Page" Ten
revol utionizes
a ri-business
{Continued from Page 41
and children can wark side by
side all day in the field4."
These lessons abo it the social
effets of agricultural tec tNol-
ogy are not refricted to Cali-
fornia, as farmers have learn-
ed wherever "geen revolution"
methods have replaced more-
traditional farming. "Miracle"
seeds, fertilizers, malohine and
petroleum products are cxpen-
sive. They lead Ua bigger crops,
but in general only the wealthy
farmers can afft)r3 t, tise them-.
In India's Puniah region -
one of the showcases of t h e
green revolution - such pro-
fits have increased the demand
for land, with land prices shoot-
ing up as much as SO per eat.
Landlords and large farmers
have acquired more and more
of this land. The displaced small
farmers must turn to work as
hired laborers or emigrate to,
the already overcrow.led cities.
The same tendelcies nre found
in most other countries where.
high technology agriculttre h-,s
been developed.
For the large California is
mato grower, the harveste. has
been an unmixed bIssing. It has
increased p oduation and pro-
fits. it las erased as earlier
dependence upon large numb-
era of increasingly militant
workers and allowed them to or-
ganized production as in fac-
tories with relatively low wage
It has also dislo-issi massive
numbers of people, and brought
unrest within the ranks of small
farmers and agricultural work
And, mechanized farmini is
Wednesday, June 11, 19
netoriously wasteful of ene
Modern Amarian agricull
requires 6.5 calories of fuel
ergy to produce and del
each calorie of food energy
Global food and energy sl,
ages now and in the future
require increasingly prodtsc
agricultural techniques. W
ther the ultimate social coat
high technology in the fields
outweigh the short term ads
tage remains to he Seen.
Fie evening concerts in July
For your midsummer enjoyment, we're please to present the following outstanding artists, all of whom are
making their Ann Arbor debuts. Arrange your July act ivities now to include these varied programs. Tickets are
available at our Burton Tower office. Series of five concerts at $20, $15, and $10; single concerts at $6, $5, and $.
Wed., July 2 Rackham Aud.
Anthony and Joseph Paratore
Duo Pianists
With the resurgence of iiserest in
two-piano teams, the young Para-
tore brothers are finding an impor-.
tant pace in today's concert world.
In a program of music for one
piano, four hands, they'll perform
Mozart's Sonata in B-flat majort
Schubert's Fantasia in F minor;
Debussy's Petite Suite; Hindenith's
Sonata (1938); and Waltzes and
Hungarian Dances of Brahms.
Mon., July 7 Rackham Aud.
Chicgao Symphony String Qi artet
and Brian Minor, Saxophonist
Victor Aitay, Edgar Muenzer, Mil
ton Preves, and Frank Miller-all '
members of the Chicago Symphony
Orchestra -have concertized to-
gether for more than a decade. Mr.
Minor is well-known as an educa-
tor, chamber music player, and
solo performer, and several leading
composers have written workse
pressly for hii. Their prograi'
Beeioven's Quartet,Op,. r;Qu.n-
tet for Saxophone and String Quar-
tet (1957) by Leon Stem; and
Raves Quartet in F.
Wed. July 16 Hill Aud.
Barbara Cook and Te Fesiival Chorus
Donald Bryant, Conductor
Long a star of the Broadway musi-
cal-theater scene, Miss Cook re-
cently made a stunning solo debut
in New York's Carnegie tHall. With
our Festival Chorus, se's featured
in the Finale from Leonard Bern-
stein's "Candide," and will also
perform selections from Broadway
musicals. The Chorus of 100 sing-
ers will present a group of Negro
spirituals and American folk songs,
in s p e c i a I arrangements by Mr.
Wed.,July 23 Rackham Aud.
Igor Kipnis, Harpsichordist
Since his debut in 1959, Mr. Kipnis
has concertized throughout the
world, and is well-known as an
award-winning recording artist. On
his own harpsichord, a 9-foot Rut-
kowski and Robinette, he'll per-
form Handel's Suite No. 5; Three
Pieces by Sweelinck; "The Suffer-
ings of the Queen of France" by
Jan Dussek; Bach's Partita No. 2
and Fandango by Soler.
s of
Thurs., July 31 Rackham Aud.
Judith Blegen, Soprano
One of the Metropolitan.Opera's
brightest new stars, and an out-
standing recitalist as well, Miss
Blegen presents the following pro-
gram: Arias from Handel's "At-
lanta" and "Joshua"; Songs by
Schubert, Strauss, Ives and Mid-
haud; and Aria fsrom "Mase"
S and.. "Roneo et Juliette" by Mas-
senet and Gounod.
Burton Tower, Ann Arbor
Weekdays 9-4: 30, Sat. 9-12
Phone 665-3717