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June 12, 1975 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1975-06-12

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Thursday, June 12, 197


Page T1hree

Governors call for more energy
savings, curb on unemployment

NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - The nation's gov-
ernors yesterday called for a massive voluntary
campaign to conserve energy.
They also urged the federal government to use
changes in monetary policy, tax cuts, public
works spending, and revenue sharing bonuses to
stem the recession and curb unemployment.
IN A WHIRLWIND finish to the 67th Annual
National Governors Conference, the governors
approved a rash of resolutions dealing with vir-
tually every domestic problem facing the na-
They also elected Iowa's Republican Gov. Ro-
bert Ray, a 46-year-old second termer, as the
new ;chairman of the National Governors Con-
ference, succeeding Utah's Democratic Gov.
Calvin Rampton.
The three-day conference as usual was dom-
inated by talk of presidential politics, most of
it focusing on Alabama Democratic Gov. George
Wallace, who attended every business session but
never uttered a word.
THE GOVERNORS adopted a mildly worded
resolution, 37 to 2, favoring voluntary conserva-

tion as the key to the energy crisis but said,
"If voluntary conduct does not meet the needs
of society, government should then consider ac
appropriate mix of tax incentives and regula-
In effect, this was a reversal of a res.)lution
adopted Tuesday in which the governors went
on record as opposing price increases as a means
of reducing consumption but demanded a share
of the revenues if Congress increases gasoline
taxes anyway.
Further confusing the governor's position on
price increases were two votes taken on a cos-
panion to the energy resolution. Directed speci-
fically at the energy package under considera-
tion by the House, the proposal would have put
the governor's on record as opposing both Pre-
sident Ford's tariff on oil imports and a new
gasoline tax favored by leading House Demo-
A motion to strike the language dealing with
opposition to fuel prices- was defeated by a 15-S
tie vote but then the governors turned around
and killed the entire resolution, 21- to 12, short
of the two thirds majoriy required for approval.

Energy chief
William Archer, state Energy Offiee' director, was petrified
with fright when he began riding a motorcycle to work about
a month ago to dramatize energy conservation. Now he says
lie's just plain scared. "I never rode a motorcycle before,"
said the 41-year-old father of five.
Store owner shot

in local
The owner of a Pittsfield
Township party store was shot
and robbed late Tuesday night
by an armed man who escaped
with the aid of an accomplice.
Easa Khoury and an employe
were in the Beelive Market,
4048 Packard, at about 10:30
when Marcus Stevens allegedly
robbed the cash register and
shot him.
PLOYE, who was in a back
room at the time, told police
that Stevens then attempted to
shoot Khoury a second time.
When the gun jammed, he es-
caped in a car driven by his
accosplice, Timothy Heller.
Khoury, 62, was originally
listed in critical condition at
University Hospital with a gun-
shot wound in his chest. He has
regained consciousness, how-
ever, and is now listed in fav-
orable condition..
Stevens, who did not list an
address, and Heller, of 2685
Elmwood, were arraigned yes-
terday by Judge Kenneth Bron-
son in 14th District Court. Stev-

ens has been charged with
armed robbery and assault with
the intent to commit murder.
Bond was set at $100,000.
HELLER has also been charg-
ed with armed robbery and
must obtain an $80,000 bond.
The two men are scheduled to
undergo a pre-trial examination
on June 20.
Sheriff's Department officers
and Ann Arbor police arrested
the two men shortly after 11:00
p.m. Tuesday. The police lo-
cated the suspects with the aid
of reports from two witnesses
who had been outside the store.
The officers found a .32 caliber
pistol in the possession of one
of the men.
A c c o r d i n g to Wash-
tenaw County Sheriff Frederick
Postill, "The prompt apprehen-
sion of the two suspects was the
result of active citizen assist-
ance of the police and excel-
lent co-ordination between our
department and the Ann Arbor

Unemployment rolls drop
to three-month low T
By RICHARD HUGHES * Two leading bankers pre-
UPI lusiness Writer dioted the prime rate w oaul1 d
The number of persons draw- continue to drop, leveling off at
ing unemployment benefits 6 or 6% per cent this summer.
dropped below six million for the * The government said it is
first time in 13 weeks, the Labor trying to determine whether 36,-
Department said yesterday. 0000 idled Chrysler workers are
But the Penn Central rail- entitled to payments from a
road, citing a "low level of special fund to aid workers who
business," gave pink slips to lose their jobs because of the
1,200 workers, impact of imports.
IN OTHER developments: * J. P. King Textiles an-
! The. Organization of Pe- nounced a $750,000 expansian
Iroleum Exporting Countries, that will add 60 jobs. to it s
meeting in Gabon, said t he plant at Augusta, Ga. The tex-
price of oil wil be raised Oc- tile industry, along with auto
tober I, although the amount and construction industries,
o the increase will not be de- were the hardest hit by the
termlineduntil September. See UNEMPLOYMENT, Page 9

Susan Saxe (right) marches with an officer and matron in the Philadelphia House of Cor-
rection. Saxe pleaded guilty Monday In Federal Court to charges of robbing a Philadel-
phia bank and stealing guns from a Massachusetts arsenal nearly five years ago. When
Saxe was arrested in Philadelphia recently, she was on the FBI's ten most wanted list.
'U criticized for failure to
hire more women, minorities
By TIM SCHICK not ended. large the pool of potential appli-
The director of the University BURNS POINTED to the cants in an attempt to hire more
Women's- Commission blasted failure of several schools and minority personnel.
the administration yesterday for colleges to interview women or QUITE OFTEN when a posi-
failing to increase the propor- minority job applicants. "They tion is open, Burns explained,
tion of women and other minori- do the superficial things like other staff members are asked
ties holding major staff posi- advertising for applicants. But to recommend candidates for
tions. they aren't making an effort to the post. Since most of the per-
"It is disappointing and dis- interview minorities or women," sons asked to make suggestions
couraging to see figures which she said. are white males, she charged,
show no progress whatsoever," "I don't see a grass roots the eventual list of candidates
said Eunice Burns. Burns re- effort in the departments where c o n s i s t s primarily of white-
ferred to the recently released the hiring is actually done, males.
Affirmative A c ti o n Report, We've got to pinpoint those who To help the schools in develop-
which asserts there has been make the decisions and put the ing other sources to draw on to-
no dramatic change in the utili- onus on them." I o c a t e qualified individuals,
zation of minorities and that She proposed that each Uni- Burns plans to propose a sys-
sex-role stereotyping of jobs has versity department should en- See 'U', Page 9

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