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June 12, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXV, No. 26-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 12, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Church sees more CIA disclosures

By AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-Wrongdoing by the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency cited in the Rocke-
feller Commission's report "is in all likeli-
hood just the tip of the iceberg," Sen. Frank
Church (D-Idaho) said yesterday.
But Church, chairman of the Senate In-
telligence Committee, stressed that he was
not accusing the commission of a cover-up.
HE NOTED that the commission's 300-
page report is limited to domestic activities
and said his committee "must probe much
Church said the Senate committee must
also examine the entire area of foreign
covert operations including allegations that
the CIA has been involved, directly or in-
directly, in assassination plots directed
against foreign leaders.
Church said he agrees with many of the
commission's recommendations but said

that the report should have proposed spe-
cific criminal penalties for future wrong-
"WHEN THEY say that the president
ought not in the future to ask the CIA to
engage in wrongdoing or illegal activities
or when they say the CIA director ought
not to do so, I think that that's clearly in-
sufficient," Church told reporters following
a closed committee session.
NEW DELHI, India R) - Prime Minis-
ter Indira Gandhi was convicted Thursday
of winning her last election to the Indian
Parliament illegally.
She faces the immediate loss of the
prime ministership and a six-year ban on
holding any public office.

THE REPORT, as President Ford an-
nounced, said nothing of the CIA's alleged
role in assassination plots against foreign
leaders. The commission sent what it
learned on that to Ford, who forwarded it
to Attorney General Edward Levi for pos-
sible prosecution. Levi's office said the
attorney general was giving it personal
Meanwhile, Sens. Lowell Weicker (R-
Conn.) and Howard Baker (R-Tenn.) said
they would press for adoption of a resolu-
tion to have a permanent House-Senate
oversight committee police the entire in-
telligence-law enforcement community.
And White House Press Secretary Ron
Nessen said President Ford would await
recommendations from key advisers before
deciding "what action to take adminis-
tratively and w h a t legislation might be
See CIA, Page 5


'U clericals reject
administration offer

University clerical workers yesterday
overwhelmingly rejected the latest ad-
ministration contract offer and made
plans to meet within a few weeks to set
a final strike deadline.
Officials of United A u t o Workers
(UAW) Local 2001, which represents the
3,200 clericals, blamed the 1,440 to 195
rejection vote on inadequate economic
provisions in the University's offer.
Union bargaining committee chairwoman
Jean Jones indicated that the proposal
contained a salary increase - including
benefits-of only 5.6 per cent.
BARGAINING between the union and
the University stepped up as yesterday's
meeting neared. Sessions continued until
8:30 p.m. Tuesday evening.

"I have no idea what the schedule of
future negotiations will look like," Assist-
ant Personnel Director William Neff said.
"I'm assuming that the union will con-
tact us about negotiations in the near
Future." Last night Jones said, "We have
not set up any future negotiations."
The date for the strike meeting has
not been determined, although members
decided that it should be held on a Sun-
day. Members will vote at that session
on whether a strike should begin July 1
or whether it should be postponed until
early September.
NEITHER union leaders nor the Uni-
versity bargaining team could estimate
the potential effectiveness of a strike by
See CLERICALS, lage 9

THE LAST few weeks have brought in more than She season's worth of
watery weather. A Daily photographer caught these three leaves enjoy-
ing one of the last spring showers.
House rejects proposed
increase in gasoline tax

WASHINGTON (P)-A proposed 23-cent
hike in the federal tax on a gallon of
gasoline, the most hotly contested part
of the comprehensive energy tax and
tariff bill, was killed by the House last
The vote was 209 to 187.
THE HOUSE first chopped 20 cents off
the proposal, which many Democrats in
Congress hoped to present as the gaso-
line tax portion of their alternative to
President Ford's energy program.
Later, the House finished off the pro-
posal with the vote striking out the re-
maining three cents.
In a final plea for support of the gaso-
line tax hike, House Democratic Leader
Thomas O'Neill of Massachusetts shout-
ed to his colleagues that this was "a
question of whether we have the guts to
stand up and vote for the future of

O'NEILL declared: "There is a crisis
facing this country and I hope we have
the courage to vote for your kids, your
kids' kids, for the future of America."
The bill had been prepared for the
House by its Democratic - dominated
Ways and Means Committee.
In his last appeal for action--urging
support of at least the three cents a
gallon tax increase-Committee Chair-
man Al Ullman called for his colleagues
to "leave this minimal amount in the
bill that's so important to developing
energy resources."
THE 20 CENTS portion was rejected
by the House, 345-72, before it continued
work on the remaining parts of the gaso-
line tax-hiking section of the bill.
Earlier, the House handed Democratic
backers of the bill a defeat by voting to
raise oil import quotas.

AP Photo
ISRAELI Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin chats with President Ford in the Oval
Office of the White House yesterday. Rabin is here, for talks on the proposed
Israeli-Egyptian settlement

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