Wednesdovy June 11, 195
Page Seven
vvt; iFIVeu, , e 1 17cTEMIHGA iYPaeSee
Report disclaims CIA
link to Kennedy murder
WASHINGTON (P) -No link following the head shot was not rear, and that no support can
has been found to connnect the caused by the impact of a bullet be found for theories which pos-
Central Intelligence Agency to coming from the front or right tulate gunmen to the front or
the assassination of President front," the report said. right front of the presidential
John Kennedy nor is there be- It said three doctors on the car," the report said.
lievable evidence that he was panel reported "that such a mo- ON ANOTHER subject, the
shot by more than one gunman, tion would be caused by a vio- report said there is no credible
the Rockefeller Commission re- lent straightening and stiffen- basis in fact for the various
ported yesterday. ing of the entire body as a re- claims that the Zapruder film
The commission discounted all sult of a seizure-like neuromus- shows one or more assassins in
of the major conspiracy theories cular reaction to major damage the area of the grassy knoll to
surrounding the Nov. 22, 1963 inflicted to nerve centers in the the front of the Kennedy car.
murder of PresidentvKennedy in brain." It said a study by the photo-
Dallas, Tex. One panel member, Dr. Alfred graphic laboratory of the FBI
Oliver, director of the Depart- of the film and of the entire li-
A DETAILED analysis of ment of Biophysics at Edgewood brary of photographs taken of
amateur movie film taken at A r s e n a 1, Aberdeen Proving the assassination site bears out
the moment of the shooting and Grounds, Md., said that the vio- that conclusion.
a re-examination of the records lent motions of the President's Where some have seen a hu-
of the Kennedy autopsy disprove body "could not possibly have man head, wearing something
a contention that the President been caused by the impact of resembling either a rain hat or
was shot by a sniper hiding to the bullet." a German World War II helmet,
the right front of the presiden- "the conclusion was that the
tial motorcade, the report said. "HE ATTRIBUTED the popu- "h ocuinwsta h
It also rejected claims that lar misconception on this sub- alleged assassin's h e a d was
. Howard Hunt and Frank ject to the dramatic effects em- merely the momentary image
Sturgis, later to become in- ployed in televiison and motion produced by sunlight, shadows
volved in the Watergate scan- picture productions," the report and leaves within or beyond the
dal, were placed at the murder said. foilage," the report said.
scene by photographic evidence. The report gave this account ACTUALLY, the report said,
The Rockefeller commission of Dr. Oliver's analysis: the foilage shown in the Zap-
also said there is no credible "The impact of such a bullet, ruder film is of a tree only a
evidence showing that the CIA he explained, can cause some little more than 6 feet high,
had any connection whatsoever immediate movement of the barren of any branches or
with Lee Harvey Oswald, identi- head in the direction of the bul- leaves to a height of more than
fied by the Warren Commission let, but it would not produce four feet from the ground. "It
as Kennedy's sole assassin, or any significant movement of the is not reasonable to postulate
with Jack Ruby, the Dallas body. an assassin in or behind that
nightclub owner who soht and "HE ALSO explained that a tree," the report said.
killed Oswald. head wound such as that sus- A similar FBI photo analysis
CRITICS of the Warren Com- tained by President Kennedy showed there is little or no sim-
mission report have long con- produces an 'explosion' of tissue ilarity between former CIA
tended that an analysis of the at the area where the bullet agent Hunt and Sturgis and the
famous Abraham Zapruder film exits from the head, causing a two "derelicts" photographed
of the murder casts doubt on 'jet effect' which almost in- near the assassination scene it
the conclusion that Kennedy was stantly moves the head back in Dallas by police. Among other
shot by Oswald firing above and the direction from which the things, there is a height differ-
to the rear of the presidential bullet came." ence of about seven inches be-
car from a window on the sixth According to the commission, tween the two men in the Dal
floor of the Texas Book Deposi- Dr. Cyril H. Wecht, coroner of las pictures while there is only
tory. Allegheny County, Pa., and a a two inch height difference be-
"It was claimed that the long-time critic of the Warren tween Hunt and Sturgis, the re-
movement of the President's Commission investigation, ap- port said.
head and body backward and to parently has changed his mind. The Rockefeller commission,
the left is consistent only with a "Dr. Wecht testified that the which was charged with deter
shot having come from the right available evidence all points to mining the extent of illegal co-
front of the presidential car- the President being struck only vert actiivties by the CIA inside
that is, from the direction of by two bullets coming from his the United States, expanded it:
University prepared
to leave Willow Run
Csssi~snOtfrm vPage 3)
H 0 W E V E R, the airport's
runways are in a state of disre-
pair and may need some im-
provement if the facility is to
continue operations. Kazenko
pointed out that the cost of any
rebuilding at the airport would
receive two-thirds federal fund-
ing with the remainder being
made up from state and local
Kazenko predicted that the
airport will probably "stay at
the size it is now . . . There is
little sentiment to completely
abandon the airport."
By mid-July, preliminary
findings from the Stanford
study are expected to be com-
pleted and made public.
J O H N Weidenbach, Uni-
versity director of physical pro-
perties, has noted that "consid-
erable concern has been ex-
pressed about the environment-
al aspects of airport use," add-
ing that an environmental im-
pact statement is expected.
Also taking part in the mas-
ter plan study is an advisory
inquiry to include allegations of
CIA involvement in the Ken-
nedy assassination which were
raised by Dick Gregory, Mark
Lane and others.
THE REPORT said there are
several key pieces of evidence
that link Oswald and only Os-
wald to the assassination and
are difficult to dispute. For ex-
A man was seen firing a
rifle from the depository win-
dow, and three employes on the
fifth floor heard the shots. "One
of them testified that he heard
not only the three shots, but
also the sound above him of a
rifle bolt in action and the
sound of empty shells hitting
the floor. All three of them tes-
tified that 'debris' fell down
from above them at the time
of the shots, and they talked to
each other at the time about
the shots having come from
above them."
task force under the auspices
of the Southeast Michigan Coun-
cil of Governments (SEMCOG),
which will review the Stanford
study and make their own re-
This is Kate's 10th
appearance at the Ark
and Anna's third.
They have stunnino
voices and even better
harmonies. Amon the
many fine sonrs they
hovewritten are the
"Work Son" and
"CoolRiver" both
recoded by Ma
Muldur , nd "Hert
Like A Wheel" (the
title Sonq of Linda
Kunitdt d's latest album).
They will be relesin
their own album n
Warner Bros. soon.
the grassy knoll," the commis-
sion report noted.
The report said that a freshly
assembled panel of medical and
scientific experts is unanimous
it its finding that Kennedy was
struck by only two bullets, both
of which were fired from the
rear "and that there is no med-
ical evidence to support a con-
tention that the President was
struck by any bullet coming
from any other direction."
"THEY WERE also unani-
mous in finding that the violent
backward and leftward motion
of the President's upper body
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