The trouble with tomatoes The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, June 11, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 Negative employment plan ALTHOUGH THE UNIVERSITY calls'itself an equal op- portunity employer, the extent of its commitment to equal representation has come under fire in the recent report of the University's Affirmative Action Office. The University has set goals for affirmative action in order to increase the number of women and minorities in jobs traditionally held by white males. According to the report, however, there was "little if any progress made toward the achievement of numerical affirmative action objectives." In many job areas the number of minority group members actually decreased, and the overall percentage of minorities employed fell to 14.3 per cent. Moreover, the stereotyping of women and minorities in certain types of jobs has also continued. At present, women make up 95 per cent of clerical work force. Min- orities make up an inordinately large portion of the maintenance task force, 35 per cent, while they arej underrepresented in the instructional job group, only 6.2 per cent. At the University's payroll window, while males still receive the biggest checks, then minorities, and women take home the least. ULTIMATELY THE HIRING and payment of a given individual must depend on the job and that individ- ual's qualifications for it. This report, however, indicates that the University is making no effort whatsoever to work toward its affirmative action goals. The University's failure to work toward affirmative action goals is not only inexcusable. It is intolerable, especially in light of the current recession which has left extremely large numbers of minorities without any jobs at all. Since the University is supported by tuition and public money, it is ultimately up to the students and the citizens of Michigan to pressure the University to correct these abuses in its hiring policy. By ALLAN MILLER H151AT TINY can of tomato paste you used for tast night's spaghetti probably came to you with the aid of a machine which moves through the fields like a giant insect. The new mechanical 'omato harvester has helped revolution- ize America's ehting habits - making the once-lowly toimato into one of the dominant foods in the U.S. by improving the ef- ficiency of production. Tomatoes werescorned for table use until late in the 19th Century,. ut since then per capita cossump- tion has skyrocketed. Between 1930 and 1974, the average con- sumption of processed tomw-oes - processors take some 90 per cent of tomato production -- has risen from ten to almost 60 pounds per person. California has the lion's share of tomato production. Its farm- ers now grow 78 percent of the nation's tomatoes with a cash value of $332 million in 1974. But farmers, agricultural workers, and nerhaps even con- sumers have paid the price for this increased efficiency. The machine has brought im- mense social dislocation into California agriculture. In fact, the development of the tomato harvester is a case study in the social benefits and costs of me- chanized agriculture. Before the harvester, s m a II tomato growers relied on Mexi- can braceros-- aliens witch tem- porary work permits - and oth- er low paid field workers to pro- vide the large amoun's of abor required to cultivate and har- vest the crop. But the U.S. gov- ernment ended the hrscr- pro- grain in 1964, and the c h e a p 'One grower claim- ed,' the tomato grower has led to increased family stability among farmworkers because now mothers and child- ren can work side by side all day in the field.' farm labor pool dried up almost overnight. Growers, threatened b- t he seasonal demands of a tradi- tionally delicate crop - and by the increasing militance of American farm workers - mov- ed quickly to purchase th.t new- ly developed harvesting ma- chines. But since the average cost per machine was 54S,000, only growers with substantial capital coild afford them. Small farmers increasingly f o u n d they couldn't compee with the harvesters and sold out to larg- er growers. Today's harvesters handle 3lI acres per season - a major factor in the tenfold increase in the size of the average tomato farm. The tomatoes they scoop from the ground were devel :ped in the laboratories at public ex- pense. 'Their thick skins and pear shapes make them much easier to pick than the familiar round, soft variety. Another important s vial ef- fect of this technological revolu- tion has beens a massive shift in the ratio of men and women workers in the fields. During the late fifties and early sixties, 50,- 000 male Mexican workers tilled the fields in Calif'--iis. V.S. field workers were predomin- antly male. But the harvester requires delicate, factory-t y p e sorting operations - and field workers are now 65 to 80 per- cent female. Women are gen- erally preferred as sorters an the harvesting macnines b e - cause of their presumed, upler- ior manual skills. Many children are also em- ployed as sorters, One grower told this reporter: ' The tomato harvester has led to increased family stability among farm- workers because now mothers (Continued on Page 10) Alan Miller regularly covers California aoribusi- ness for PNS. He teaches in the Colleoe of Resources at the University of California at Berkeley. Copyright Pa- cific News Service, 1975. Letters: Inteflex ousts 35 To The Daily: YOUR HEADLINE of Tues- day, June 3 stated "admissions steady" at the University's school of Medicine. Yet, your article went on to deszribe a situation where a decline of roughly 15 per cent in admis- sions at the Medical school has taken place. The University maintains that they do not have the facilities to preserve their present class size, considering the addittiss uf 35 inteflex students to the Med- ical School curriculum. T h e University says that next year they will have the proper faci- lities, but how will this goal be achieved in only one year when, with three years of planning, they have been unable to meet their goal? Inteflex was started by the University three vears ago to increase the number of physic- ians and to process them in a shorter period of time. Bir, all the University tas actually done is cut out 35 spaces from their first year class and then put the inteflex students into this vacant slot. Thus, one of the ini- tial goals of the inteflex p r o - gram of providing additional physicians has bee.a undercut. And in essence pre-med stu- dents who have graduated are competing with stidents w h o were already accepted into the inteflex program three years ago. ALSO, IF this decline in pro- jected enrollnent is no -big deal" as the University main- tains, thea why was tis reduc- tion in class size denied only a few monthe ago by the Meslical school? This reduction means that this year, during a time when there is an increasing demand for physicians, it is even harder to enter a school of medicine. Al- ready the national acceptance rate for students entering medi- cal school is about iit 3, and this rate is even lower in Mich- igan. I feel that the Daily should try to maintain higher journal- istic standards and not simply reverberate the University's pla- cating statements. -Ira Fenton June 9 6o10fH A-ro~w~' w -A ~oaT 1 00Z A S6PFN5 Ks W T©Do A .PARS L3~~W 1k) 79e MASH[AK K W AcSf( CI eRus AJP -OF stesA- s "uOe:C(S G~cc corTCF .I dTOF Z. PAR~' 15c.( ' L. wQ~ ASMCJ XT -S1Xl& .. lAWRDN TO? DO A MSI4 J SO XW5