cerebral palsy, was attending her third Kuhlman service. Clutching Kuhlman's book "I Believe in Miracles," she struggled fitfully with her words: "I want to be healed like the woman on TV." A ark and calmly beautiful girl, in- congruously afflicted with a progres- sive and incurable disease, systemic lupus, said happily, "I've wanted to come for months and months." AFTER A FEW "Halleluia time" numbers by Jimmy McDonald, a the- atrical and ear splitting tenor, Kuhl- man paused for the collection, which was taken up in fried chicken buckets. Although Kuhlman claimed that "not one copper cent" went to her, she does receive all her expenses and a tax-free $25,000 salary. In fairness, most of the money goes to churches and charities selected by her founda- tion. Then with "O Holy Spirit, Breeaathe upon our waiting hearts," Kuhlman began her hour and a half sermon. On stage, her long silken dress whip- ped by two strategically placed elec- tric fans, her figure seemed airy, ethereal. She would run up suddenly on tip- toes, then back off into a trance-like Photography by STEVE KAGAN crouch. She would remain silent, then smacking her hands together like a couple of two-by-fours, she snapped angrily into the mike. At times the spirit seemed to go out of her, and her age showed despite her dyed red hair and generous rouge. TURNING quickly, Kuhlman point- ed her bony finger up into the audi- ence saying, "I rebuke that arthitic condition." A black woman in the third row jumped up, screaming hideously. She was dragged, kicking from the arena. "We're not like that," said Kuhlman. But despite the disturbance, the healing went on. And on. "Someone over there has had a healing of arth- ritis of the spine," Kuhlman exclaim- ed. "Someone with a ruptured disc can now walk. Wait! Someone's ear has opened." As Kuhlman spoke, peo- ple began standing in the audience, and ushers urged them to the stage, which soon began to resemble the shrine at Lourdes. Around 200 people claimed to be healed. The big cure of the day occurred when an enor- mously obese woman rose from her stretcher and steamed up the aisle to the stage. Why she was wearing a pantsuit and shoes while lying on her deathbed was never revealed. Ivan Mingales, a 6-year-old Spanish American, was carried to the stage where ushers removed a brace from his leg. Many in the crowd cried oat 'Praise God!" as the boy limped across the stage. Kuhlman hugged him out of joy and the crowd applaud, ed. Later Ivan, who was confused by the experience, admitted that he often walks, even runs without the brace. KEVIN LYNCH of Saginaw, an& year-old, claimed that he had beel cured of a "bluriness of vision" i one eye. His ecstatic mother col